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Ruby Hooper

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Images sourced from books:

Taken from Empire magazine from the July 1998 issue and December 1998.

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:Advantages to an image being sourced from a book is that they are free at the audiences disposal. They can also be accessed for free from Library’s or borrowed from another person. Another advantage to this method of sourcing images is that images can be found from a long time ago, this is a good way of using old photos, even damaged photographs can be fixed to some extent using Photoshop.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:The disadvantages to sourcing images from books is that the user has to scan the images to create a digital form, this also means the user requires a scanner. Some images do not accurately scan meaning some aspects can be lost, the scanner could also be broken, resulting in useless digital images. It is not always easy to find the exact image you require, it is time consuming. Another disadvantage is that the user is also required to physically search for the image they would like to source. The quality of the image can decrease and the resolution appearing low.

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:An advantage of sourcing using Google images is that high quality images can be discovered to many different sizes. Almost any image can be discovered online making it easy for the user to access when they have internet access on a device. Another advantage is that old images can be found from before the internet was available to thousands of people, making it easy to search for authentic, old photographs. If an image is of a bad resolution, you can put the image back into the search engine and it will come up with the same image but of different sizes.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:Finding an image of an appropriate resolution can be difficult, enlarging an image you found on Google could appear pixelated and be unfit. When browsing the internet, some images may have to be purchased to be used, copyright images can be more difficult to come across than you may think.Another disadvantage to using Google images is that everybody resorts to this source, making it somewhat unoriginal.

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Images sourced from stock image library:





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Advantages of sourcing images this way:The advantages of sourcing in this way is that the images can be easily found. There is also a large variation of images, meaning finding the exact photo you want to use can be available. Once you purchase the image from the owner, it becomes yours to use however you want, be that for personal use or public use. This gives you complete freedom and no worries about legal issues that could occur from attempting to use a stock image without purchasing it.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:The disadvantages of sourcing images from stock image libraries is that the images include huge copyright logos over the main focus of the image, this is difficult to photoshop out. The copyright logo also means the owner wants you to pay for using their images, in exchange you will receive an image that is copyright free and can be used as you wish. If you are caught using a stock image with an edited out copyright logo, you can receive a fine and it could cause legal difficulties.

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:There are many advantages of sourcing from a copyright free site. An advantage is that there are no legal considerations to make, most copyright free websites allow total free usage to the user; meaning it can be used for both personal and public uses. In some instances, a copyright free image can be found in different sizes and a range of resolutions, making it easier to edit images in photoshop or simply keeping a high quality for usage instantly.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:A disadvantage to this method of sourcing images is that finding a specific image can be difficult. In some cases it can be unclear of when the image is copyright free or not. An example of this is if a web designer uses an image that the photographer does not content to being used publically, this can lead to legal issues. Another disadvantage that very specific images can be difficult to come by.

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Images sourced from your own existing images:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:Using your own images is beneficial because they are completely original. You also have the opportunity to create an image exactly how you want to. You have total control and you can uses the images however you want with no legal considerations. Photographing things is really is to do. The vast majority of people have mobile devices that are able to take photographs making it easy to source images this way.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:The disadvantages to taking your own images is that it can be time consuming. Finding accurate things to photograph can be difficult which can cause problems when adjusting the photograph. Discovering the correct subjects to photograph can be difficult, this could lead to sourcing further images from google / copyright free sites to add into your image.

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Processing Images

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Original image:

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Cropped image:

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Scaled images:




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Resolution image:

300dpi for print 72dpi for web

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Advantages of different resolutions:The advantages to having a difference in resolutions means that an image can have the amount of pixels per point changed and adapted to suit the purpose of the image. If the image is to be used in printed form, the quality will typically be higher to give the audience a clearer image. Another advantage to the difference in resolutions is that the image can load quicker if the photo is to be used for internet purposes then the image will be of a lower resolution to ensure it loads quickly for the viewer. A difference in resolution also means a lower quality image will use less storage on the device.

Disadvantages of different resolutions:The disadvantages to having images of a different resolution is that high quality images, like the 300dpi will take longer to load on a mobile device, it also will take up more storage if the image were to be saved. Another disadvantage is that the user may be required to adjust the resolution for the purpose of the image, if a high quality image is used for web purposes, it could take a long time to load and it is also time consuming saving multiple identical images with a different resolution. Another disadvantage is that the user has to change the images resolution if they wanted to change the size of the photo, this avoids pixelation and distortion, giving you a clearer image for the purpose and scale.

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Manipulated image with appropriate caption:

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Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those changes:The adjustments I made to the image are subtle but change the purpose and draws the audiences attention to specific parts of the image, this gives each bolder asset more meaning. To begin with, I cropped the image to eliminate so much negative space. I also cropped the image because then the logo of the top falls centrally making the rule of thirds apply. Because I created a piece of advertisement, the negative space made the image appear aesthetically pleasing but the audiences attention is drawn from the model and clothing they are wearing. Even though I cut out a lot of negative space, I still have some visible in the photo, to bring the model away from the background, which increased the depth of field. I changed the levels to make the background slightly darker, this makes the clothing and model stand out further and it gives them a better shape. By changing the levels it also made the outline of the clothes appear soft which also gave the image more body and variation of tones of white. I increased the darker assets of the image (the brand of the clothing) because this makes it the main focus, the audience is now aware of what they should be drawn to as well as enhancing the colours giving the photograph further colour, by doing this, it also made my image appear less bland, giving the audience more to look at. I darkened the models skin which could have been a mistake but I believe it separates the model from the clothing. I think I could of taken more care as some areas appear patchy and it overall does not look natural. Finally, I added the Calvin Klein logo at the foot of the image because this is what is seen in the majority of Calvin Klein pieces of advertisement. It relates the image to the brand as it is a strong similarity.

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