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.-^M** T^T?^

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* ^ * ^ ^ y » % « f e - * * : * ^ ' , ^ s » * « * *


'mejis turfjJtHlWB that -r^est/ ai^d richest)

. ,, mmomil^m^WA' • i r a O Would say tt^rtMl - " " " " ""~ « y . they ore nd\v TQflJMgM

assortmeritof . . >• *, h*&Jtm

W ^ ^ f l H * t o ^ S t i ^ f f i 8 B ! • Iwbrfc which will be f p u n e » y ) W M ^ i S D O p s L h e r e t)>e Ladies. c ^ . S d t A ^ A P ' P ^ ' , A ft'H»Volt of STAPLE B S f e S ' W ^ D M f f f ^ 1 ! ^ ftt tW» e\tablishme,n,t at Igwar'f/itelih&itipty ythe'r oonqc'rn Id Oswego county, y<*£mmm\mw a'numbor of. ma&^uqturers, All

swt#J»JitfflSi^pAlIAe'1<led, and eboapefthatt, f&JU!$

Jd/GwdSfljigfiW* Wttl'Sqll ' ^ h ^ p ^ ^ A Y t l l ^ a S

wealtyayjj, fef*.that,,flji Sugar; a a i M t J g g . » V T ^ fur Ssj y^hio)i'sll.}.ariift beat&Xr^v tlBiigfih taw-ii.'

taken to exchange, for,'G^gcja,' j fc1 liqftral rt\e.s.

# M A

•.ffiffliiti: HI

Q" ~ T S K E S ' o f a l l - M u d s , such, as ' KttJAJj^-


fall' prices, at teiitwodKS.

: G L O # m i N G , at lower pSs lhanfanTefp i i i iSe i s f 'VheTO.a t , , „ , , . ,C&*-VW>oiws & Munnocus.

- j g5ocu5_sa i^La lMfc j iy i .and SCJIMEK

muAWLs,wife»^g|.w & M;BD0-C

A K P E T I N & / M A T T 1 N O and OIL CLOTH, at , ' t ' . CltAWFOJlPS .&. MultllQCIi. '

*%- ' "•:•••• i , ? ' CRAWFORDS & Muimocus,,,.

T-)ARASt)tfe,,.of eie>-y s.tyle., at " '. ,JT i ' i . . - . / 1 " , eitAWI'OBDS & MUBDOCK. •

: " ^ L $ C K l S and LoblCI XG GLASSES;, a very large '%J lot, viiry cheap, at CBAWFOMIS & Mtinpot-Bs.

• il ^^^:Mft¥f[.

of everV'desoft^ffifhi ' 'Hfr^Sfof^mlirsieis evfefy new style of gottds hi thetltnVujrd; WtU he sbldWy.lovy, Lodie^are iuvvted tp calK ' ' ! * , . ' ' • ' . \ ' '

"• 'pj-thof-the r o o w ueretpfor'e


[SlAmlbi)' Wagtms, jBuggiis-^nd Sleighs-,'. double' and single, iqade of gum! nid'terials and w i t h e besl manner, whicli lie yvill sell'Very low.- Ue.is pre.-pared to ihake to ord.fi.r aii.Y arti^la-in his line of bufii-riess. and warrab{ed to give s.ati.slaction-, ' I t E P A I R -1NG done oh short nofic'e; An examination of his \tork and prices is solicited: C. C . H A R M O N .

Pulaski, April,20,185*.,.. .: , 32

•awhiBii «J*s

one ofthe<LAB'GJilSffiaatU)es&d(lcted'stoctaflfc

O R O C ^ R J E S A N b P F t O V ' i a r O N 5 , ever before offered in this market. T^JjtiUjna; it i)A-neoessary to entunera,1e .articles irt If "stock so large and varied, they would roerejv &av tlfat i t consists}<ftf $@*EXEHY ' I 'Hl lva .USgA.LLVKIi l 'T TN Tf'lE TUAOE. all of wh|ch is ejitireK tl^y aiyd Iresh, has hecu o-.relullysdeotW. a)ldpi<rcha«^J with cash, a.nd will be suldfor mstt'da. KKi(pi vtii, either by t i e

1 | pound ot pacliajie, at prices tliat will very favorably -; TSnipa-reJiJi^i.thHsa'pf a,pj( ptljer hquse in tli^ section

of the country.., An.oxuHiinatiqn of'floods and Trifles and a share' of'Vtttrouageis respectfully solicited.

. Z ^ i ' t f A K i p H t ' S PllODrfQIS, LUMBJ5R atid SHTN-GLBij 'd.oiisidered same as casts.

'• SELUEI* & STUXMAIVs ' Romcs3Taroh lyl'854. •' My. *T. N. KftLLOGG, lbo'B.end-fiivorifbJv know" in 'this section, (forme"!y witH. Bwsefl &'Leonard) will"ba'foun.d a t fl is^bove sture, liitppyto wait upon his old frienjs and customers, ... . !$;.

' lt^—_ i ^ *



* Ajrtists-.'(P!nSa»(..^ , , .

B'teavings, cnlof-eriri'&il,' f; ' " <f|}gg|; ' ' ..^?,fl P'"t« Engm^ft'gfiJ J- .V' <J$4t> Lonoajor ISCr-aowB easlj %g6'Kl!l8tato. • . 5s, ;.'•

- - y .._. 'Fa^ai;?l550,000. yijo American AyfisSTTfriipn, KvfmM ret-

sD^j,tfu)ly at)iioii,i>ge ta-il|,9 (J.j>,izai)d qf tlie Unito4_ .Sljrtes and il\o Car ta(^ ' ibpt^br the pyj-po'so r»f the atfvnnccniflnt and extension of the Pfl'ff .4r^)J,?tnd.wiih'n;vjovp- ofenijblfegr ovefy TaiiiW., ,tlt|Q)iglio»t thS rig.tb (in'cl.broadtkflf Iho Vantf tcrbtj&omo poa.aeWd of a .golletjr-.-of pictures rn4'5fy'at-thon!.;ilie"vVoHt of aia.stei> minds, mi firiajly, for ths'.pufrjofeO'Df giving' tj'wprtd wide iCJrpulAlfon trt • •• ,7 , , . (>:'., . • ,

Barley's Gr#lP||5^itc <Jt#pa«Jlig*;. ft$hvf have dsiarrrji-n.od.U>.disttibnto.nTOoiig(

^' t-tio. purclinsocS^i'f^bte v)«irk,-Prio«' StliQO, 2Wt^ GIPTOj;>0Ium)tt&.6F-^5©,O00.' '. ".'LijST pi' GuFisi;—^»^W 'iS(a.tuarjr,;f40,0(}p.

_„ , , . W'lSI^S

i E w x i j t p r CjJji

A, MpNtfflS™


terns, wTthflt t b ^ f t r a w M j a i § | M | W t e f a m tion, wbi6lt, la)lstlitel/y]lfv- , ' '- i '!it- ««-^»-^-' '^ii-->-.i hej-etof '• " " ' ' *' j iukd . ,,, , -».ww.ijra"TOia-7"-« • - ' i w - ™ -t h a ^ ® r f l t r a B 3 f l t r a f 2 ^ | i » | S ^ ^ ted l'ivffii^i(1"Jil- WusgsJ^elli W«S> taiifeiir' ad qiember •-1 *'•'• ' ~ " J 1—»us i-is. -u *»._ qidAfn'rld a olieikiiit. and a'lra'velei-. Jflte iCiipa'M'an?'la»a»

M # & e | 4 P |

qooupteaifjtfianieibiillftnJg. • , y-tOVsy. May,.l,-18^;i , .', , ,-

' Ipa^^gjufeg Mthe, mMon I '/iS jus t rBtprned ft .«g?i^e w Y0!'11. with a lafge

^ - . i s t e o U q f l i O O T S . « H ' O E S f a r surpassing.ayy ^tWWSriivlQUSTiui'cbasJis and- composed W all • tlie .n»bst;bejOtitifill,a»*i:ieaH'»ad fa-vorife styles eyftmt. He .lioS-^nVoonisiaei'afil&vtim'eXn exapiining Aiti-puj:'-.oliitsinl;? and flatters hlnisolf thatft better stock, when tulcSn iplcioim.ection witHibe present Heavy stock of

. hjs/owhr m^pj^fabtijre,.. ca.nnot.be found-otito^ New

Xoir.k,l':;..i ' ' " . " . " • . • JHSfisiofferihg-.a better and / larger stock of Bqpts & .ghoes.-tlian could Ordinarily lie offoi'ed in a, plme of ,tj)i« size,; but by doiiig so he is offering .inducements .cto_;th.e!]P«ople'Of -Pulaski and all the surrounding w .thai-ijrjH |.etfure. a large trade an,d mutualy beiieh .customers and himself, for people vriH .trade whi they, can,And the greatest? variety ..and, the lowest .e&r That place is Teckhams. Ho keens, as gijeai iviriety as can be found in an j Cit j Retail Store and less,th9n city^pnees. -.. A' gooaVShare-df liis w&rk is manufactured "at home" DJ experienced workmen.

• : • •• V.aJ.o spsraa ui&!DiESs», _Ji,.jyi- PECIU1A JLwopld'respectfuHy pall your at-• teulion tp'WJnsTffgnWc^n^oclrof Ladiefribie- iJoots.

iSi-Shoos consisting iti part-of .' ' ' .,,. Ladles .fine; Ssktin'l?ranbais Gaiters—a largo lot and

great Variety, at-.p,rioesa:(ing.ing from .$1,23 to $2',25, , Ladle's Tuu Cplored Gaiters,

" -libeled . . : : . • ." ' ' , "Congress ,- • '• , , . . . - . . . ,

" «Kid^Patentand phainelled-leatherBuskins , . AtOTipqs from 00 cents to g 180,

" ',. j y a Slippers, ••''' •-' Sontag, -Alboni & Jenny Liud Buskins, ••' " '",- •' . •' Boots,.

. ,- ' . , ,-K-idyTjatent and Enajnotled-lejyhor' Boots, botl^£(nlc*ah(l front Lace from 9s. to l;is.

Sliises Black'and Colored Gaiters—great varidty, \ ' . v- • ,Leather Boots and Buskins—''all kinds.

ChfldrcSis JSluc-k and Colored Gaiters, ". • '*2-^__Fanc.y -Shoes.-"^B^rotees, & c ,

-ctmsiut'uurbf gOoTn^rentstylte from Is. 0d to 75 qts. Of Ladies, Misses and Childreus' coarse work he

has ft large variety.

,'....^ii^TiPSiaiaiJissg-p',-. - • T O M fefilVEj^f^^0%^yttnt.a-splendid-jjroadwayr Button or itidrtop- Congress Gaiter, or a fine Calf or Btioksltin Boot; pr a Kip Root; py a good solid stbga Boot; in short iiny-BootSboe or ©aiter—do you know where to.got it?., jrostrof you do for you have had. them of P'ockbam befope-,--"i'd.t?for the benefit of the uninitiated we: will agairt,call attention to the beauti-?ul styles unci un|iarajleled assortment of Boots and Shbes'iiow'on exhibition and selling off rapidly at

POTTO,;.JM. 6 STONE BLOCK, l'DLASEI. . Gentic$ienr make up your min'cls what you' will have and go there and get it—its there; Atbpng hosts of

.btlier boots and shoes we Will tell you of some of the fashionable styles to b,e seen therer—

G^niS 'CJlbth atjsi-,Patent Buttbrr GoPgress Gaiiers, ,-..'' a very fashionable.,arid- beauiifutihbig.--for-

spriiig.and s'uinnier wear, •"' . Cloth MdPa^tijnfCongress Gaiter wifliout

'Button,' hlacit.,<irabanditan. color, " . Mohterevs, enamelled and . patent wjth

,' Brd,nzo-tops, ' ' " ' . Offfcrd! Ties,

'V EliaipiTIo'djiad patontBorgans, . " ' " . ' ' ' , ' • ' . •. * " ' Congress gaiters,

" •• - • t ^ H ^ '£ tPp"£j°ngress"and button gaiters " .' .Calf •wiiil.buclt stub-toe boots and brogans,

Boys'itoutereys,,; " Bn'abielled (irid patent brogans,

Youths, , " " • Mofttereys,

and a large st'Ocjc of all kinds o'f bdot3 and shoes, 6oarse.and4he'., Pulaski,-jfay 1, iSa-t: ,

185* Fashionable E&tA- 1854 A. H. STEVENS,

HAS received from the most .extensive New York dealers •' , ' •

j " - F A S J I K l I i B L E EJ1TS7 -•ttf-tlreliitestsSprfng styles, which, are equtil in qiiali--ty aiid finish, and will l>o suld as low, as uny tliat can be purchased elsewhere.

])uri"o.g the season, he will keep on hand a , , ,la^ge and.full assortment of ;.'

PanUnta,' Leghorn, Strata and Patm Leaf hats, tosetlw-r with every Sjtyle and tiuality of caps, for tne,n and-hoys wear. - -

Intending to keep a bErjrfr ancS choice assortment of al! articles in his Hue, lie snlicitH the patronage of citizens "of Pulaski and adjoining towns.

Pulaski, April V&, 1854.

8 T E A R N S ' S A L O O M . . v -

NEXT l>OOt t NORTH OF T f l K . P O S T O T F I C R , P U L A S K I . Open from 7 A. JM. to U P. M.

X ^ S S K OYSTERS* Pickled Clams, Lobsters, ( 1 8 5 4 - land Tongue, Pies, Cakes, Salad, Fruits of jViTgl^V' all kinds, Figs , Kaisius, Confectionary,

oer. Cigars, and in the season, Oranges, Lemons, ^aches, Pears, Berries, Soda "Water, Lemonade, Ice W m . and the various articles to be hud at^jalqons [ the large villages, will be served^ up To- tbtsTJest

ntanner at- this establishment. Also ftir salcu-large \ Variety of Toys and Fancy Articles. 'l^ankful for the patronage he has received he sp-

liclf^its oontinaaufe, and will spare no effort to sat­isfy customers. " -' L- STEARN.S.

Pulaski. Apr i l l 2,1854. ' . 30 .

T ill-'. Subscribers Have |)uri:!msed the Oil Mijl in this %illago, anil will rnapufiirture and £anslaritly

have on muid the best quality of

ft'iMce^/ OiL, Boiled or Raw, which they yill sell at vvbolesjde or_jatailAt_th«>4ew-

.'estpwoes- VnrclmseTs vvlll find it advantageous U> deal wjth thAi, anil thus jirocure a pure article, ra­ther than to bar-chase tlve ndultcratoil Oil* ftum the city. Oi l Meal and (3ll "Ciko for.so.lei

FLAX SEED A N O - S T E M ; _ wanted, for wli\cll the highest price In' basil Will be imiif

Opposite StanwLc Jiatt.Qd doarffom, Cimtvl Bridge.

W oliavys in Sto'fe 'thelafges't'.stSck,of goods to,, befoundiii-tRiVyis1nJiy,,'",ft!.,vVhicjn we Invite-'

the attention of.tho\Vbc)les,a)i tititolid^et; believing we can offer hiduci'iiifents .s'tytarlpr to hiafly .In; •tho &me' trade, axi'ii iinter'ior t'> .npnii..,' J'J,\^,_, .', .

'Our purbhases yVere n^otvly made at r ince r ruling -jifeviiriis to "the .late-l-W in all-liihdsof Groceries, vviliich enables us til.flffeJ s^i.p.QrioraiiduceuientS'.to the,, t r a d e . • • • , ' .

We hbfie' thosb coming-in .town will call and exaru-.o,e our Stock and. Prjfces bo"tp're purchasing elsevvhere. and judge from observation of our clai'ins..upon their confidence and patronaget We liave' and will keep in constant supply a large fltpckof alUhe-.following articles, a t whoifcoale aiid retail. Our stock con­sists in pai-tof , . . . - , 180huds. &. bbls. Cru'slied. Pitly'ferized, Granulated.

Coffee and Krolvn Sugars; 30 hhds. t b b l s . embracing eyiry-vaviot-Ji-of Moltisst-

(•s, aiid Syrup. > '• '^-l 12000 gallu. Winter strained .Oil. 250 packages .Te,as, all 1,-Jnds, Old-and Ypung HVson, Imperial. Gunpowder, Tvrankay, "Oolong, and Sou.

choni! nini'liTeafs. enihracrng ail sliar'es, 80 hogs CofTe, all sorts. Old and (ji'een Java , Mar. (caibo, lflo, Laguira^ SS.t. Doiningo^Cape, and Bahia. 500 lloxes Window Gliss, sold uUfactory prices.

10 " Cavendith''J'ohaoco—some'superior, 20 bbls. Fine Cut and Snicking Tobacco. . 60 •' Pure Cider Vinegar; 30 doz. Bed Cords and Coils Hope. 75 boxes Excelsior Pearl . Corn and Common Starch.

2800 lbs. pure ground Pepper, Spice, Cinnamon, (.Moves and Kotnicg^i.

2gposs Dunlcee'-s Bakiiig powders. 1000 lbs. superior Carbonated Soda. 200 boxes Sperm add .Muulu\.GandlfiS..-. ISO do Shaving,Toilette,Fancy,Krasive& IlardS'oap. 100oGros»Gates''Mdtch'es.20 kegs Ginger. SOOOlbs-. Ground Coffee, l 'bbl. Cloves. ].50liox6sot ltasius. iOOlbs. Qream of .Tartar.

Herring. 3?00 Seamless Bans. ' 300 kegs of Kitils. -l)04)oxe*-*f- P-rpes-. — :J00 bbls.' S i l t 200 Jiis. fndigOi • 40,000 CigaTS.-,20 boxes Castile'Snap. 3000 lbs. Siljeiratus.

fly of all the


^ ^ r - T h e suhsuri'ierS will fhritiih seed and contiiict. fir the crop of nnv numher-iif ac.rcS of flax; olid .wili hire from one to\\vo iiuhdred acres of, land in..good 'ordet for a flax crofi. Rliould the se-i. Q,h be propitious this will be the must profitable-cfbV) grown.

„ A," H. CO'Lf.ISS. Pulaski. April W. l f e t . •_ A_ M, DUNCAN _

E I ? O - M l J M O P F ASUX6'lff! . W I L L I A M J U ' N E '

HAS, receijed n -fims stock of CLOTHS and the

-SPUING FASHIONS nhd is now ready to make to Order Uentlemens Gar­ments of nil kinds, in the best stjle. He has rich and Uioujy,-^ well as more cheap Goods.

"IJIv.VDY M A I > i : C C O T n t K G on hand as usual, and sold lower than at any other Store in to\vu.

,. ..CvTTfXtf attended t o n s usual.. His old customers, and n<* many nevf ones as want

'Glotliins Olieap are invited to coll. -He contiulies the ready pay system.

Pulaski, April 5,1554.

0\) - i i i . i l '"Hi*

100 quintals Codfish; 6O0 His. €4iistft.--00 bbls Pork,. 1200hags I>iary. Skit; WOdox. Brooms'. y0 bags Shot. 18 do'i. Cans Powder.

&3~ We have vlso in.itoro a largesu following, articles:— "Epsom and Gladher Salts, Pickles, Pu t ly , Black and Scotch Snutis, Sweet Oil* Maekerel, hard, Starch Pdlish, lirovvn and Line j Twine, Mu->tard, Rice, Oun Caps; Fi^h Hooks A..JMnes, Placer iMuccaroiii. ^^er^^ieeHi, Tapioca, Cimphor, Sal soda, M'hips, Bird seeds. SaltpelejvAUim, Also^_ Almoiidsj_Tilbi'r'ts, BraiilKut-H,-iiiighshrryTtrriu"s7" Pea and Pecan Nuts, Shelled Almonds,' Figs, Prunes. &c, , Fi re' Criekcrs". British Lustre, SIUIB Polish. Blacking and Brushes. Annatio. IIeCker's Farina. Pearl Barley, Chocolate, Cocoa,. Pails. Tubs, Wooiien Howls. Mop Sticks. ' Wash Boards. Clothes.Bitis and Cloiles LineSi Measures and Flour Boxes, Garden Seeds, Humiiiel's Kssej-ic"roJ Cuffce, Foolscap, Letter, Note and WrappiugPaper,Ink". Envelopes. &c.,-ckc. Stone Ware, and many other articles not enumerated.

?3- Of TABI.E"& POCKET CUTLEJlU we have a good supply, direct from the 'Manufacturers, aid Shelf Hardware generally, and at low price, ..

K L O U K A S U S U A L , Wfe lve<*pa larjre iStocli b f S t a t e aiwl t i ene»eo . ; also,

Ol i io and M i c h i g a n ; aird are at-al l t i m e s prt*pnreil to • fill o r d e r s to any atnt>*iiiit iif-uallv ca l l ed t'urSn thi^

M a r k e t , a t t h e very lowes t p r i c e s . All i:nn re ly up<ui h a v i n g any O r d e r s w i t h \vliic they m a y fa.Vor u.*-, a t t e n d e d to w i t h pro inptnesa n r d fidelity.

?Jg- C?noti„s pMrchased ot tis will he de l i ve r ed a t Ihe C a r s o r £s h ipped i>v C a n a l I ' rce oi* C h a n . ' e . .

R O V E , M a r c h L'Oih l « o t .


Al lErtdwdeceiving a t theh i VARU5TY STORE ,oneTdoor-?Jortli of the Stone Block, Pulaski, a

lafge and fresh aslbrtntent of Spring G(^01)S, adap­ted ;f.o t(ie \vapts of,the inhabitants, ,ofi,this section of the-ooiyitylj. ' " " " . ' ', ". •-

Tjreir'Stock embraces all, styles of .'WoDlenS, F lan­nels, "fw.eeds.-eassiniel'es, Broadcloths, Satinets, & c , •— alsoj,.* full supply of Domestic Goods.

Tba'LADIES.ivill find an .excelleiit assoHment of Silks, Satln's,'*Ca,mbrfc'9, Ginghams,' Mdlls, Mnslins, XJloves,'Hbsiery,a«a^Bpots, Sliqes, Gaiters, Slips, &c.

Dj.sTi.6rt, their'Store is emphattcqlly «• VARIETY S T O R E ; Theyihttve ev^ry-thtti^'.dohsum'ed or used In a Family, and.-as th&yhave.."tafceh extra pains to buy low.'and tb jurdhass gdbd.articles, thdy are con-lident they will bb able to give sa'tuliJJcabn both-as res-.pobts good'sund.pricesi Puloslji; jkay i , 1854. j .

., . - ' ." •''—7^-.T~T.--~^--'V- . « •

M3^bilxet a n d Chaff ftittait ittl ' .e i *•- • • THANKFjpt.for libef-ll patron-

Sage heretofore bestowed, I would in1

^ , , - j ' fd rm tha public that 1 anV- at the old >&rfd, t'e'RdV tp. supply all who may call', yviiha great Variety ofTbB^l'iraniP. Having, for .tha'pas't'tvVentv '^iglit yittrs been.enjtaged in the abov? businessi I feol •coh'fiaent, witk the facilities possessed/fiball can sup­p l y all those In want of good articles, on m.ore reason-tible terms thau A-ny1 other establishment, in.th'is sec-

' l o n i , , ; , . > ; . - J , , CiEO. GtlRLFJY.

_ . • -- Merajtiife. ' ,'. J r p H E subscribers" ijre agS'nls for the Brownville X S^lo¥atea.cOm^ahJ,raittf ;ivil] sell at wholesale or-

^ t a i l a4lo*W> as ctfn be";puVchbsefJ at tfie factory. "6? , , • . . " , ' " A N 0 6 T . t & HEMPSTEAb

•of every-variety^ fr lowest priceil article *

. P A P E R H A N G I N G S -ufsonifci < *ne-lHmretl--d4frerent-fift'-t^rfis,-embraeliigLlhe_ finestand tighest, as well as the cbeapest.

L A W Y E R S AND J U S T I C E S BLANKS , of all kinds, Pens, Pencils. Arnolds and other Inks, Drawfyig Paper and B lard, Sheet Music, Fishing tackle, Fancy Baskets, a n d A very large assortment of Fancy Articles, for sale a t the verv lowest<prioes..

S. "H. MEACIIAM Pulaski, April 13,1854r •

t* PtEfets^TCamage Factor^. ' T% L. INGERSOiL, keeps onl tandarid manufac-XV« tures to-order qve'r.y.variety of Carriages,. Wag* bnsapd Sleighs^, which he warrants as fecommended, knd vylll sollTjir-as fffirb^rjbl'e'iefhts as can be obtaihea feiseVwherd. " ' - . . - . • i

tifvery Stable^ feiBfelt'& CRANDALL, thankiu i foi past foyor i.. would say to the public tlutt'stil i keep , HOftSES-AND CARRLV.GES TO L E T

"tit-tlieirstand on Jefferson strne'f/

' ' K ^ b ^ e o m i t t g , why doii't you . '-'".' come along?"

t r t O K -WtTRDOCE HAS J U S T RECEIVED— J- -Igiistof fiifch's Shoulder Braces;

, J . jgwS.Wjtdh's Supporters: laaygegris'tof Fitoltls Medicines of all kinds,

Besides;every, other niedi(iibe'.iji.tbe liiibwn vvorld. Ca l t a f id j eea t ' - ' . ; ' ..'MiJlfTJO^QE'S Drug Stof.e. ;<

^^^WSiM-^^1 »»^0^ along?" 3" i ' ' '"cl '"' ' " "" "' lis'whioh

l a ro

PULASKI BOOK STOEE." N E W and lari!B»tockj)f Rthool, Jliscellaneoi'is A

value, Magazines, &o received as soon as published,

aiid Gift to the' PAPER" AN!) CAI!J)S,

from, tlie finest Satin a


sl Groceries and ProvisionSi

U G A l i S . S I R U P S A K U . i l C L A S S E S , p ices . F r u i t s , S i l e r . i t n s , S t a r ch , T e n s , Coffee. Choco la t e

Codfish, Alaoksrel , B u t t e r a n d C h e e s e , . .,-• P o r k . H a m s , L a r d ,

L ! i m p a n d Linseed Oil-i. '1 a l l o w , P . d r y . C o m m o n and T.'ible S a l t ,

F L O U R by the ban-i 1, ball* or q u a r t e r ba r re l , S u d i anil ("opinion Cracke r s , who le sa l e andTet t i i l ,

P o t a t o e s and o t h e r vegetables , G r a s s S e e d a u ' l Garden Seeds,

and a c o m p l e t e a ^ o r t m c . i t of G r o : e r i e s , P rov i s ions , Oonfec t iouar ies . ' i c . i ; c . all of the be*r. ona l i tv and •lowest p r ices , a t N O R T O N & F U L L E R S .

Marcb .8 ,1 - J51 . ' 25

lOi?>lBg«utbu-s^^#^^,n^"i,^lflP"iflftiJCro-l-to l "" '• "'. ftlny, : -"' ' 100, 10,000'-1O0-" " " . 'vVc.lisWfj''" ^ -3004 10,000 }pf « " ;. i g.l>'tVrfH v ; -(0Qc/d,rjoo' ,QihPainlinrfs q>id-'$£fr&"$jeiel •Briyr'apin.ffs. SO'-jlegbiH Oil Pttin.l,ir(i4s'ip.SlpH'.,?7ouoh,'5>ltOO '"•i'-did gilt traOTM/tste'eia'-ft'^-ft. £ MOO |00- ol6gunt Oil Paantit}^>;2:J' '3,'' ft -"'aeh, ®S0 •f: •>-• ^ ..<••• ';••- r , ^ ; ' . AM$ 0flO stool plate Enpravhitjs-f.b.rilftaritty- opiorod

-.'Jn oil,.rioli gilt f'ruiij6s", 3<i x 30in. da'. "SSIO. ••p. • • -,.-, : , " fs.ofitt iO.OOO, t'lejrartt (jteel p l u t o E ' i g r n ^ i n g l , oolordd"

i « o i l , o t ' t h o Wdstifligldn fylouumjml, SO x ! f 26. qae t i , ' i4 ,^$40,000

, . 237,000 stool plate- Entrravinfjs, from 100 dlf-L | " s ft>rent plates, now in pnasbeAion of, and

' owned hy the ArLisIs LJnidtj;-of the ma^lte-t value of, from 50 ct's to 1.00, e a c h , $41 ,000

IldBl listftta, $ 8 4 , 0 0 0 . , 1 elngant Dwel l ing , in 32d s";. in N ; Y. c i ty ,

' • ' !gl^,0/)0 23ibiiiUlinjr lots in 100 nnd 101st s'ts. N . Y.

•ci t j , ctfofr23 it 100 ft. deepj «nel> $1,000' : ; ' , • . " , -S23,000 100 Vi]laSitofi1-fiorrtamrn{f*6aoh 10,000 s q . f t .

in tho suburbs ol Ne-w. York i i i ly , and uoin-maiKlino a magnificent view iif 'tho l i u d - , son River and L o n j Island S'nundi o!wri, ©500, ' $50,00 J

L o n n s o f C a s h , $30 ,000 . SO loans nf uash , for 100 yrs e a c h , without in­

te res t or soonritv, 250 each, $ 5 OOQ 5 0 " " " 100 '• 5 0 0 0 -100 " ' " " 50 " 5.000

i 2 5 0 " " " ' 2 0 " 5,000 ! 2 0 0 0 " '•. " Sr- ".. 10,000

T h e holder of caoli t iekot is.ontit led, first* to a s tee l plate eiifrrnvi'no;. (#izc 25 x 30- in.) ol ' t l io • Great Amer i can Historical W o r k of Ar t ,

- - WYoseireh A copy of which may bo seen at tho nfficn of

t h i s paper, and .--eoond, to ono of -tlie 230,000 Gi'fte, wliich \Vill bo dis t r ibuted i>n the comply-' l ion of the salo of tho t iekols .

T h e piiroliasor of 5 lickett'., on the roeipt of h is order, will ho fortvnrdod enrefnlly packed e i ther one copy of t h e " W y o i r t i n g . " nloiriuidy' pa'ltHed in nil colors , or one copy of the " W y o - . rnirjg," plain, and one enpy of ou'oh of four nth-e.r 'engfralings, c-rjiiul to it i">_,yjjjj!'e._iuid U cn-•titbrdTO 5 f,'fftS"."" TTie purehaser of more than 5 ticket*, can have (lis. .choice out of iOUdif-v ferent suhjoi'ts.. from steol plirtos owned by the Artistsj1 Union, eiieh picture heinir in value oqivivalent to the "Wytimtiii."",'' and is enti t led

, to otic jrift for each t icket lie ho lds . A iist of t h e subjects cuu bo s^eii at tho office o fdh is paper . .

Agents , Pe r sons des i r ing to become A g e n t s fortlie- salo of t i cke t s , by forwardino- (post paid) $ 1 , shall be sent a Gift T icke t a copy of YVyo-tninsr. and a. ,naispoetus, co- tainirigJUl .noiiiss.T

"BTy ii)for.mnttoii. It is cdnfiiii'iiily believed, t h a t tho t i c k e t s

will "bo dispoiied ofj by ttio fin t of July, when' t h e distribution of Gif ts \WI| be cntrust.-d to a C'ominitteo aripointed liv the Ti ' -kot holdfi.s.

T h e steel plates from which the Engnavino-s .aro p , : inled. can hi; seen at tho olfic'i of the Ar t i s t s ' Union nnd Cost gi l00,000. Hpeeimeiis Tit'tho Oil Pulnii-ii^s and Enjjravinrrs, aro also on view at llie rooms ,

Rnfereucos', in r e g a r d to t h e proper ty . \ V . C Cnrrel t^Esq. .Coj .msnl luc.at . L a w . 10

W a l l S i . N . Y. F . J* Visschor ' ik Co- R e a l fcwito llrokofs. SO- Nassau St . , N V Y .

Ajl oTfJerj for t i cke t s , ninsl be addressed post-paid, vviih the money enclosed, to

J . \V. H O L B R O O K E . Wee. ' 505 Broadway, N e w York.

THIS is ft valuable and^t i -e^ lKf i l^kr i in t oxpeo-lorantciunuosed6Tiii"gre';li(»rl#|tWll;"."V:«getab!e.

' ' - -4fed'?ofhv, M u W e * t y - s p ' ! e d l l y ih"i,hi'gb1yeoii.c''infra.tfed' , , . , _ _ , ., . . remove al.l CukL. Qunglis, Astllnfrt-' B>b^ |h1t i^ loar ,-nesY-Puin in tlie S i d e ^ H t p w K w f i o t j i m j S o W h , .Croup, Influenza. OifHwU Breathing tvtftl ^xpedl^riV-

asiibrding in direotious, it ubver fails'to' efRioi'^jJvftj',-'andma-y b'e. taken- with perfect 'tafefy .b? ."yS^n^M-i

o l d , ' ' . . . , - ' - , " . . ' • . - , - ,"•- • • The Balsam of Fir Paste n,vtiy be.itsed o'tjiflCtitqft:

'\YlJen evei- there Uj hoarsonuss, tickl.ltjg \n he yiro.a},. brdiTi'jglntift.' It vtilfroiniivo thahOaW'oness ui-ft very I -Ibw uiuiiite.s.increast! the pioM'rtttid'ficxlbflity . f the,' voice, and assist, in sinftinu or speaking morft-'cleaVlV and distinctly. In Chrjnic Cbutshs, i t ha s had tlm "effect to relieve « hen many 'popular Cdujh Medi­cines of tlie day have failed,

Tlie Balaa.m'of I'.irlias lougbsen knftwn and'justly esteoriied foi-iU s'nlntupy npcraliou in all cuseii.of Luhs Complaint. Sinco it was offered to tliejiublid' in this foi'ui, it has met with a success tar OxccsMing the ex[)eoiation of the 'proprietor; Certificates and testimonies of its bene fi'c-inl etfectaafe be.ini? constant­ly received, a few of which we lay. before the public:

NORTH ADAMS. Dee. 31. 1S.VJ, We. thiTundfTsigned,having made use o f D r . ' B ^

'Ifdrman's Balsam of Fir Paste, oumel^es or in our-families, are ol opinion thai it isji Rood medicine ant! well adapted for the relief iirCT'OglSTTIoIds ivnirilie-" various Lung complaints fur.which it is recommen­ded



iot even t h o , . e d s s r ^ # « B h : e JStfxir axe as it av^ 'V v?HllM*"ifeeht:b to B't 0n1y'r6iniTvBi'TOe^i8l^g|p5©rS,]fv I

.,-.,,->. -'uardagniit. •'There are itiaby;, p.eirlM^,

yiei'roori3titutions,ihat);'|if^ jttt.Miach of -tneKli'ehr E e y S r " '"" " " ' deals iVIth ih

that femble';mffij who have so' #fjltJd:,v<R lliink-theinselve^ b e ¥ S not even tho.-e-dsSpjfitW' ease ' • • • ' • ' - • • •'-•-• •' -ho'

KEiiu'itD'TnK:itjtoitii5»(ibHft!STi'rOT!0tr..'V' - -~Xbe.deraug8H»nt8 M-the.^^!nsV:lea'diiig--tb-ni<r^-yous diseases, and tbe - i i i rn^p^S 'h t f s '& 'ease ifs'ffu iVrasonumorous t h a t U viidu«#ftilWT~»'-CuTumV t-

to causes, kB"d*"il' but ' ' "


Ivra-.tus 1.. Cl j« , v ' II. II. Nichols, FJ..<?ol!rrove, L - M . T.* Ifn'oitibl'ifham, II. v . IV,'"- !'. ' •?'«-•• 7-'H'.

' Jlov. It. t;,iart.oriii W. M. Mitchell, A. .1, Ail,en«. A. II. .Morris, J. K. Koucrs. (,'hnrles .Vluori.-

• G e n . Lyman II'Ul. f->.W. MeF.lviivln. VVe„ t|ie uuderw^tiiMl, Pliyiieions. • hiving 'been

made acquainted with thjs..ar.tii;li'.; usi'il in the mn'na-1'aetiiv.e oi'Dr. I-'., Nurmau's lialsaxn of Fir'l'aste, would recommend them as a well prop^rioutfd""iuedioi-ne, and adapued for the relief ol t'.ic many and .various complaints of tho .Lhngs,

ISTVC llodres. II. P . Phillip--, William II. Tv 'er . Elillu S.'IIawkes,

' J . W.Bneklrv. C..U:TION-BF.W..U;i!()I.VC'OIJN^ERFJlTS I f l , , m ,oalformat;i„n o r s t r i c t u n r P d i a e n s e s i t M s ^ ^ . 4 -


HAS tho largest assojtment of Stoves. Hardware. f a n s , &c. ever offered for sale in this place.— ' —r-

Stoves, Tin and Copper "Ware, EYERX-YJirh-tv of Cook, Parlor nnd Plate Stoves,

Russia and Amerrelvn Stoye^Pijiej.. . ' Nails, Glass. Sash,

Sap Pans a-nd ^ap Buckets. Farming Utensils of all kinds,

Dairy Pans, Pails and Vats, Cbain, W.e-11 and Ciitern Pumps,

Eve Troths, Conductors.Leud Pipe, • ^ Stove Trimminjrs. ofrron. Tin and Copper. Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron Ware of all kinds always onhitnd, warranted all rigid, and at the lowest price.

#SLT Repairing and Jobbing well.and prnnrrAiy--.ioiie, al low priees. NORTON &.:FL"LLERS.

Pulaski'. March «. 185-1. " 2i"r

Farmers and Dairymen will do well to give him a c'all before buying elsewhere. His stocU-consistshi par tof

Stoves, "Pipe and TrijnmingS, „Boes, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Scythes, s

Chains, Mill and Circular Saws, Axes, Files, • Cistern Slid Well Tumps, Lead Pipe,

Straw Cutters, Bias's. Kettles Tin Vitas, Vffts', Rails, Chain Tumps,

fin "Ware at retail or wholesale. Pedlers furnished at the 0 lb bill. Also, G O O D FAMILY FLOUR. .9 a § - J o b Work doni! oil short notice Bftd iu the best style. UABJktQff.CStONK.

PUlaskk March 1854.

' % H. SPEETCES. FAST OSWEGO, '-'*, • '

..OSWIBCK) BDOK S T O B i E i jS/BtSfiSi -THE Subscriber.having purobased ,1.'

£ * t ^ p l i . - P o o l ' s Stock of JSooksA Stationary, Hffl^SSifr is prepared to furnish tljjo Public Vith roerjytff&l^eiifij^irrg to tho-traile. ,, •. -'Bla^cT^pksrof^BveTy-vnrtety: Sh^tiormrjrof- ittry

quality, afid pricei "Books, new and old ; and all the Annuals, ^brijhJieS apd Pictorials may be.hadby caU-•ing at Fi rs t tt,nij Bridge. Streets, East'Oswego:'

>Tew Yoriyiegtog andLEbiladelphia weeklj tlovvs ;


terdeeries and Pro^sions. A Y b e found at the Pulaski 8eed7Stot:et aflne assortment of Groceries «ud Provisions, e f f a ­

cing Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Spices, Fruits,' Fisb,-Nuts,

FLOUR AND SALT; ' S.vru'ps and.MolaSfes. Butter-, Clreese; Lardr Soda and common Criiekers} Smoked and Dried Meats, Pota­toes, Sweot Russian Turnips, and a, nil) sto.clt of arti­cles usually kept in stores of the kind'. Purchasers can here find the best articles at tho lowest priae. .

Jan, 30. 1854. D. li'. MEACHAM,

T/i^r'arjftn,3"T^miSf'ti;p6'r's7for'sale at reduced prices. 'Carriages, Sleighs and Ciftteft ttimmed dn.short iio-iu8e and Oswego dailies for Also, N e w 'York

sale. • "'

Mb Ba^M^fid PanwMiU, From Dewltt fit, pavartport's Publishing House,

New-York, three tlm'es.'a tVeek by Express ' Sehobl Books; a't'Wnblfeyale'rJWs. Law Blanks, •W-all Paper , T<>rfuVhewMh«f bpcis, &c.

J®~ Town'Sdpefinten'dena, Sfeacliers, and dealers in School Books, filrnishfea at'Piibligfilers prices.

J&&* Prices moderate; and teVm's- Cksb Osvyegq, Sept. 1, f803._J__!R i :m_SPE-NCER 1

""^"^ulaski Meat Market? •

TIfE BUbsoHb?r-Would infor'ni b't's-ftieiids thAt he continues his'Markdt in PnltiskL tSIlrffdiniaV be

found .FresirBoef.Pnfk, Mntjoh, Pohltry,^«a'ftM>es ' t o . o f t b e , best quality. Tallojv and BnH^IWWd lt« kfepe fpr 'sale.'bj»lilm a t tlfe'lowgst .rnaf.KM*iji?&' IMmnkfiil for th^piiitronage heraiofti^"e>ieli^jjli(Wt hothusts'.bjr fair .leu,l irig' and tin effort 'to saipKjjlll'j Vorh'ersto tnefit its'cbn'tinuance. '' '%«) ' . ' '

SADSApi'.tWitAt.-MHttvirlg-p'rdcur.Sd ft new isSicl'ie^ „ o e l l i ^ t L i t t t u ^ U t o J a ^ t t y t a g ^ n f t g e i ^ A t w ^ ^ M ^ ^ ' !lti?tm, - , borWiUpk'pajfe thSatfor otl)6rs. or Iot,T)iS^fflPTO5> :!8n^poVn^V''bhrBHsbi.«bttiSVIns.' "'"'""' " . ,(. - " 7 , . / , • • . , •<


Saddle, harness and Carriage Triia<-miijg'.Basiness.'

^ f f l S I D N E Y Jl . TKCKElt , having purchased the lj|j|j stock and eti*.igtid the Services of D. W. Gaot-T,

*if Will conti-uuJ fiianufucturinff'Saddles, Harness. Trunks; Hand Trupira^ j'alices, Carpet Bags and Satchels, of the most appV>yed'Ktyle, and will keep constantly on Landat his ship on tlie south side of the river, and at the brick shop three doors, north- of the Tost, Office, a complete assortment of Conch, Draught, Plain'oxd Fancy IJdrne.ns, pilule of the best materials and by superior 'Work.rnon.,

tide andln tlie best possible maimer. ' " ' lie has the largest find best aiabrtihent of "Whips

inid Lashes tjver offered for sale in this village Tie Will, also keet) Carrina'd Mats, Nets; Florse Blankefs", Sleigh Bells, &c, • Mattrassbskeiit^ri hand and made to order; a-fs6 Bridles.Halters, Cafi-iage Trimmings, Saddlers SBL.and'all other-artiolos-^sitally ltept.-in this lino of business. Thread whb1.esa1e.and retail.

Particular attention given to' Repairing, Cleaning .and Oiling Harnesses. ' "

The subscriber has the largest and. oe&stotfc in his lirie ever oifered hi this viljage, whiell be •will sell on the mosi reasonable terms.", Having- been engaged in this bnsjness in this 'village the past 1'5 yeafs, he Is thahllflfl for the liberal patronapfe beStovved. All his former customers and hundreds of now bho%,ar.e invi­ted tocalL all of whom he will serve%o. the best' of •his'uMity. . S. M. fllcifER. " Pulaski. F e h ' y l . l W L , • . .", 2ff ,

~ Por t Oiiiafid Stdte. '?f. w. FLiaEit,,'? ;•':,-'-. ..

' * ^ ( 3 o . n h,and atIiis_8torft1i)-?»'.ifJgtn^o,. one- of IbebesVirasoffeiSfrfs-ot - . G ^ d * b v ^ f f e i w l , i n , U , l ! L » M H " V M ° ^ l 2 ^ ' & '

'klwa^efar^iirjry.Goods,'»AIs5 pilfg jaQ*^$$$naUe&$B%:

^e|pee;{fu%-?bli(;?ted,and nopf t te shall'bSspAretrfo

r •'-* rpdses. for suilo at tjic Drug ggiie of 1/1884. " - ' - * " * « * * "


For the relief and cure of sufevi up females. Slaud's pre-eminent

fir its curative pow­ers in nil the diseases bo- M liich it i; ri-i-oni-uiended, usually en)], eil !•' c 'mal e C o m ­plaints" ; of these.-are I'.-ol.ipsus I'te.i orfal-Mrfir uf the womb;— 'Floor /Ulins or whites Chronio Intlamation and rieeraiinn of the Womb; lire' i! en tu I Hemorrhage aj- Hood-i u c j p a i.fui.suppress-ed ano lrr"efriniTr~irien-struatiolU, i ' c , witnajl 1 h I* i r arrompoivioi: evils, (cancer evcept-

::o.| uu ion ii.r n,MI M^t-ruorif how long standing. •The.„C,ithol'icon far surpasses other remedies, in be­

ing certain, ie«s expensive and leaving tliesygt'on in a better contlition. Let nil i'iterest~d call and ob­tain a pamphlet(,-r.ee) coiit.-iningamjde proof,:'rom the most respectablesotu-ee1;. of the henrdieluf re-ollts^pf i[^ me, i-jriethcr with ht ters Irom highly experiencer] pliysirians who have u:-eil it ip their practice, and

sp^ak from their own observations. RKFHRHNII'ISS.—P. IJ. Peckham,-M. D. Utiea. f..

D. Flcmimr, M. I). Hnchester N. Y. M. H. Mills, JI. • I), riooiiopt r. \V. W. Reese, M. D. Kew York.— I). Y. I-'oote, itl. D. Syracuse. Prof, niinbor, W D., llaltiinorcMd. .1. C! Orriok. M, I)." Baltimore. W. PrcscQtt. M. I). Cniifoi-d. N. H. .I.T. NewIand'.M. I). 1'ticn, Kev, C. S. Ileird. Glen.n'S|)riiigs, S. C I'am-phlets tQvbe had j-ritis al the store of

II, hi. MUKHOCK. Agent', Druggie, Ptilnski. al-in Soitl by W. H. As l i Rl'llison. Mexico. U C. I'ot-, 'ti-r. Fulton and bv Drugu'iftM at Phnju.ix. and OsivesoV NOTICE 'l 'O.YHK ll.VKORTUNATE FLMALK.

1 i'eel.ita dnty-inoiunbent upon, rny^elf-1^ decbire publicly the grea,t bliis>ing Ilr-Marchisi's^Utor'no Ca-tliolicon, has proved to tne. For two 3 e;i.rs my Imaltli was miserable; I was almost unable i'i walk. Phy. siei.irts pronounced my ease falling of the womb, ex­tensive ulcerations, commencing vlltn fluor nilius.— Thepiiiit-, irritation, pmstrutkui, and the intolerable foetid discharge rotulered liie nlmosit. t\ bunlen. In

"this miserable condition, Dr, V. P . Nev, land recryn.-meirded Dr. lMarohiei's Uterine Catludicnn, Aftiir takirig four bottles I, find, myself inperfect health,..— Gratitude for my restoration niakps m,e ardentl.^ oe-tire that all my.sex, alike, unfortunate, may find sure relief front this liiestinnbl'e medicine. ELIZABETH A. NEWIiANI), No. 10 tVest stUtica.

The above btatement j know to be trye. • . ' , , IF. p . NF.wj.ANM'i M, D. Utioa.

.1. B. S'nrchisi& Co.,-Proprietors, Central Depot, 304 Broadway, IV- Y.

H. Take Notice.

JI. MURDOCR has. just received direct frdm _ . the importers, a full assortment of Wines nnd

Liquors.for-rtifediclnal and meehadical purposes,which surpasses ^ny ever offered in ->his markfct, among whiclriS' 1 cask pure Port;wlne, 1 3o Maderla Wine, 1 do Sweet

Ja>!. 1 cask nyhe. expressly,for cpmrnjiniori service.*

It Ol'd (HardBrandy, LdoPale Brandy, l d o

T'heex-tratinlbrrcrrinirci^ss-^rf—1+, monic liaiaum i.CFil- Paste, ITus- excited the cupid'ty of some tlislioiu-t aud.irre'ponslblp person* to imitate it. Ask for Dr. Norman's Pulmonic. RaNain of Fir Th'Ste.-nnd take il'iotbor. To avoid deception'cut nut this advertisement and. lake it v\ ith you when yoii go -o p u r c h a s e . , '

None Kcnhine wilhnnrthe. fac simile of the si'^na. fure of E . Norman on the Outside wrapper. Putupin l.tr^-e. Iioi-cs price 25 efiils.'; .

-Lvn.le \'. O^burn. Rochester. K. Y., sole agents for the "United Siau-s t,t;Ncep1 the Kew England State-;,) and the. C.irijidaH, and tonha ra aiiorderwnuist-be~»d-dfesse'd', • . L.

L Y N O E ' S A N ' A L £ P T 1 J I A N C O M P O L T D This i* a stlperior 1 t ide tor beaotifj iiie", strengthen-

intr, HePtoriii^. and Proninfog .the Growth of tlie Hair. Hn'.itinl\ pr. inot.es the. growth of tln}_ Ibtir. but make*, it sMt and jdiable, prevent> its fairing off and liff.mU cffrf''tna! nom-idnnent Uitheroot-s.re.stores It to its naturul i-olor; jircvonls BALIJNP.SS, and from turning p-iiy. and t s so extremely clean, that i ts -ap-| i i i e a l iou i s i t r u a l j d e a s o r e . P a r e n t s wil) lind it n f great advaataie in CI,)JANI(SG' OIHLDRITN'S UA1R, andcausinf aiiri'ti adhesion.

Lyitdtiil' O^b'.irn, Uotdie^ter. N. Y..sole proprietors, and to %\ horn all order-* niiint be ad bested.

AOI-.NTS.—Wi U.aui'iown Mereuulile Assoeiatinn. Wii!Inni«r.o«n; Uai.i.'l Gurley. Pand 'Bhuks; 10. V. Rohlnns. W'ashi-i^toniiii": \\ ttrdwell1 ftitecb. i\; Co.. Manusvilte; II. II. & E. Bto!i-:<»ji. Mexico; f..'L. Ford, Parisbville. II. .M. iVIUKDOt'K, U:ly Drnuui.t, Pulaski. N. Y.

sation iu.tho Ilesh, n.umbneira, tOfitidSty^oF-tJtcfSiW,'', muntal liepressi'dn. weakness i)f thy\Wir,,Mffp'riB$t%!i to (novo, faintness afterbxercise", bfolten •elfeAjstid terrifyiogdreamav innRilitj' to remtttn'lb d'jqe?ai'|ce"'l«r position, weakness of tliepi'ticroa'tivo j?i>ga"(lS,r#&'%>! iiicnmpeteuey,nielaricholy, inonomanlii,-fltipriWtWi sinkiii; ' " - - - l - ' • - 1 . - - .

ions, and all barrenness-MiJitdOHS npt tiruofipd frtite' organio causes buyoml the-roach of rnedioirio. •' ;f

Whenever tho organs to be acted uporl'' artj- free.


viil 1 MOSSES, INVtGqRATlI^ EJ,I?tEk V; 5 . . . ,

ill roplaeb weakness >vtil).,»frengtlviii"eife^ity\«it!-' ' oilicieui-y, iivegtilrcrity with tiiVifarm'lifiit- it4faj,a:,

activity.aifd tins not olilji yv'thout'bazard-'^f-re'ao-tioii. but w i t k a bappy-'eflbet oti tliegeuor^'oVifttfe--ra t ion. ^ s - B e a r in miniTth.^t iil} maia'die*s, vpi}?. '• evel- they .begin, finisluwithUie heftyotls. systeju!, drel that the paValizatioh of themor,ves'oi,imbtibili8§d'R(.ri sation i.s physical deatli. Bear ini roind, lilSo, tji'itrii'.--every kind of uenjons disease thi Ellxer Cordibl'is'fi... only reliable pno^fatuir|kh(jym,' .- -:• MJ^JK;'»*•'• r •

MF.RU AN M K I H C l J I A b Of I,.—prs'Oitt-While hdi-ing fur-suit water.sotlie tinie

>inee,ne;ir Hurkjiville, Ke-,:tiieky, tint \vorkmen em­ployed hai!n„r reiched fl-e deptii of 1, 5 feet, were ast mi--bed Indnd tha t 'ihev luul arrived at n cavity in which the instrument refused.ra-rporiHirni its..ollice Preheat.!)' a'liiptid id' a dark <rreen crtior besnn to ex-uilc from the orifo-e. and on withdrawing the aui;er it r.'nein a;jet, wit)i-ti;c-meaili«4Jt. loreer-to-rtheheiglrr of more tioiu 20 feet. An analysis ol tlie liquid deci­ded it to be a ini^t vol:ui!eoi!,";tti,l possessing pro^ier-tie-s of a hi^Iily ihed'eal iiatioe'.

"' .To 5'hysitriaiis. . Prnfessnpiillilk r. a^Orman plvv^iciiln and cherntst

of-^reat.ability, of!!.ochi"<tr:\ s-:;,s: I do herebv ccrtrrVthat lloo/e analvsod the eele-

li.-.ited Amerirnn Oil. a-td liml that it coi.t.'iitis White Yellow mid Brown JS'aptba, po-,«e.-:^ing rare niodieal properties. It alr,o eoi.tains .Stiiphut-i-t of C.lrbon ore! a Bal-rim of soft Un,-dn. lv''-'jii7C,arlinnat'e of 'Iron, Kali Aluneoii Silicic .Acid. A qihaithm. Carbon-. 1 further stuti: that I know the pri.pertj.es ofthc hitu-ineu- oil* which are found in thUc-'untry. and in Asia Africa. Cc-maui. f r n re and Tntly. and that this A-uierienF- <ii) emlevee-ii rare qua!itn-s which are not f nnd in the tumid',cms oils!',nnd in this otaavy otlfei ci.Miutrie.s. Tcou-i le.r tlie Air.erirdn Oil novel, and de.ervine the attention of the curinus and the scien­tific: ft b , beje-ed ;i vitlUiUifcraodiwits, and of great value to its proprietors. t t

LKWIS (}. MILLER,. M. !>.: \ . Praciicfil and Analvtieal.Clieir'ist'. Re'diesler, K. V.

For the cur'iol' Lijnsr Diiea-es^Liver flohiplaibt-. J'-ui^bs, Uy^pep.hi. Piles, U-hebf: atism, t^titnneeiH Affections, iind all Jnliameeit'-iy fJiseases. anil -IVIOMI used ovfeinallyi neverIniiiol curinir linrns. Wealds, t'-nts iir-niKps^ Spj'-a-m*-,. Cmiee r-^+Tirniwn.-ocrT.- - -Q3' Fiir/ul ' I'livt.ieti'arsuncl di'eeft. n-.sne p.HnphleU.

ITIS.N.'iTI'KK'S OWN KKM|<?T>T. Pr iee , One Hollar per B't t le : -Mx IIottten for Five

Dollar , TL"l"l'l.K& MOSF.S. Auburn, N. Y.. General

Ar/ents I'm JVoiv York. Michigan, nnd Canada West. Fur Sale in Pulaski hy II .IV.', IMurdock. Jones it

AleCorty: in Mexico le/'Rfll.ison &. Brothers; in h'n.n.-dv (Y.-ek b\ I'ohbinss?; .^er^eaul, ami County jMi':*-eb iot s eenerallv'.

4 s-P!MULAn¥''r;;iAT'Kk'i1AJri.s »o KE?Af»tbJfi.' • Its lorce is nover'e!xpiit)d,ed,'as is tibe case With erf©!* alcoholic prepdrations. ajiii all other gioJlaist'i, •' •Tiei effect of these is brief, and it may •vvoll'rij'o's'aitf'.i' hltn wbn takes them, ' the last state' of/tttatinil'n,' in wor«e than tho first.' But the Elt-tir is atf exMliraV t vVitlibittadriivvdiaek—safe in its Qpe>Stio^'ttqr'peui'i>. in its linptiy iiitluonce Upon th^«brY'es,-thbiWin,d,(fi»'J the eritifepfgauizatiori j it frill also reu.idve rjeprils. -ioiin. exoitctnetit, li- tendenW to blUsli, 'sloepjetafki^, dislflre or^ueiety,..iucapaciiry\fiu;"al.^dyjis biiwiuess.''

/ . , t ,os$ O F .MEMUfJT', 7 ' . . . i .'•'; confdsion". giddiness, iwsh'.oi! blli.od,to.the,TH9Bd. tr.e'-oncboly. moQtui) debility,; hysterfe.. 'feretchedm ->• thoughts ot selWostrucfin'n, fear qf insanity,' b a' ehondriasiu, dyspepsia. gWloral'profifiMveion, irrita: '•-ty. nervousness, inability toisJe«>l';dUq'ii's|isincid«i.i ' !i |y. , . . . . „ , . . . . , . , _ romAlos..deojiy;of'tlip,propi[gajift|,rSi'flt?SSmi.ui:u^ uuia, vagirottrrow/.^ajgitii'tioh ^fj tholMrtsJi ev, cobstipbti'on. etc., froni wlfttibVekTbtiS'strtipsinf; i -is. if there is any reli.ijicatd be placed on,|iiju>'aji4«s . timony, absolutely infallible. ' ,, • , . ' ' . ,>»''','" "'

A CHEAT MEDlCtNK'Fbit J E f a t E f J , . . - • . - " ' T h e unparalleled uffepts of this great.restotialfve'/j-:

all comf-laints incident tojeuiales^mark.a naw ef'n-'»f " the annuls of .niedicuin. ,T"ud35ai«fs of ;.stim,ul.e>o':; have been niventod-^-tiiiinsaiids df, 5fi*(^br(lnt8' ner.-rocteil—all purporting to bo'Specifled ill the v(i»ii5i,s, diseases ai.ijl..derangein«i)t8 to wliicbxiiii >1«Hf»f.-frr"< • .• '..... . -puuibtwif \viOTan.^frd^&Iier"iiiiJ)le7. Ths-.CesoIt fcfcS ' heretofore been, uniform. 'These. po6(jhi(n|, huvvir . deed itiipejled amornentoiy.'vivdoky^q the- lieiry^Usi " -systeih, a transient amldeltreive Vigor tpt(iB,rtyu3vj2i,r "' but this Hash ofrisllefhasbeen s'ueeeoded-by a, dicprSt:- ' sion and prostration'greater'tlian before, a u d t t e e p d -ha3.t'oo Often h.eeu.utterlv to piir.tilyzetlto-tecppelatl^c . ixnv.er of thti nerves atit) tlie vital orgajtiiaatiiin, .'ii.vvi hnally to destroy the.-uiiliamiy.patient.. Bu,!>n'f ,'» -

MO.J.tSJi>'!fs.y.i.ttOiiATiN(>F.L-(XIJt',. i.i' ,...",' " ' • -is presented u s a bheiioiuonn- in the materia ;i)iu,xi«!i-' hirherto unjieard of—n stimulant without a reat,^!,^.' -

The herb whiclfcionmr its inaiiri;igr'edient, liassfaif ' Imittan by allthe- gr«at mod-ionl ,'and pliatiituaifiiSi-ad

Encourage Your Own.

TH b snhsei iber- Have tbii 'day entered ipln ei'pnTlnersb'p rnif would trive hulieeto the

citizen* of Pulaski unci vicinity, ihntihe) ' Me now pfe|Wled ill llie 1!KD M I L L lo uo Ml kind* of mil l ing business in Ihe ntoM Miperinr ronnnert Thev liave rw entlv liitfil up and have niuy niut" n t t i t rnneo l K. T 'llttller's Pateid foriable iMilfs, and have at'tiched lo it two new -bolts, and they can assure iliei'r"r-uMoiiieiR ttiai they can make bekler Fjionr proirnee a belter vicld ['torn the sa.m^ qtlanli ty id giaiu, ;ni J ( rind 1,'tslcr llian niiy-olhel mill in-ithi'- "-eeli-in ol the eonrily. They ibtelid

" o k e e r r S l Imrnl at all times, f lot t r nJ-'-a surjerl'o',-juJtlitv.nnd pledge ihcinselve* to sell as cfielrfjjir fheppei iban can \nt bonriiit 'ln 0---weg,o.i...A 11 pet-sot.- ijib'if '-te-l. we would Invite to dall'flnd ex-limine;!he quality ol'iiur work.'nrtd lem'imf-pHet"-, as we iurenri lo nnido all atUletfery.pers'bri' selling F lour in Ibis seel ion -tif the c.on>ty:.' '

YVe shall adhere stricily to the;'lfe'hdy-t*ny sys­tem, end shall make ml extra cliaVglfefoi'losses and bad del is. PORTER- 'fcTOHiN'SON. _Pn jns l t i . M a y j fi. 1B53. ' , " .

, Money S'avfed '$ Etome.""

T I-IF. suhscnHi'r bay ing purchased the storfc Gr i s t Mill in Pl |Iaf<ki, 'and having bad 17

'yfnrs exper icnw in the'-millln? busines-, would give tioliceio the Wlizefi's of Pli'laskl nndvieinr-Iv, lbar he is pot to be undersold ro r ot tdone.in good work . As heli 'ns not a pariner lo divide •piofits w,ilh.,.!lhd asf-licdnes not have to pay 1(1 percent . inl'St'efti fur monev to p t rchaseh ls stork ol g ra in vviJh, l i p v i n c a larsrC sioelt of the best" gual i tv tt'bl.te '"Uehignn wheat on hand, nrftffiU'ri ehaseVl 'Qt_a lojver rtile than thai o l ' n n j " I nei^h, borgi, he caulrsfut-e Ibe piihliq 'hrtt the Sione Mil will be . the p la i .e to iave Ihei rmoney, a s i h e y tvi'l get l'itO'lbs.of FJotir lor a barrel , and .wnrrbntei! ol'i'hs bjsr quality/ "^ilsp, Mciri and Shorts a'ftd iPIonrlcepT consiant l f pi) Iianfl,-if.yv&(;q*.ei|»d.-. fast efn-oigsh Id *sdpfily or-r calh^., A l i o , m wjlf be-an-iiand to do Oustorii OrfrtcHngiu a BlovtjnM, peat"f'tt=t'tiner,nrid warrnnlad ftHi,,*ti fall fhorti 'O

ises. for sislo at (Jic 3i)rugW0& oi! \i*L • , ' T A » ' GL.O'ffe .SEBDre iM^^S 0 ^^ "3ffi$' 1>. W$tWi

-> " ••' ' " : ' • ' \f_\

•fb$>i6,b*eif«i*'hel rf.fte'r piitrfrtgfhf gr,feij¥n«, «Ifew-i-lirtdhcrastrUtlyiWith'. Rt?,nlb/?i" " ' H I K M W ' H -


oiil instilutioiiS of Fkt.-ope to bo in llys respect SKI gfa. eris. ]>r,.Alore, whose name is an uoriispiit'edi0.y.t\b' by in sciences discovered Ihe production in 4,ri}i?|ftv, where his Mteuflnri iva-i exulted by the woild'eiStjif') Iiivigoralliuj e,fr#its it producedtipon tfm nnti.K#j«kr. fact the wonderful power of endurance,, the cSpp'tMV ' less vigor exhibited b j the Arab, of h'otll' sel<3Si..t"fr. tlii-rro^r^^ptr{.frtnragc5", is 'altilbu.tabIu:,to46533jI? ' this vitaiiy.pip b t rb . ^ . ' .-,'N„

An appeal is rtl-iiie ?h * \ , .,'"'',"•'•., Hviriiv ivoiu ' t dp s,ifi$8fe,i!--'*i!<^;'1'' '•"

whosufi'ers Ironi.yonkness, dcr.in^teiaVijtMervousi.- ?/ .tremors, pain-- in the bauk, or ,any O.tlfeuj?.rl'j;sori7 , uheiherprtadicr to her sexf w^ftta^utt'lbdlb'tb' »w

,°?— tocivet!ij l t iyJg: ' i-!lihig^D"ig^^|t^l#-- - -

JBAKUiEi) uisegajsssS*, Ll'i TTr others. Will Ond flfis cor'diid aii!e,Vtb,Sy have used.* bottle or tw.i. n thorough, regohbttitb'rbf the syst' :.-• ' In nil direct'ens are to belmlhdutbe imppy parent! •••> health; offspi iue, WT.O ivotrljr.'fiOtliuy'e been so,bu,t.ft;r this evi rapr linan lire}3{i.\;tvfiujiJ,. And it is equally pft. tcnt P-r the many di>ea?|s j'di Which it is recorhnieuJ ee. 't'hoiisauds of young iiioti uf ve heen rentorxd kv usinj; it, and not in a.single' iestanoe has it :t'aiffiii. w

•benefit them. <1) ,',.. • , ' . , * - • , ' , » '

I'tiisqii's.bt' r'Ai.t; COMI'LESION, ' .,..'.!•£•'"' orcohaiimpl)#li'(ihi'{«kfi!'"fei,h.ied by the use.of e, bat­tle or two,tobi<lAiii-a,nd vigor, chaintingtlie'sifi^-froi-n pale. yBUuti'.aiokiy color, to a lieaqtifql lblfid em.,. plexiou. . ' • " r*" . . . y •

1 ' +o Tire Mi»fi'j'm,ifH. , . . . , , \ ' . i ; . These aresymie of the siul and melanoholb}^j|&it!! >.

firudiioejl bjg early habits . ( voi;th, viz •• .weaUVpas/ F the baMi'&nil hm.ti«, pain HID the bead,diiibios3;iif>iiijj|i.. loss of iniiseular pi.HIT. palpitatioo of tl|trhenrlj,^f} ,•' sppsjfl, iiKrvntis jiTi'r.ihttity, ilerunpemelifjof, tRtsd/mffi.-" ttviS fi'mettolis. teneriil debility, symtoinsofCoillfSi' • tipaj. &.o. . - „ . ' • . . ',..,- i , ^ . V " ' ; Mentally, to? f<nrful effects oh tbo mijid arpa^inpti/o

lie divided* Lose of 1110(111 ry,' cnijfiiuion.'otf"ul"i,u..,. denn.s-,i.,n of spirits, evil fui;ebijdbigr^n'*i5!Se'fi»>wf"i-'-andb'tv self rffttrtiitlovo "f. Rd'iWnh^^piTpljVSfcr iiiesoiieof the evils produced., ,A;ll tjwis aftl'cti.'-}.-

IH.IOIlK CONTKdlPl .A'r iNtl j t U t t f l A O E , V > ,-•

should reflect that, a sound tuidd ahd hoiif rerr/f\'o " ' ibost noee.ssarv requisites to.pi'obplte 00nnubial':li(|p-piness ; indeed. withimttheWi'th-e" journey tlrf*mpri life becomes a weary pilgrimttjte, the OrospeefbiWrriv diirkftiis ilte.viovv; t)i«j. mind heoorVies nhmlaiviJ •with oespair. and fllleri tlrlif* the tnelh-Hc1iq#''ijJ«ifi«e. • tion t h a t the haippiilessof another be>otijmS8&Mft;t>e with your bwii. ' " - *• ---"-^--''/.;.•« p$te'.$ '• 7 .

, RAJTEN-rs ANB n t M l t b l A W r . ' ? ^ >V>' " Are lift on miajed with respect, to.the eftifa'p'irid t,«i ces of disease* In their sons and wnrVls/'Mffw "Aft i do they asorifio to othor.causfis -oMyaB'ti 'i^oTi** fraroB..ixtiao.y.fjBadnesspa1nitatiOfi.>f tlie'doai't, '}«„• , gesfion, dorangerdent of ttipH(^otis'syt|t.ejii„'coi'4,J' sJunptom« bid ieating ertnsiitiijilll'fihj -iyhW' the t rd t i (> t ea t they have heorr ' immi)Sr|i |ffi«"M r if^ ( ! ,w^of^-alluring pradtico tlestrqoi)iv| |§{p¥rnltid,a^fod i}'' '


|le pasted over tlfe'crfS » ? H i E f i i ^ r w i & w f e »

q. H, Rlurb, r i | 0 W « l e ' ' CAUTfoN EJC'TIU,—Al°o 'observe a . •Ei;5m%hi<iMfe», With the'pr Jflrlttorft vVritten.M^nfltur^oiteie^rifflju. ine boti^o of I)r. l*|orse's Invimlratiitg/eoftbrffeii i\WM

.'^..BT^jite-feit wfiiobtffiorltivffi**'-*" ^ ' i » ! » ^ 6 . ,;m~ Thecordial.i^piiiBp'.'Bifflil.y.ffi'iotoii •plliPbottles. Prlce^Srl.per-hjlt'flfi; t « « . m W

tor |i2ftip. C. H. J l#G,J^^ | feT, (>K « 6 f d % DrogristSfa/inugliwiflire tjii ' | t |

wm mm fciV-S**


m :m>






m •' "im

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