DODATEK č. 17 ě č ř č. 17 · DODATEK č. 17 ke Smlouvě ev.č. 43694946 o nájmu nebytových...

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DODATEK č. 17ke Smlouvě ev.č. 43694946 o nájmu nebytových prostor a poskytování některých služeb s ním

spojených na mezinárodním veřejném civilním letišti Praha - Ruzyně(dále jen „Dodatek č. 17“)

(1) Český Aeroholding, a.s.zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, spisová značka B 17005se sídlem: Praha 6, Jana Kašpara 1069/1, PSČ 160 08IČO: 248 21 993DIČ: CZ699003361plátce DPHzastoupená: na základě plné moci ze dne 16. 12. 2014 společností Letiště Praha, a. s.,se sídlem K Letišti 6/1019, Praha 6, PSČ 160 08, IČO: 282 44 532, zapsanou v obchodním rejstříkuvedeném Městským soudem v Praze, spisová značka B 14003, zastoupená Ing. Jiřím Krausem,místopředsedou představenstva a Ing. Jiřím Petržilkou, členem představenstva (dále jen „Letiště Praha,a. s.“)

(dále jen „Pronajímatel“)


(2) Lagardere Food Services, a.s.zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, spisová značka B 4101se sídlem: Praha 6 - Ruzyně, Aviatická 1017/2, PSČ 161 00IČO: 250 58 282DIČ: CZ25058282plátce DPHbankovní spojení: Československá obchodní banka, a.s.číslo účtu: 133203354/0300zastoupená: Ing. Richardem Procházkou, statutárním ředitelem

(dále jen „Nájemce“)

(Pronajímatel a Nájemce jsou dále označováni jednotlivě jako „Smluvní strana“ a společně jako „Smluvnístrany“)

A. Právní předchůdci Smluvních stran uzavřely dne 21. 12. 2005 Smlouvu o nájmu nebytových prostora poskytování některých služeb s ním spojených na mezinárodním veřejném civilním letišti Praha -Ruzyně, ev. č. Pronajímatele 43694946, ve znění Dodatku č. 1 ze dne 27. 9. 2006, Dodatku č. 2 zedne 31. 10. 2007, Dodatku č. 3 ze dne 30. 4. 2009, Dodatku č. 4 ze dne 18. 12. 2009, Dodatku č. 5ze dne 1. 7. 2010, Dodatku č. 6 ze dne 1. 8. 2011, Dodatku č. 7 ze dne 1. 3. 2012, Dodatku č. 8 zedne 1. 3. 2013, Dodatku č. 9 ze dne 1. 6. 2015, Dodatku č. 10 ze dne 29.6.2015, Dodatku č. 11 zedne 25.1.2016, Dodatku č. 12 ze dne 26.2.2016, Dodatku č. 13 ze dne 28.4.2016, Dodatku č. 14 zedne 29.4.2016 a Dodatku č. 15 ze dne 31.5.2016, Dodatku č. 16 ze dne 1.8.2016 (společně dále jen„Smlouva“).

DODATEK č. 17ke Smlouvě ev.č. 43694946 o nájmu nebytových prostor a poskytování některých služeb s ním

spojených na mezinárodním veřejném civilním letišti Praha - Ruzyně(dále jen „Dodatek č. 17“)

(1) Český Aeroholding, a.s.zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, spisová značka B 17005se sídlem: Praha 6, Jana Kašpara 1069/1, PSČ 160 08IČO: 248 21 993DIČ: CZ699003361plátce DPHzastoupená: na základě plné moci ze dne 16. 12. 2014 společností Letiště Praha, a. s.,se sídlem K Letišti 6/1019, Praha 6, PSČ 160 08, IČO: 282 44 532, zapsanou v obchodním rejstříkuvedeném Městským soudem v Praze, spisová značka B 14003, zastoupená Ing. Jiřím Krausem,místopředsedou představenstva a Ing. Jiřím Petržilkou, členem představenstva (dále jen „Letiště Praha,a. s.“)

(dále jen „Pronajímatel“)


(2) Lagardere Food Services, a.s.zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, spisová značka B 4101se sídlem: Praha 6 - Ruzyně, Aviatická 1017/2, PSČ 161 00IČO: 250 58 282DIČ: CZ25058282plátce DPHbankovní spojení: Československá obchodní banka, a.s.číslo účtu: 133203354/0300zastoupená: Ing. Richardem Procházkou, statutárním ředitelem

(dále jen „Nájemce“)

(Pronajímatel a Nájemce jsou dále označováni jednotlivě jako „Smluvní strana“ a společně jako „Smluvnístrany“)

A. Právní předchůdci Smluvních stran uzavřely dne 21. 12. 2005 Smlouvu o nájmu nebytových prostora poskytování některých služeb s ním spojených na mezinárodním veřejném civilním letišti Praha -Ruzyně, ev. č. Pronajímatele 43694946, ve znění Dodatku č. 1 ze dne 27. 9. 2006, Dodatku č. 2 zedne 31. 10. 2007, Dodatku č. 3 ze dne 30. 4. 2009, Dodatku č. 4 ze dne 18. 12. 2009, Dodatku č. 5ze dne 1. 7. 2010, Dodatku č. 6 ze dne 1. 8. 2011, Dodatku č. 7 ze dne 1. 3. 2012, Dodatku č. 8 zedne 1. 3. 2013, Dodatku č. 9 ze dne 1. 6. 2015, Dodatku č. 10 ze dne 29.6.2015, Dodatku č. 11 zedne 25.1.2016, Dodatku č. 12 ze dne 26.2.2016, Dodatku č. 13 ze dne 28.4.2016, Dodatku č. 14 zedne 29.4.2016 a Dodatku č. 15 ze dne 31.5.2016, Dodatku č. 16 ze dne 1.8.2016 (společně dále jen„Smlouva“).

DODATEK č. 17ke Smlouvě ev.č. 43694946 o nájmu nebytových prostor a poskytování některých Služeb S ním

Spojených na mezinárodním veřejném civilním letišti Praha - Ruzyně(dále jen „Dodatek č. 17")

(1) Český Aeroholding, a.s.Zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským Soudem v Praze, spisová značka B 17005Se sídlem: Praha 6, Jana Kašpara 1069/1, PSČ 160 08ıČoz 248 21 993DIČ; c2699003361plátce DPHzastoupená: na základě plné moci ze dne 16. 12. 2014 Společností Letiště Praha, a. s.,Se Sídlem K Letišti 6/1019, Praha 6, PSČ 160 08, IČO: 282 44 532, zapsanou vobchodním rejstříkuvedeném IVIěStským soudem vPraze, spisová značka B 14003, zastoupená Ing. Jiřím Krausem,místopředsedou představenstva a Ing. Jiřím Petržilkou, členem představenstva (dále jen „Letiště Praha,a. s.”)

(dále jen „Pronajímatel”)

(2) Lagardere Food Services, a.s.zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským Soudem v Praze, spisová značka B 4101Se Sídlem: Praha 6 - Ruzyně, Aviatická 1017/2, PSČ 161 OOıČoz 250 58 282DIČ; c225058282plátce DPHbankovní Spojení: Československá obchodní banka, a.s.číslo účtu: 133203354/0300zastoupená: Ing. Richardem Procházkou, Statutárním ředitelem

(dále jen „Nájemce”)

(Pronajímatel a Nájemcejsou dále označováni jednotlivě jako „Smluvnístrana“ a Společnějako „SmluvníStrany“)

A. Právní předchůdci Smluvních stran uzavřely dne 21. 12.2005 Smlouvu o nájmu nebytových prostora poskytování některých služeb s ním Spojených na mezinárodním veřejném civilním letišti Praha -Ruzyně, ev. č. Pronajímatele 43694946, ve znění Dodatku č. 1 ze dne 27. 9. 2006, Dodatku č. 2 zedne 31. 10. 2007, Dodatku č. 3 ze dne 30. 4. 2009, Dodatku č. 4 ze dne 18. 12. 2009, Dodatku č. 5ze dne 1. 7. 2010, Dodatku č. 6 ze dne 1. 8. 2011, Dodatku č. 7 ze dne 1. 3. 2012, Dodatku č. 8 zedne 1. 3. 2013, Dodatku č. 9 ze dne 1. 6. 2015, Dodatku č. 10 ze dne 29.6.2015, Dodatku č. 11 zedne 25.1.2016, Dodatku č. 12 ze dne 26.2.2016, Dodatku č. 13 ze dne 28.4.2016, Dodatku č. 14 zedne 29.4.2016 a Dodatku č. 15 ze dne 31.5.2016, Dodatku č. 16 ze dne 1.8.2016 (Společně dále jen„Smlouva“).

B. Smluvní strany se dohodly na změně Smlouvy a za tímto účelem uzavírají tento Dodatek č. 17,kterým mění a doplňují Smlouvu takto:

Článek I.Předmět dodatku

1. Smluvní strany se dohodly, že se s účinností od 1.4.2017 účel nájmu rozšiřuje o provozování jednoho(1) peněžního automatu prostřednictvím kterého bude Nájemce zajišťovat třetím osobám výběrhotovosti a dobíjení předplacených karet pro mobilní operátory.

2. Smluvní strany se dohodly, že se s účinností od 1.4.2017 ruší stávající čl. II., odst. 2.3 Smlouvy anahrazuje se zcela novým čl. II., odst. 2.3 následujícího znění:

„2.3 Nájemce je oprávněn užívat Předmět nájmu za účelem provozování (i) hostinské činnosti ačinností s ní bezprostředně souvisejících, (ii) prodeje potravinářských výrobků v Provozovnách, (iii)provozování internetové kavárny v části Provozovny Black & White Cafe a (iv) provozování jednoho(1) peněžního automatu sloužícího k výběru hotovosti a dobíjení předplacených karet pro mobilníoperátory, který je blíže specifikován v Příloze č. 17/D17 této Smlouvy (dále jen „Bankomat“) v částiProvozovny Air Quick, která je blíže specifikována v Příloze č. 18/D17. Nájemce se zavazuje užívatPředmět nájmu pouze pro předmět podnikání Nájemce zapsaný v Obchodním rejstříku ke dnipodpisu této Smlouvy, jež tvoří Přílohu č. 6 této Smlouvy. Jakákoliv změna nebo rozšíření předmětupodnikání Nájemce v Provozovnách může být provedena pouze s předchozím písemným souhlasemPronajímatele.“

3. Smluvní strany se dohodly, že se s účinností od 1.4.2017 stávající čl. VII., odst. 7.2 Smlouvy doplňujezcela nové písmeno bb) následujícího znění:

„bb) Nájemce se zavazuje umístit v části Provozovny Air Quick, blíže specifikované v Příloze č.18/D17 této Smlouvy, Bankomat prostřednictvím kterého bude zajišťovat třetím osobám výběrhotovosti a dobíjení předplacených karet pro mobilní operátory. Nájemce je povinen Bankomatprovozovat, zajišťovat jeho fungování 24 hodin denně, jakož i hradit náklady na jeho provoz tak, abytřetí osoby mohly volně, bezpečně a spolehlivě využívat jeho služeb v nepřetržitém provozu tzn. 24hodin denně. Dále se Nájemce zavazuje na své náklady provádět pravidelnou údržbu a opravyBankomatu, jakož i zajišťovat úklid v jeho bezprostředním okolí.“

Článek II.Závěrečná ustanovení

1. Ostatní ustanovení Smlouvy nedotčená tímto Dodatkem č. 17 zůstávají v platnosti beze změny.

2. Tento Dodatek č. 17 je vyhotoven ve třech (3) stejnopisech, z nichž Pronajímatel obdrží dvě (2)vyhotovení a Nájemce jedno (1) vyhotovení.

3. Tento Dodatek č. 17 nabývá platnosti dnem jeho podpisu oběma Smluvními stranami a účinnostidnem 1.4.2017.

B. Smluvní strany se dohodly na změně Smlouvy a za tímto účelem uzavírají tento Dodatek č. 17,kterým mění a doplňují Smlouvu takto:

Článek I.Předmět dodatku

1. Smluvní strany se dohodly, že se s účinností od 1.4.2017 účel nájmu rozšiřuje o provozování jednoho(1) peněžního automatu prostřednictvím kterého bude Nájemce zajišťovat třetím osobám výběrhotovosti a dobíjení předplacených karet pro mobilní operátory.

2. Smluvní strany se dohodly, že se s účinností od 1.4.2017 ruší stávající čl. II., odst. 2.3 Smlouvy anahrazuje se zcela novým čl. II., odst. 2.3 následujícího znění:

„2.3 Nájemce je oprávněn užívat Předmět nájmu za účelem provozování (i) hostinské činnosti ačinností s ní bezprostředně souvisejících, (ii) prodeje potravinářských výrobků v Provozovnách, (iii)provozování internetové kavárny v části Provozovny Black & White Cafe a (iv) provozování jednoho(1) peněžního automatu sloužícího k výběru hotovosti a dobíjení předplacených karet pro mobilníoperátory, který je blíže specifikován v Příloze č. 17/D17 této Smlouvy (dále jen „Bankomat“) v částiProvozovny Air Quick, která je blíže specifikována v Příloze č. 18/D17. Nájemce se zavazuje užívatPředmět nájmu pouze pro předmět podnikání Nájemce zapsaný v Obchodním rejstříku ke dnipodpisu této Smlouvy, jež tvoří Přílohu č. 6 této Smlouvy. Jakákoliv změna nebo rozšíření předmětupodnikání Nájemce v Provozovnách může být provedena pouze s předchozím písemným souhlasemPronajímatele.“

3. Smluvní strany se dohodly, že se s účinností od 1.4.2017 stávající čl. VII., odst. 7.2 Smlouvy doplňujezcela nové písmeno bb) následujícího znění:

„bb) Nájemce se zavazuje umístit v části Provozovny Air Quick, blíže specifikované v Příloze č.18/D17 této Smlouvy, Bankomat prostřednictvím kterého bude zajišťovat třetím osobám výběrhotovosti a dobíjení předplacených karet pro mobilní operátory. Nájemce je povinen Bankomatprovozovat, zajišťovat jeho fungování 24 hodin denně, jakož i hradit náklady na jeho provoz tak, abytřetí osoby mohly volně, bezpečně a spolehlivě využívat jeho služeb v nepřetržitém provozu tzn. 24hodin denně. Dále se Nájemce zavazuje na své náklady provádět pravidelnou údržbu a opravyBankomatu, jakož i zajišťovat úklid v jeho bezprostředním okolí.“

Článek II.Závěrečná ustanovení

1. Ostatní ustanovení Smlouvy nedotčená tímto Dodatkem č. 17 zůstávají v platnosti beze změny.

2. Tento Dodatek č. 17 je vyhotoven ve třech (3) stejnopisech, z nichž Pronajímatel obdrží dvě (2)vyhotovení a Nájemce jedno (1) vyhotovení.

3. Tento Dodatek č. 17 nabývá platnosti dnem jeho podpisu oběma Smluvními stranami a účinnostidnem 1.4.2017.

Smluvní Strany Se dohodly na změně Smlouvy a Za tímto účelem uzavírají tento Dodatek č. 17,kterým mění a doplňují Smlouvu takto:

Článek I.Předmět dodatku

Smluvní Strany se dohodly, že se S účinnostíod 1.4.2017 účel nájmu rozšiřuje o provozováníjednoho(1) peněžního automatu prostřednictvím kterého bude Nájemce zajišťovat třetím osobám výběrhotovosti a dobíjení předplacených karet pro mobilní operátory.

Smluvní Strany Se dohodly, že se s účinností od 1.4.2017 ruší Stávající čl. II., odSt. 2.3 Smlouvy anahrazuje se zcela novým čl. II., odSt. 2.3 následujícího znění:

„2.3 Nájemce je oprávněn užívat Předmět nájmu za účelem provozování (i) hostinské činnosti ačinností s ní bezprostředně souvisejících, (ii) prodeje potravinářských výrobků v Provozovnách, (iii)provozování internetové kavárny v části Provozovny Black & White Cafe a (iv) provozováníjednoho(1) peněžního automatu sloužícího k výběru hotovosti a dobíjení předplacených karet pro mobilníoperátory, kterýje blíže specifikován v Příloze č. 17/D17 této Smlouvy (dále jen „Bankomat”) v částiProvozovny Air Quick, která je blíže specifikována v Příloze č. 18/D17. Nájemce Se zavazuje užívatPředmět nájmu pouze pro předmět podnikání Nájemce zapsaný v Obchodním rejstříku ke dnipodpisu této Smlouvy, jež tvoří Přílohu č. 6 této Smlouvy. Jakákoliv změna nebo rozšíření předmětupodnikání Nájemce v Provozovnách může být provedena pouze s předchozím písemným SouhlasemPronajímatele.“

Smluvní Strany se dohodly, že se s účinností od 1.4.2017 stávající čl. VII., odst. 7.2 Smlouvy doplňujezcela nové písmeno bb) následujícího znění:

„bb) Nájemce se zavazuje umístit včáSti Provozovny Air Quick, blíže specifikované v Příloze č.18/D17 této Smlouvy, Bankomat prostřednictvím kterého bude zajišťovat třetím osobám výběrhotovosti a dobíjení předplacených karet pro mobilní operátory. Nájemce je povinen Bankomatprovozovat, zajišťovat jeho fungování 24 hodin denně, jakož i hradit náklady na jeho provoz tak, abytřetí osoby mohly volně, bezpečně a spolehlivě využívat jeho služeb v nepřetržitěm provozu tzn. 24hodin denně. Dále se Nájemce zavazuje na Své náklady provádět pravidelnou údržbu a opravyBankomatu, jakož i zajišťovat úklid vjeho bezprostředním okolí.“

Článek II.Závěrečná ustanovení

Ostatní ustanovení Smlouvy nedotčená tímto Dodatkem č. 17 zůstávají v platnosti beze změny.

Tento Dodatek č. 17 je vyhotoven ve třech (3) Stejnopisech, z nichž Pronajímatel obdrží dvě (2)vyhotovení a Nájemce jedno (1) vyhotovení.

Tento Dodatek č. 17 nabývá platnosti dnem jeho podpiSu oběma Smluvními stranami a účinnostidnem 1.4.2017.

4. Nedílnou součástí tohoto Dodatku č. 17 jsou následující přílohy:

a) Příloha č. 17/D17 – Technický popis Bankomatub) Příloha č. 18/D17 – Specifikace části provozovny Air Quick pro umístění Bankomatu

5. Po přečtení tohoto Dodatku č. 17 Smluvní strany potvrzují, že jeho obsah odpovídá jejichpravdivým, vážným a svobodným záměrům, a že tento Dodatek č. 17 byl uzavřen na základěvzájemné dohody, nikoli ve stavu nouze, ani za nápadně nevýhodných podmínek. Na důkaz tohoSmluvní strany k tomuto Dodatku č. 17 připojily vlastnoruční podpisy.

V Praze dne: V Praze dne:

Za Nájemce: Za Pronajímatele:

………………………………. ………………………………………..

Ing. Richard Procházka Ing. Jiří Krausstatutární ředitel místopředseda představenstvaLagardere Food Services, a.s. Letiště Praha, a. s.

na základě plné moci

………………………………………..Ing. Jiří Petržilkačlen představenstvaLetiště Praha, a. základě plné moci

4. Nedílnou součástí tohoto Dodatku č. 17 jsou následující přílohy:

a) Příloha č. 17/D17 – Technický popis Bankomatub) Příloha č. 18/D17 – Specifikace části provozovny Air Quick pro umístění Bankomatu

5. Po přečtení tohoto Dodatku č. 17 Smluvní strany potvrzují, že jeho obsah odpovídá jejichpravdivým, vážným a svobodným záměrům, a že tento Dodatek č. 17 byl uzavřen na základěvzájemné dohody, nikoli ve stavu nouze, ani za nápadně nevýhodných podmínek. Na důkaz tohoSmluvní strany k tomuto Dodatku č. 17 připojily vlastnoruční podpisy.

V Praze dne: V Praze dne:

Za Nájemce: Za Pronajímatele:

………………………………. ………………………………………..

Ing. Richard Procházka Ing. Jiří Krausstatutární ředitel místopředseda představenstvaLagardere Food Services, a.s. Letiště Praha, a. s.

na základě plné moci

………………………………………..Ing. Jiří Petržilkačlen představenstvaLetiště Praha, a. základě plné moci

4. Nedílnou součástí tohoto Dodatku č. 17 jsou následující přílohy:

a) Příloha č. 17/D17 - Technický popis Bankomatub) Příloha č. 18/D17 - Specifikace části provozovny Air Quick pro umístění Bankomatu

5. Po přečtení tohoto Dodatku c. 17 Smluvní strany potvrzují, že jeho obsah odpovídá jejichpravdivým, vážným a svobodným záměrům, a že tento Dodatek č. 17 byl uzavřen na základěvzájemné dohody, nikoli ve stavu nouze, ani za nápadně nevýhodných podmínek. Na důkaz tohoSmluvní Strany k tomuto Dodatku č. 17 připojily vlastnoruční podpisy.

V Praze dne:

Za Nájemce:

Ing. Richard Procházkastatutární ředitelLagardere Food Services, a.s.

V Praze dne:

Za Pronajímatele:

Ing. Jiří Krausmístopředseda představenstvaLetiště Praha, a. základě plné moci

Ing. Jiří Petržilkačlen představenstvaLetiště Praha, a. základě plné moci

NCR SelfServ ™ 22 ATM Site Preparation


NCR SelfServ ™ 22 ATM Site Preparation


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NCR SelfSeľV TM 22 ATMSite Preparatiøn



Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Radio Frequency Interference Statement

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

Canadian Class A Device Declaration

This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.

Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le Réglement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministère des Communications du Canada.

EU EMC Directive 2004/108EC

This equipment has been found to comply with the essential requirements of EMC Directive 2004/108EC, by testing to harmonized standard, EN55022 and EN55024. The equipment complies with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to EN55022.

This is a Class A product, in a domestic/residential environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.

Information to User

This equipment must be installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. However, there is no guarantee that interference to radio communications will not occur in a particular commercial installation. If this equipment does cause interference, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to consult an NCR service representative immediately.


NCR Corporation is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorised modifications of this equipment or the substitution or attachment of connecting cables and equipment other than those specified by NCR. Such unauthorized modifications, substitutions, or attachments may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. The correction of interference caused by such unauthorized modifications, substitutions, or attachments will be the responsibility of the user.

The ATM complies with the following Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directives and standards for IT equipment:

• 2004/108/EC ‘EMC Directive’• 93/68/EEC ‘CE Marking Directive’.For further information, refer to the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Safety section.


This is a contractual document. It contains important warnings and confers important legal rights and obligations. You are advised to read it carefully.

It is the responsibility of the customer to assure that all installation preparations are complete and in compliance with all specifications and requirements of NCR and all applicable national, state, or local codes, regulations and laws.

The product described in this book is a licensed product of NCR Corporation.

NCR Proprietary Information - not to be disclosed or reproduced without written consent.

NCR and NCR SelfServ are trademarks of NCR Corporation. Other product names mentioned in this publication may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.

It is the policy of NCR Corporation (NCR) to improve products as new technology, components, software, and firmware become available. NCR, therefore, reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.

All features, functions, and operations described herein may not be marketed by NCR in all parts of the world. In some instances, photographs are of equipment prototypes. Therefore, before using this document, consult with your NCR representative or NCR office for information that is applicable and current.

© 2007, 2008, 2009By NCR Corporation, Dayton, Ohio U.S.A.http://www.ncr.comAll Rights Reserved


Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Radio Frequency Interference Statement

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

Canadian Class A Device Declaration

This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.

Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le Réglement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministère des Communications du Canada.

EU EMC Directive 2004/108EC

This equipment has been found to comply with the essential requirements of EMC Directive 2004/108EC, by testing to harmonized standard, EN55022 and EN55024. The equipment complies with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to EN55022.

This is a Class A product, in a domestic/residential environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.

Information to User

This equipment must be installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. However, there is no guarantee that interference to radio communications will not occur in a particular commercial installation. If this equipment does cause interference, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to consult an NCR service representative immediately.


NCR Corporation is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorised modifications of this equipment or the substitution or attachment of connecting cables and equipment other than those specified by NCR. Such unauthorized modifications, substitutions, or attachments may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. The correction of interference caused by such unauthorized modifications, substitutions, or attachments will be the responsibility of the user.

The ATM complies with the following Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directives and standards for IT equipment:

• 2004/108/EC ‘EMC Directive’• 93/68/EEC ‘CE Marking Directive’.For further information, refer to the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Safety section.


This is a contractual document. It contains important warnings and confers important legal rights and obligations. You are advised to read it carefully.

It is the responsibility of the customer to assure that all installation preparations are complete and in compliance with all specifications and requirements of NCR and all applicable national, state, or local codes, regulations and laws.

The product described in this book is a licensed product of NCR Corporation.

NCR Proprietary Information - not to be disclosed or reproduced without written consent.

NCR and NCR SelfServ are trademarks of NCR Corporation. Other product names mentioned in this publication may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.

It is the policy of NCR Corporation (NCR) to improve products as new technology, components, software, and firmware become available. NCR, therefore, reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.

All features, functions, and operations described herein may not be marketed by NCR in all parts of the world. In some instances, photographs are of equipment prototypes. Therefore, before using this document, consult with your NCR representative or NCR office for information that is applicable and current.

© 2007, 2008, 2009By NCR Corporation, Dayton, Ohio U.S.A.http://www.ncr.comAll Rights Reserved


Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Radio Frequency Interference Statement

This equipment has been tested and found tO comply With the limits fOr a Class A digital device, pursuant tO Part 15 Of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned tO provide reasOnable protection against harmful interference When the equipment is Operated in a commercial environment. This equipmentgenerates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance With the instruction manual, may cause harmfulinterference tO radio communications. Operation Of this equipment in a residential area is likely tO cause harmful interference in Which case the userWill be required tO correct the interference at his OWn eXpense.

Canadian Class A Device Declaration

This digital apparatus does not eXceed the Class A limits fOr radiO noise emissions frOm digital apparatus set Out in the Radio Interference RegulationsOf the Canadian Department Of Communications.

Le pre'sent appareil nume'rique n”émet pas de bruits radioe'lectriques de'passant les limites applicables auX appareils numériques de la classe A prescritesdans le Réglement sur le brouillage radiOe'lectrique e'dicté par le ministère des Communications du Canada.

EU EMC Directive 2004/108EC

This equipment has been found tO comply With the essential requirements OfEMC Directive 2004/108EC, by testing tO harmoniZed standard, EN55022and EN55024. The equipment complies With the limits fOr a Class A digital device, pursuant tO EN55022.

This is a Class A product, in a dOmestic/residential environment this product may cause radio interference in Which case the user may be required tOtake adequate measures.

Information to User

This equipment must be installed and used in strict accordance With the manufacturer,s instructions. HOWever, there is nO guarantee that interferencetO radiO communications Will not Occur in a particular commercial installation. If this equipment does cause interference, Which can be determined byturning the equipment Off and On, the user is encouraged tO consult an NCR service representative immediately.


NCR Corporation is not responsible fOr any radiO Or television interference caused by unauthorised modifications Of thisequipment Or the substitution Or attachment Of connecting cables and equipment other than those specified by NCR.Such unauthoriZed modifications, substitutions, Or attachments may void the user,s authority tO Operate the equipment.The cOrrectiOn Of interference caused by such unauthoriZed modifications, substitutions, Or attachments Will be therespOnsibility Of the user.

The ATM complies With the fOllOWing ElectrOmagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directives and standards fOr IT equipment:° 2004/108/EC 6EMC Directive”° 93/68/EEC 6CE Marking DirectiveflFor further information, refer tO the Electľomagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Safety section.

NOTICEThis is a contractual document. It contains important Warnings and confers important legal rights and Obligations. YOu are advised tO read it carefully.

It is the respOnsibility Of the customer tO assure that all installation preparatiOns are complete and in compliance With all specifications and requirementsOf NCR and all applicable national, state, Or lOcal codes, regulations and laWs.

The product described in this bOOk is a licensed product OfNCR Corporation.

NCR Proprietary Information - not tO be disclosed Or reproduced Without Written consent.

NCR and NCR SelfServ are trademarks Of NCR Corporation. Other product names mentioned in this publication may be trademarks Or registeredtrademarks Of their respective companies and are hereby acknOWledged.

It is the pOlicy Of NCR COrpOratiOn (NCR) tO improve products as neW technology, components, SOftWare, and firmWare become available. NCR,therefore, reserves the right tO change specifications Without priOr notice.

All features, functions, and Operations described herein may nOt be marketed by NCR in all parts Of the World. In sOme instances, phOtOgraphs are Ofequipment prOtOtypes. TherefOre, before using this document, consult With your NCR representative Or NCR Office fOr information that is applicableand current.

© 2007, 2008, 2009By NCR COrpOratiOn, Dayton, Ohio U.S.A.http://WWW.ncr.cOmAll Rights Reserved

B006-6656-C000 i

Table of Contents

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................1How to Use This Site Preparation Bookset ....................................................................2Purpose and Audience ....................................................................................................2Site Compliance..............................................................................................................2Customer Responsibilities ..............................................................................................3Product Identification .....................................................................................................4

PACKAGE DIMENSIONS.................................................................................................5Manoeuvring the ATM into Position..............................................................................6

Packaged ATM ..........................................................................................................6Unpackaged ATM......................................................................................................7

ATM DIMENSIONS...........................................................................................................8Front Access ...................................................................................................................9

UL Security Enclosure ...............................................................................................9CEN Security Enclosures.........................................................................................10Front Access Extended Panel...................................................................................11

Rear Access...................................................................................................................12UL Security Enclosure .............................................................................................12CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosures ...................................................................13CEN III and CEN IV Security Enclosures...............................................................14Rear Access Extended Door ....................................................................................15

ACCESS FOR ALL...........................................................................................................16Height and Depth to Main Facia Items.........................................................................16

Rear Access..............................................................................................................18Topmost Viewable Facia Item......................................................................................19Facia Item Locations for Voice Guidance ....................................................................20Task Lighting................................................................................................................21Wheelchair Clearance ...................................................................................................21

INSTALLATION AND SERVICE CLEARANCES........................................................22Important Notice to Users ........................................................................................22

Optimum Clearances.....................................................................................................23Front Access.............................................................................................................23Rear Access..............................................................................................................24

B006-6656-C000 i

Table of Contents

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................1How to Use This Site Preparation Bookset ....................................................................2Purpose and Audience ....................................................................................................2Site Compliance..............................................................................................................2Customer Responsibilities ..............................................................................................3Product Identification .....................................................................................................4

PACKAGE DIMENSIONS.................................................................................................5Manoeuvring the ATM into Position..............................................................................6

Packaged ATM ..........................................................................................................6Unpackaged ATM......................................................................................................7

ATM DIMENSIONS...........................................................................................................8Front Access ...................................................................................................................9

UL Security Enclosure ...............................................................................................9CEN Security Enclosures.........................................................................................10Front Access Extended Panel...................................................................................11

Rear Access...................................................................................................................12UL Security Enclosure .............................................................................................12CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosures ...................................................................13CEN III and CEN IV Security Enclosures...............................................................14Rear Access Extended Door ....................................................................................15

ACCESS FOR ALL...........................................................................................................16Height and Depth to Main Facia Items.........................................................................16

Rear Access..............................................................................................................18Topmost Viewable Facia Item......................................................................................19Facia Item Locations for Voice Guidance ....................................................................20Task Lighting................................................................................................................21Wheelchair Clearance ...................................................................................................21

INSTALLATION AND SERVICE CLEARANCES........................................................22Important Notice to Users ........................................................................................22

Optimum Clearances.....................................................................................................23Front Access.............................................................................................................23Rear Access..............................................................................................................24

Tab/e Of Contents

NCR SelfSerV 22 ATM Site Preparation

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1How to Use This Site Preparation Bookset .................................................................... 2Purpose and Audience .................................................................................................... 2Site Compliance .............................................................................................................. 2Customer Responsibilities .............................................................................................. 3Product Identification ..................................................................................................... 4

PACKAGE DIMENSIONS ................................................................................................. 5ManoeuVring the ATM into Position .............................................................................. 6

Packaged ATM .......................................................................................................... 6Unpackaged ATM ...................................................................................................... 7

ATM DIMENSIONS ........................................................................................................... 8Front Access ................................................................................................................... 9

UL Security Enclosure ............................................................................................... 9CEN Security Enclosures ......................................................................................... 10Front Access Extended Panel ................................................................................... 11

Rear Access ................................................................................................................... 12UL Security Enclosure ............................................................................................. 12CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosures ................................................................... 13CEN III and CEN IV Security Enclosures ............................................................... 14Rear Access Extended Door .................................................................................... 15

ACCESS FOR ALL........................................................................................................... 16Height and Depth to Main Facia Items ......................................................................... 16

Rear Access .............................................................................................................. 18Topmost Viewable Facia Item ...................................................................................... 19Facia Item Locations for Voice Guidance .................................................................... 20Task Lighting ................................................................................................................ 21Wheelchair Clearance ................................................................................................... 21

INSTALLATION AND SERVICE CLEARANCES ........................................................ 22Important Notice to Users ........................................................................................ 22

Optimum Clearances ..................................................................................................... 23Front Access ............................................................................................................. 23Rear Access .............................................................................................................. 24

5006-6656-C000 i

ii B006-6656-C000

Minimum Clearances ....................................................................................................25Front Access.............................................................................................................25Rear Access..............................................................................................................26

Hot Air Outlets - Front Access .....................................................................................27

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FLOOR.............................................................................28Floor Covering ..............................................................................................................28Floor Loading ...............................................................................................................28

Front Access ATMs .................................................................................................28Rear Access ATMs ..................................................................................................28

BOLT HOLE LOCATIONS .............................................................................................29Front Access .................................................................................................................29

UL Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations............................................................29CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations ...................................30

Rear Access...................................................................................................................32UL Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations............................................................32CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations ...................................33

SECURITY BOLTS ..........................................................................................................35

CHAIN AND RAM GUARD HOLES..............................................................................36Chain Guard Holes........................................................................................................36

Front Access.............................................................................................................36Ram Guard Holes..........................................................................................................37

VIDEO CAMERA.............................................................................................................38Ambient Lighting..........................................................................................................38Internal Space Constraint for Fitting a Third-Party Video Camera..............................39

DECALS............................................................................................................................40Card Orientation Window.............................................................................................41Advert Recess ...............................................................................................................42

Recessed Area for Decal - with Camera Lens .........................................................42Recessed Area for Decal - without Camera Lens ....................................................42

Entry/Exit Slot Decal ....................................................................................................43Decal Size and Design .............................................................................................43Decal Placement.......................................................................................................43

ii B006-6656-C000

Minimum Clearances ....................................................................................................25Front Access.............................................................................................................25Rear Access..............................................................................................................26

Hot Air Outlets - Front Access .....................................................................................27

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FLOOR.............................................................................28Floor Covering ..............................................................................................................28Floor Loading ...............................................................................................................28

Front Access ATMs .................................................................................................28Rear Access ATMs ..................................................................................................28

BOLT HOLE LOCATIONS .............................................................................................29Front Access .................................................................................................................29

UL Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations............................................................29CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations ...................................30

Rear Access...................................................................................................................32UL Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations............................................................32CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations ...................................33

SECURITY BOLTS ..........................................................................................................35

CHAIN AND RAM GUARD HOLES..............................................................................36Chain Guard Holes........................................................................................................36

Front Access.............................................................................................................36Ram Guard Holes..........................................................................................................37

VIDEO CAMERA.............................................................................................................38Ambient Lighting..........................................................................................................38Internal Space Constraint for Fitting a Third-Party Video Camera..............................39

DECALS............................................................................................................................40Card Orientation Window.............................................................................................41Advert Recess ...............................................................................................................42

Recessed Area for Decal - with Camera Lens .........................................................42Recessed Area for Decal - without Camera Lens ....................................................42

Entry/Exit Slot Decal ....................................................................................................43Decal Size and Design .............................................................................................43Decal Placement.......................................................................................................43

Minimum Clearances .................................................................................................... 25Front Access ............................................................................................................. 25Rear Access .............................................................................................................. 26

Hot Air Outlets - Front Access ..................................................................................... 27

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FLOOR............................................................................. 28Floor CoVering .............................................................................................................. 28Floor Loading ............................................................................................................... 28

Front Access ATMs ................................................................................................. 28Rear Access ATMs .................................................................................................. 28

BOLT HOLE LOCATIONS ............................................................................................. 29Front Access ................................................................................................................. 29

UL Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations ............................................................ 29CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations ................................... 30

Rear Access ................................................................................................................... 32UL Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations ............................................................ 32CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations ................................... 33

SECURITY BOLTS .......................................................................................................... 35

CHAIN AND RAM GUARD HOLES .............................................................................. 36Chain Guard Holes ........................................................................................................ 36

Front Access ............................................................................................................. 36Ram Guard Holes .......................................................................................................... 37

VIDEO CAMERA ............................................................................................................. 38Ambient Lighting .......................................................................................................... 38Internal Space Constraint for Fitting a Third-Party Video Camera .............................. 39

DECALS ............................................................................................................................ 40Card Orientation Window ............................................................................................. 41AdVert Recess ............................................................................................................... 42

Recessed Area for Decal - With Camera Lens ......................................................... 42Recessed Area for Decal - Without Camera Lens .................................................... 42

Entry/Exit Slot Decal .................................................................................................... 43Decal Size and Design ............................................................................................. 43Decal Placement ....................................................................................................... 43


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 1

Table of Contents

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation


The NCR SelfServ 22 Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is a freestanding interior ATM available in front or rear access variants.

Front Access Rear Access

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 1

Table of Contents

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation


The NCR SelfServ 22 Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is a freestanding interior ATM available in front or rear access variants.

Front Access Rear Access

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

NCR Se/fSerV 22 ATM Site Preparatiøn




Front Access Rear Access

The NCR SelÍSerV 22 Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is a freestanding interior ATMavailable in front Or rear access Variants.


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

2 B006-6656-C000

How to Use This Site Preparation BooksetThe site preparation is part of the NCR SelfServ 22 ATMs Site Preparation Bookset. It acts both as a specifications book, and also as a gateway to the other books in the bookset, which are:

NCR SelfServ 22, 25, 26, 31, 36 Site Preparation Requirements (B006-6669)

Purpose and AudienceThis book is intended for architects and those responsible for preparing a site prior to the arrival of the ATM.

Site preparation details are given under the following main sections within this book:

Package Dimensions

ATM Dimensions

Access for All

Installation and Service Clearances

Requirements for the Floor

Bolt Hole Locations

Video Camera

Site ComplianceThis bookset contains the information necessary for the preparation of a site conforming to NCR specifications. It is very important that the site complies with the requirements specified in this bookset, because, once the equipment has been installed, deficiencies in site preparation or the problems caused by these deficiencies are much more difficult to detect and correct. Further, failure to comply with these requirements or to take proper steps to protect equipment against risks identified in this bookset may cause serious damage to the equipment and to the customer’s business.

In addition to the need to comply with the requirements specified, electrical wiring and mechanical systems must also comply with all relevant codes, laws and regulations.

It is important that the site be prepared by a customer or his agent who is fully conversant with the special requirements of electronic equipment. The responsibility for ensuring that the site is prepared in compliance with this bookset remains with the customer.

For information and guidance purposes only, a list is provided, in general terms, of those matters for which the customer is responsible. This list is not intended to be comprehensive, and in no way modifies, alters, or limits the responsibility of the customer for all aspects of adequate site preparation.

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

2 B006-6656-C000

How to Use This Site Preparation BooksetThe site preparation is part of the NCR SelfServ 22 ATMs Site Preparation Bookset. It acts both as a specifications book, and also as a gateway to the other books in the bookset, which are:

NCR SelfServ 22, 25, 26, 31, 36 Site Preparation Requirements (B006-6669)

Purpose and AudienceThis book is intended for architects and those responsible for preparing a site prior to the arrival of the ATM.

Site preparation details are given under the following main sections within this book:

Package Dimensions

ATM Dimensions

Access for All

Installation and Service Clearances

Requirements for the Floor

Bolt Hole Locations

Video Camera

Site ComplianceThis bookset contains the information necessary for the preparation of a site conforming to NCR specifications. It is very important that the site complies with the requirements specified in this bookset, because, once the equipment has been installed, deficiencies in site preparation or the problems caused by these deficiencies are much more difficult to detect and correct. Further, failure to comply with these requirements or to take proper steps to protect equipment against risks identified in this bookset may cause serious damage to the equipment and to the customer’s business.

In addition to the need to comply with the requirements specified, electrical wiring and mechanical systems must also comply with all relevant codes, laws and regulations.

It is important that the site be prepared by a customer or his agent who is fully conversant with the special requirements of electronic equipment. The responsibility for ensuring that the site is prepared in compliance with this bookset remains with the customer.

For information and guidance purposes only, a list is provided, in general terms, of those matters for which the customer is responsible. This list is not intended to be comprehensive, and in no way modifies, alters, or limits the responsibility of the customer for all aspects of adequate site preparation.

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

How to Use This Site Preparation BooksetThe Site preparation is part of the NCR SelfServ 22 ATMS Site Preparation BOOkSet. It actsboth as a specifications book, and also as a gateway to the other books in the bookset,Which are:

o NCR SelfServ 22, 25, 26, 31, 36 Site Preparation Requirements §B006-6669ì

Purpose and AudienceThis book is intended for architects and those responsible for preparing a site prior to thearrival of the ATM.

Site preparation details are given under the following main sections Within this book:

Package Dimensions

ATM Dimensions

Access for All

Installation and Service Clearances

Requirements for the Floor

Bolt Hole Locations

Video Camera

Site ComplianceThis bookset contains the information necessary for the preparation of a site conforming toNCR specifications. It is Very important that the site complies With the requirementsspecified in this bookset, because, once the equipment has been installed, deficiencies insite preparation or the problems caused by these deficiencies are much more difficult todetect and correct. Further, failure to comply With these requirements or to take propersteps to protect equipment against risks identified in this bookset may cause seriousdamage to the equipment and to the customeras business.

In addition to the need to comply With the requirements specified, electrical Wiring andmechanical systems must also comply With all relevant codes, laWs and regulations.

It is important that the site be prepared by a customer or his agent Who is fully conversantWith the special requirements of electronic equipment. The responsibility for ensuring thatthe site is prepared in compliance With this bookset remains With the customer.

For information and guidance purposes only, a list is provided, in general terms, of thosematters for Which the customer is responsible. This list is not intended to becomprehensive, and in no Way modifies, alters, or limits the responsibility of the customerfor all aspects of adequate site preparation.

2 5006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 3

NCR staff will be available to answer questions relating to the contents of this bookset but, except where:

a the customer has been notified that a full or partial consultancy service is available and/or that NCR will be willing to undertake a preliminary or final site survey and

b the customer shall have entered into a formal contract with NCR for provision of the same

no comment, suggestion or advice offered or not offered about preparation of the site nor any inspection of the site whether before or after preparation is to be taken as approval of the location of the site and equipment or of its preparation and NCR will not be liable in respect of any comment, suggestion or advice given by its staff or in respect of any failure to give advice.

Finally, only the customer can know the full extent of damage which may be caused to his business by reason of failure of the equipment which is to be installed. For this reason it is the customer’s responsibility to ascertain the extent of any such possible damage to his existing or planned business, and to effect, full insurance in respect of it.

Customer ResponsibilitiesThe customer must do or provide the following:

When required by NCR, provide the NCR customer service representative with appropriate drawings that indicate:

Location of the equipment

Site wiring (power and signal, paths and lengths)

Location of other equipment capable of generating electrical noise, electromagnetic interference, heat, etc.

Make building alterations necessary to meet wiring and other site requirements.

Provide and install all communications cables, wall jacks, special connectors, and associated hardware.

Provide and install necessary power distribution boxes, conduits, grounds, lightning protection, and associated hardware.

Make sure all applicable codes, regulations and laws (including, but not limited to, electrical, building, safety, and health) are met.

Provide and install auxiliary power or other equipment as required.

Provide storage or service areas as required.

Make sure the environmental requirements of the system/unit are met.

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 3

NCR staff will be available to answer questions relating to the contents of this bookset but, except where:

a the customer has been notified that a full or partial consultancy service is available and/or that NCR will be willing to undertake a preliminary or final site survey and

b the customer shall have entered into a formal contract with NCR for provision of the same

no comment, suggestion or advice offered or not offered about preparation of the site nor any inspection of the site whether before or after preparation is to be taken as approval of the location of the site and equipment or of its preparation and NCR will not be liable in respect of any comment, suggestion or advice given by its staff or in respect of any failure to give advice.

Finally, only the customer can know the full extent of damage which may be caused to his business by reason of failure of the equipment which is to be installed. For this reason it is the customer’s responsibility to ascertain the extent of any such possible damage to his existing or planned business, and to effect, full insurance in respect of it.

Customer ResponsibilitiesThe customer must do or provide the following:

When required by NCR, provide the NCR customer service representative with appropriate drawings that indicate:

Location of the equipment

Site wiring (power and signal, paths and lengths)

Location of other equipment capable of generating electrical noise, electromagnetic interference, heat, etc.

Make building alterations necessary to meet wiring and other site requirements.

Provide and install all communications cables, wall jacks, special connectors, and associated hardware.

Provide and install necessary power distribution boxes, conduits, grounds, lightning protection, and associated hardware.

Make sure all applicable codes, regulations and laws (including, but not limited to, electrical, building, safety, and health) are met.

Provide and install auxiliary power or other equipment as required.

Provide storage or service areas as required.

Make sure the environmental requirements of the system/unit are met.

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

NCR StaffWill be available to answer questions relating to the contents of this bookset but,eXcept Where:

a the customer has been notified that a full or partial consultancy service is availableand/or that NCR Will be Willing to undertake a preliminary or final site survey and

b the customer shall have entered into a formal contract With NCR for provision of thesame

no comment, suggestion or advice offered or not offered about preparation of the site norany inspection of the site Whether before or after preparation is to be taken as approval ofthe location of the site and equipment or of its preparation and NCR Will not be liable inrespect of any comment, suggestion or advice given by its staff or in respect of any failureto give advice.

Finally, only the customer can knoW the full eXtent of damage Which may be caused to hisbusiness by reason of failure of the equipment Which is to be installed. For this reason it isthe customer°s responsibility to ascertain the eXtent of any such possible damage to hisexisting or planned business, and to effect, full insurance in respect of it.

Customer ResponsibilitiesThe customer must do or provide the folloWing:

a When required by NCR, provide the NCR customer service representative Withappropriate draWings that indicate:ø Location of the equipmentø Site Wiring (poWer and signal, paths and lengths)o Location of other equipment capable of generating electrical noise,

electromagnetic interference, heat, etc.o Make building alterations necessary to meet Wiring and other site requirements.ø Provide and install all communications cables, Wall jacks, special connectors, and

associated hardWare.ø Provide and install necessary poWer distribution boXes, conduits, grounds, lightning

protection, and associated hardWare.o Make sure all applicable codes, regulations and laWs (including, but not limited to,

electrical, building, safety, and health) are met.a Provide and install auXiliary poWer or other equipment as required.ø Provide storage or service areas as required.o Make sure the environmental requirements of the system/unit are met.

5006-6656-(3000 3

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

4 B006-6656-C000

Provide floor coverings and environmental systems that limit or control static electricity build-up and discharge.

Install the product at a height which meets the accessibility regulations of the relevant country.

Product IdentificationThe illustration below shows the layout of the product identification label which is fixed inside the top-box of the ATM.

The product is identified by the class, 6622, and a 4 digit model number. The serial number is unique to each ATM. The tracer number is used to identify where the ATM was built.

Please quote all of the serial and tracer numbers, including the prefix, when making reference to the ATM.

Model: XXXX

Hz: 50/60 A: X.X

XX - XXXXXXXXTracer: Serial:


NCR Global Solutions Ltd.

NCR SelfServ 22™


Made in UK



Electromagnetic CompatibilityThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

This apparatus does not exceed Class A limits for radio noise emissions set out in the Radio InterferenceRegulations of Canada.

Complies with FDA Radiation Performance Standards, 21 CFR Subchapter J

Class: 6622



ACN 000 003 592Manufactured: Xxxxxx XXXX



Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables auxappareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le Réglement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par leministère des Communications du Canada

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

4 B006-6656-C000

Provide floor coverings and environmental systems that limit or control static electricity build-up and discharge.

Install the product at a height which meets the accessibility regulations of the relevant country.

Product IdentificationThe illustration below shows the layout of the product identification label which is fixed inside the top-box of the ATM.

The product is identified by the class, 6622, and a 4 digit model number. The serial number is unique to each ATM. The tracer number is used to identify where the ATM was built.

Please quote all of the serial and tracer numbers, including the prefix, when making reference to the ATM.

Model: XXXX

Hz: 50/60 A: X.X

XX - XXXXXXXXTracer: Serial:


NCR Global Solutions Ltd.

NCR SelfServ 22™


Made in UK



Electromagnetic CompatibilityThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

This apparatus does not exceed Class A limits for radio noise emissions set out in the Radio InterferenceRegulations of Canada.

Complies with FDA Radiation Performance Standards, 21 CFR Subchapter J

Class: 6622



ACN 000 003 592Manufactured: Xxxxxx XXXX



Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables auxappareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le Réglement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par leministère des Communications du Canada

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

ø Provide floor coverings and environmental Systems that limit or control Staticelectricity build-up and discharge.

o Install the product at a height Which meets the accessibility regulations of the relevantcountry.

Product IdentificationThe illustration below shows the layout of the product identification label Which is fiXedinside the top-box of the ATM.

f N

ołÍ > NCR N OR seıfserv 22 iiiii iiiiliiiliiiiiiii ii iiillii Iiiill"Class: 6622 Model: XXXX

NCR Global Solutions Ltd. Tracer: XX _ XX Serial: XX _ XXXXXXXX

Made in UK Väc: XXX - XXXv HZ: 50/60 A: X.X



® SBsR

fd c us 0 ACN 000 003 502Electromagnetic CompatibilityThis device complies With Part 15 Of the FCC Rules. Operation is Subject tO the following tWO conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired Operation.

This apparatus does not exceed Class A limits for radio noise emissions set Out in the Radio InterferenceRegulations Of Canada.Le présent appareil numérique nlémet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables auXappareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le Réglement sur le brOuiIIage radioélectrique édicté par leministère des Communications du Canada

Complies With FDA Radiation Performance Standards, 21 CFR Subchapter J

K j

The product is identified by the class, 6622, and a 4 digit model number. The serialnumber is unique to each ATM. The tracer number is used to identify Where the ATM Wasbuilt.

Please quote all Of the serial and tracer numbers, including the prefiX, When makingreference to the ATM.

4 5006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 5

PACKAGE DIMENSIONSThe dimensions of a packaged ATM, with and without the carton and lid, are shown below.

Front Access Rear Access

UL 291 CEN L, I, III & IV UL 291 CEN L, I, III & IV

A Height of ATM and pallet without transportation feet.

1732 mm(68.2 in.)

1742 mm(68.6 in.)

1700 mm(67.0 in.)

1709 mm(67.3 in.)

A Height of ATM and pallet with transportation feet.

1781 mm(70.1 in.)

1791 mm(70.5 in.)

1749 mm(68.9 in.)

1758 mm(69.2 in.)

805 mm

(31.7 in.)

1837 mm

(72.3 in.)

1405 mm

(55.3 in.)801 mm

(31.5 in.)

1420 mm

(55.9 in.)


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 5

PACKAGE DIMENSIONSThe dimensions of a packaged ATM, with and without the carton and lid, are shown below.

Front Access Rear Access

UL 291 CEN L, I, III & IV UL 291 CEN L, I, III & IV

A Height of ATM and pallet without transportation feet.

1732 mm(68.2 in.)

1742 mm(68.6 in.)

1700 mm(67.0 in.)

1709 mm(67.3 in.)

A Height of ATM and pallet with transportation feet.

1781 mm(70.1 in.)

1791 mm(70.5 in.)

1749 mm(68.9 in.)

1758 mm(69.2 in.)

805 mm

(31.7 in.)

1837 mm

(72.3 in.)

1405 mm

(55.3 in.)801 mm

(31.5 in.)

1420 mm

(55.9 in.)


NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

PACKAGE DIMENSIQNSThe dimensions of a packaged ATM, With and Without the oarton and lid, are ShoWnbelow.

/\Áznflmm1420 mm(55.9 in.)


1837 mm(72.3 in.)

1405 mm801 mm (55.3 in.)(31.5 in.) /

Front Access Rear Access

UL 291 CEN L, I, III & IV UL 291 CEN L, I, III & IV

A Height Of ATM and pallet 1732 mm 1742 mm 1700 mm 1709 mmWithout transportation feet. (68.2 in.) (68.6 in.) (67.0 in.) (67.3 in.)

A Height of ATM and pallet 1781 mm 1791 mm 1749 mm 1758 mmWith transportation feet. (70.1 in.) (70.5 in.) (68.9 in.) (69.2 in.)


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

6 B006-6656-C000

Manoeuvring the ATM into PositionEnsure that doorways and corridors leading to your point of installation are wide enough to allow the package to pass through, or make arrangements to unpack the ATM in an area with sufficient access and then move it to the installation site. Also make sure that any corridors can support the weight of the ATM. Refer to page 28 for the maximum weight of the ATM and its floor loading.

The following table gives the minimum dimensions for doorways, corridors with right angle corners and the space required to rotate an ATM on its axis.

Note 1: The dimensions assume the ATM is being moved using equipment that does not extend beyond the ATM or packaging.

Note 2: A surrounding clearance of 6 mm (0.2 in.) has been allowed in the figures.

Packaged ATM

Pallet, carton and lid Pallet without carton

A Doorway or straight corridor

817 mm(32.2 in.)

813 mm(32.1 in.)

B Corridor with corner 1078 mm(42.5 in.)

1075 mm(42.4 in.)

C Rotation about centre

1631 mm(64.3 in.)

1629 mm(64.2 in.)




NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

6 B006-6656-C000

Manoeuvring the ATM into PositionEnsure that doorways and corridors leading to your point of installation are wide enough to allow the package to pass through, or make arrangements to unpack the ATM in an area with sufficient access and then move it to the installation site. Also make sure that any corridors can support the weight of the ATM. Refer to page 28 for the maximum weight of the ATM and its floor loading.

The following table gives the minimum dimensions for doorways, corridors with right angle corners and the space required to rotate an ATM on its axis.

Note 1: The dimensions assume the ATM is being moved using equipment that does not extend beyond the ATM or packaging.

Note 2: A surrounding clearance of 6 mm (0.2 in.) has been allowed in the figures.

Packaged ATM

Pallet, carton and lid Pallet without carton

A Doorway or straight corridor

817 mm(32.2 in.)

813 mm(32.1 in.)

B Corridor with corner 1078 mm(42.5 in.)

1075 mm(42.4 in.)

C Rotation about centre

1631 mm(64.3 in.)

1629 mm(64.2 in.)




NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Manoeuvring the ATM into PositionEnsure that doorWays and corridors leading to your point of installation are Wide enoughto allow the package to pass through, or make arrangements to unpack the ATM in an areaWith sufficient access and then move it to the installation site. Also make sure that anycorridors can support the Weight of the ATM. Refer to page 28 for the maximum Weight ofthe ATM and its floor loading.

The following table gives the minimum dimensions for doorWays, corridors With rightangle corners and the space required to rotate an ATM on its aXis.

Note 1: The dimensions assume the ATM is being moved using equipment that does noteXtend beyond the ATM or packaging.

Note 2: A surrounding clearance of 6 mm (0.2 in.) has been alloWed in the figures.


Packaged ATM

Pallet, carton and lid Pallet Without carton

A DoorWay or straight 817 mm 813 mmcorridor (32.2 in.) (32.1 in.)

B Corridor With corner 1078 mm 1075 mm(42.5 in.) (42.4 in.)

C Rotation about 1631 mm 1629 mmcentre (64.3 in.) (64.2 in.)

6 5006-6656-(3000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 7

Unpackaged ATM

Front Access ATM Rear Access ATM

UL 291 CEN L, I, III & IV UL 291 CEN L & I CEN III & IV

A Doorway or straight corridor

499 mm(19.7 in.)

499 mm(19.7 in.)

499 mm(19.7 in.)

499 mm(19.7 in.)

499 mm(19.7 in.)

B Corridor with corner 652 mm(25.7 in.)

662 mm(26.1 in.)

686 mm(27.0 in.)

695 mm(27.4 in.)

702 mm(27.7 in.)

C Rotation about centre

980 mm(38.6 in.)

1004 mm(39.6 in.)

1063 mm(41.9 in.)

1086 mm(42.8 in.)

1104 mm(43.5 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 7

Unpackaged ATM

Front Access ATM Rear Access ATM

UL 291 CEN L, I, III & IV UL 291 CEN L & I CEN III & IV

A Doorway or straight corridor

499 mm(19.7 in.)

499 mm(19.7 in.)

499 mm(19.7 in.)

499 mm(19.7 in.)

499 mm(19.7 in.)

B Corridor with corner 652 mm(25.7 in.)

662 mm(26.1 in.)

686 mm(27.0 in.)

695 mm(27.4 in.)

702 mm(27.7 in.)

C Rotation about centre

980 mm(38.6 in.)

1004 mm(39.6 in.)

1063 mm(41.9 in.)

1086 mm(42.8 in.)

1104 mm(43.5 in.)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Unpackaged ATM

Front Access ATM Rear Access ATM

UL 291 CEN L, I, ||| & IV UL 291 CEN L &| CEN III & IV

A DOOrWay Or Straight 499 mm 499 mm 499 mm 499 mm 499 mmcorridor (19.7 in.) (19.7 in.) (19.7 in.) (19.7 in.) (19.7 in.)

B COrridOr With corner 652 mm 662 mm 686 mm 695 mm 702 mm(25.7 in.) (26.1 in.) (27.0 in.) (27.4 in.) (27.7 in.)

C ROtatiOn about 980 mm 1004 mm 1063 mm 1086 mm 1104 mmcentre (38.6 in.) (39.6 in.) (41.9 in.) (42.8 in.) (43.5 in.)


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

8 B006-6656-C000

ATM DIMENSIONSThe following illustrations show dimensions for ATMs configured with CEN L, CEN I, CEN III, CEN IV Spanish Certified and UL 291 Level 1 security enclosures.

Note: Cables enter the ATM through the hole in the base of the ATM security enclosure. Refer to page 29 for the location of the hole.

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

8 B006-6656-C000

ATM DIMENSIONSThe following illustrations show dimensions for ATMs configured with CEN L, CEN I, CEN III, CEN IV Spanish Certified and UL 291 Level 1 security enclosures.

Note: Cables enter the ATM through the hole in the base of the ATM security enclosure. Refer to page 29 for the location of the hole.

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

ATM DIMENSIQNSThe following illuStrationS Show dimensions for ATMS configured With CEN L, CEN I,CEN III, CEN IV Spanish Certified and UL 291 Level l Security enclosures.

Note: Cables enter the ATM through the hole in the base of the ATM Security enclosure.Refer to page 29 for the location of the hole.

8 5006-6656-(3000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 9

Front Access

UL Security Enclosure

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a front access ATM configured with a UL 291 Level 1 security enclosure.

470 mm

(18.5 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

740 mm

(29.1 in.)

1521 mm

(60.0 in.)

1528 mm

(60.2 in.)

836 mm

(32.9 in.)

737 mm

(29.0 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

99 mm

(3.9 in.)

272 mm

(10.7 in.)48 mm

(1.9 in.)

868 mm

(34.2 in.)

48 mm

(1.9 in.)

45 mm

(1.7 in.)

836 mm

(33.0 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

737 mm

(29.0 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 9

Front Access

UL Security Enclosure

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a front access ATM configured with a UL 291 Level 1 security enclosure.

470 mm

(18.5 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

740 mm

(29.1 in.)

1521 mm

(60.0 in.)

1528 mm

(60.2 in.)

836 mm

(32.9 in.)

737 mm

(29.0 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

99 mm

(3.9 in.)

272 mm

(10.7 in.)48 mm

(1.9 in.)

868 mm

(34.2 in.)

48 mm

(1.9 in.)

45 mm

(1.7 in.)

836 mm

(33.0 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

737 mm

(29.0 in.)

Front Access

UL Security Enclcsure

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

The illustratien beleW ShOWS the dimenSiOnS fer a front access ATM configured With a UL291 Level 1 Security enclosure.

‹_ 470 mm_›(18.5 in.)

737 mm(29.0 in.)

VŇ99 mm 1

(3.9 in.) v

1528 mm(60.2 in.)

8.5 mm(0.3 in.)




470 mm(18.5 in.)

487 mm(19.2 in.)



836 mm(33.0 in.)

8.5 mm(0.3 in.)

I 836 rr_ım I(32.9 ın.)

‹_737 mm_›(29.0 In.)

1521 mm(60.0 in.)

48 mm(1.9 in.) A + 868 mm

(34.2 in.)

48 mm 1 272 mm(1.9 in.) (10.7 in.)

L šŤ `Í v

45 mm 740 mm(1.7 in.) _' ' (29.1 in.)


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

10 B006-6656-C000

CEN Security Enclosures

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a front access ATM configured with a CEN L, CEN I, CEN III or CEN IV Spanish security enclosure.

470 mm

(18.5 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

71 mm

(2.8 in.)

1531 mm

(60.3 in.)

1538 mm

(60.6 in.)

836 mm

(32.9 in.)

737 mm

(29.0 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

99 mm

(3.9 in.)

302 mm

(11.9 in.)58 mm

(2.3 in.)

744 mm

(29.3 in.)

29 mm

(1.1 in.)

878 mm

(34.6 in.)

48 mm

(1.9 in.)

865 mm

(34.0 in.)

737 mm

(29.0 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

10 B006-6656-C000

CEN Security Enclosures

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a front access ATM configured with a CEN L, CEN I, CEN III or CEN IV Spanish security enclosure.

470 mm

(18.5 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

71 mm

(2.8 in.)

1531 mm

(60.3 in.)

1538 mm

(60.6 in.)

836 mm

(32.9 in.)

737 mm

(29.0 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

99 mm

(3.9 in.)

302 mm

(11.9 in.)58 mm

(2.3 in.)

744 mm

(29.3 in.)

29 mm

(1.1 in.)

878 mm

(34.6 in.)

48 mm

(1.9 in.)

865 mm

(34.0 in.)

737 mm

(29.0 in.)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

CEN Security EnclosuresThe illustration below ShOWS the dimenSiOnS for a frcnt access ATM configured With aCEN L, CEN I, CEN III cr CEN IV Spanish Security enclOSure.

29 mm ı 470 mm ı(1-1 Mi (18.5 in.)

737 mm. 865 mm(29.0 In.) (340 in)

99 mm X(3.9 In.) v l 836 rnm ı

I 487 mm I (32-9111)` ı(19.2 In.) l 737 mm I

(29.0 in.)_A

1531 mm(60.3 in.)

1538 mm L(60.6 in.) í

48 mm. _› 4-(1'9 'n') 878 mm

(34.6 in.)

302 mm58 mm _(2.3 in.) U (11-911)

_V Ť v

8.5 mm 470 mm 8.5 mm(0.3 in.) _' ' (18.5 in.) '_ (0.3 in.)

71 mm 744 mm. _› ‹_ . _›(41%72niırrın) (2.8 In.) (29.3 In.)

10 5006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 11

Front Access Extended Panel

For some configurations, such as with the dual roll receipt printer, the rear panel has an extension increasing the overall depth of the ATM. The illustration below shows the dimensions for an extended rear panel on a front access ATM configured with a CEN Grade L, CEN Grade I, CEN Grade III, CEN Grade IV or UL Level 1 security enclosure.


A916 mm(36.1 in.)

906 mm(35.7 in.)

1004 mm

(39.5 in.)

157 mm

(6.2 in.)

286 mm

(11.3 in.)

168 mm

(6.6 in.)

327 mm

(52.24 in.)


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 11

Front Access Extended Panel

For some configurations, such as with the dual roll receipt printer, the rear panel has an extension increasing the overall depth of the ATM. The illustration below shows the dimensions for an extended rear panel on a front access ATM configured with a CEN Grade L, CEN Grade I, CEN Grade III, CEN Grade IV or UL Level 1 security enclosure.


A916 mm(36.1 in.)

906 mm(35.7 in.)

1004 mm

(39.5 in.)

157 mm

(6.2 in.)

286 mm

(11.3 in.)

168 mm

(6.6 in.)

327 mm

(52.24 in.)


NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Front Access Extended Panel

For some ccnfigurations, Such as With the dual roll receipt printer, the rear panel has aneXtensicn increasing the Overall depth Of the ATM. The illustration below ShOWs thedimensions for an extended rear panel cn a front access ATM configured With a CENGrade L, CEN Grade I, CEN Grade III, CEN Grade IV Or UL LeVel 1 security enclosure.

1004 mm I(39.5 in.)

k 157 mm(6.2 in.)


286 mm(11.3 in.)



168 mm'_ (6.6 in.)


327 mm(52.24 in.)

||ł_| ll


A 916 mm 906 mm(36.1 in.) (35.7 in.)

5006-6656-C000 11

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

12 B006-6656-C000

Rear Access

UL Security Enclosure

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured with a UL 291 Level 1 security enclosure.

470 mm

(18.5 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

800 mm

(31.5 in.)

1489 mm

(58.7 in.)

1496 mm

(58.9 in.)

894 mm

(35.2 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

16 mm

(0.6 in.)

930 mm

(36.6 in.)

517 mm

(20.4 in.)

60 mm

(2.4 in.)

36 mm

(1.4 in.)

836 mm

(33.0 in.)

48 mm

(1.9 in.)

45 mm

(1.7 in.)

735 mm

(28.9 in.)

735 mm

(28.9 in.)

96 mm

(3.8 in.)

99 mm

(3.9 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

12 B006-6656-C000

Rear Access

UL Security Enclosure

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured with a UL 291 Level 1 security enclosure.

470 mm

(18.5 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

800 mm

(31.5 in.)

1489 mm

(58.7 in.)

1496 mm

(58.9 in.)

894 mm

(35.2 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

16 mm

(0.6 in.)

930 mm

(36.6 in.)

517 mm

(20.4 in.)

60 mm

(2.4 in.)

36 mm

(1.4 in.)

836 mm

(33.0 in.)

48 mm

(1.9 in.)

45 mm

(1.7 in.)

735 mm

(28.9 in.)

735 mm

(28.9 in.)

96 mm

(3.8 in.)

99 mm

(3.9 in.)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Rear Access

UL Security EnclcsureThe illustration below ShOWS the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured With a UL291 Level 1 Security enclosure.

96 mm (412033(3.8 in.) ' '

A m GvA

735 mm 930 mm(28.9 in.) (36.6 in.)

X 894 mm4_ _ _›99V 1É1 v (35.2 ın.)mm 487 mm. .4_ _ _› 735 mm I 60 mm(3-9 In-) (19.2 ın.) 4 (28.9 in.) ‹_ (2.4 in)


1489 mm(58.7 in.)

1496 mm(58.9 in.) 1%'

48 mm _› ‹_(1.9 in.) 836 mm

E] (33.0 in.)517 mm‹_ . _›16 mm ł (20.4 ın.)

(0.6 in.) Í

_v i _Í v

8.5 r1ım_› L_470 mm_›| ‹_ 8.5 mm(0.3 ın.) (18.5 ın.) (0.3 m-) 45 300 mm 36"_ım _› 4_ , _› 4_ mm487 mm (1.7 ın.) (31.5 ın.) (1.4 In.)

‹_ . _›(19.2 In.)

12 5006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 13

CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosures

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured with a CEN I or CEN L security enclosure.

470 mm

(18.5 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.) 800 mm

(31.5 in.)

894 mm

(35.2 in.)

1498 mm

(59.0 in.)1505 mm

(59.3 in.)

834 mm

(32.8 in.)

735 mm

(29.0 in.)

735 mm

(29.0 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

99 mm

(3.9 in.)

25 mm

(1.0 in.)

845 mm

(33.3 in.)

123 mm

(4.9 in.)

517 mm

(20.4 in.)

60 mm

(2.4 in.)

957 mm

(37.7 in.)

45 mm

(1.7 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 13

CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosures

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured with a CEN I or CEN L security enclosure.

470 mm

(18.5 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.) 800 mm

(31.5 in.)

894 mm

(35.2 in.)

1498 mm

(59.0 in.)1505 mm

(59.3 in.)

834 mm

(32.8 in.)

735 mm

(29.0 in.)

735 mm

(29.0 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

99 mm

(3.9 in.)

25 mm

(1.0 in.)

845 mm

(33.3 in.)

123 mm

(4.9 in.)

517 mm

(20.4 in.)

60 mm

(2.4 in.)

957 mm

(37.7 in.)

45 mm

(1.7 in.)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

CEN I and CEN L Security EnclosuresThe illustration below ShOWS the dimensions for a fear access ATM configured With aCEN I Or CEN L Security enclcsure.

470 mm(18.5 in.)

123 mm A o 'Z'(4.9 in.) v


(29.0 in.) (37.7 in.)

v99 mm A 834 mm4_ .(3-9 in) ıą1š1 v_ (32-8 '0) 60 mm735 mm (2.4 In.)

(29.0 in.)

_Äk ................................... Äk

1505 mm 1498 mm(59.3 in.) (59.0 in.)

845 mm(33.3 in.)

517 mmU g (20.4 In.) ›_v z _ v

8.5 mm 470 mm 8.5 mm(0.3 In.) ' ' (18.5 In.) ' ' (0.3 In.) 25 "Í'm(1.0 In.)

I 487 mm I(19.2 in.) 45 rnm > ‹_800 rnm_›

(1.7 In.) (31.5 In.)894 mm4_ _ _›(35.2 In.)

5006-6656-C000 13

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

14 B006-6656-C000

CEN III and CEN IV Security Enclosures

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured with a CEN III or CEN IV Spanish security enclosure.

470 mm

(18.5 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

894 mm

(35.2 in.)

1498 mm

(59.0 in.)1505 mm

(59.3 in.)

834 mm

(32.8 in.)

735 mm

(29.0 in.)

735 mm

(29.0 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

99 mm

(3.9 in.)

106 mm

(4.2 in.)

517 mm

(20.4 in.)

60 mm

(2.4 in.)

977 mm

(38.5 in.)

46 mm

(1.8 in.)800 mm

(31.5 in.)45 mm

(1.7 in.)

25 mm

(1.0 in.)

845 mm

(33.3 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

14 B006-6656-C000

CEN III and CEN IV Security Enclosures

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured with a CEN III or CEN IV Spanish security enclosure.

470 mm

(18.5 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)8.5 mm

(0.3 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

894 mm

(35.2 in.)

1498 mm

(59.0 in.)1505 mm

(59.3 in.)

834 mm

(32.8 in.)

735 mm

(29.0 in.)

735 mm

(29.0 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

487 mm

(19.2 in.)

99 mm

(3.9 in.)

106 mm

(4.2 in.)

517 mm

(20.4 in.)

60 mm

(2.4 in.)

977 mm

(38.5 in.)

46 mm

(1.8 in.)800 mm

(31.5 in.)45 mm

(1.7 in.)

25 mm

(1.0 in.)

845 mm

(33.3 in.)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

CEN III and CEN IV Security EnclosuresThe illustration below ShOWS the dimensions for a fear access ATM configured With aCEN III Or CEN IV Spanish Security enclosure.

470 mm‹_

(18.5 in.)

106 mm _A o(4.2 in.) v


977 mm7 .(Zäorfiırrın) (38'5 '"')

v99 mm A l 834 mm I(3-9 in.) JV_IÉ11_1L (32-8 in) 60 mm

735 mm (2.4 in.)(29.0 in)

_Äk :3.3.3,3232323:;2;:zz;zz:3232;:z:;:;:;:;:g:z:g:g.g. Äk

1232111 ñ- 123111845 mm(33.3 in.) fl

517 mmU g (20.4 in.)_'

_v z v8.5 mm 470 mm 8.5 mm(0.3 in.) ' ' (18.5 in.) ' ' (0.3 in.) 25 mm

(1.0 In.)

487 mm 45 mm 800 mm 46 mm19.2' . _ ‹_ _› 4_( m) (1.7 in.) * (31.5 in.) (1.8 in.)894 mm<_ . _›(35.2 In.)

14 5006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 15

Rear Access Extended Door

For some configurations, such as with the dual roll receipt printer, the rear door has an extension increasing the overall depth of the ATM. The illustration below shows the dimensions for an extended rear panel on a rear access ATM configured with a CEN Grade L, CEN Grade I, CEN Grade III, CEN Grade IV or UL Level 1 security enclosure.


A865 mm(34.1 in.)

874 mm(34.4 in.)


1004 mm

(39.5 in.)

401 mm

(15.8 in.)

422 mm

(16.6 in.)

110 mm

(4.3 in.)

316 mm

(12.44 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 15

Rear Access Extended Door

For some configurations, such as with the dual roll receipt printer, the rear door has an extension increasing the overall depth of the ATM. The illustration below shows the dimensions for an extended rear panel on a rear access ATM configured with a CEN Grade L, CEN Grade I, CEN Grade III, CEN Grade IV or UL Level 1 security enclosure.


A865 mm(34.1 in.)

874 mm(34.4 in.)


1004 mm

(39.5 in.)

401 mm

(15.8 in.)

422 mm

(16.6 in.)

110 mm

(4.3 in.)

316 mm

(12.44 in.)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Rear Access Extended Door

For some configurations, Such as With the dual roll receipt printer, the rear door has anextension increasing the overall depth of the ATM. The illustration below shows thedimensions for an extended rear panel on a rear access ATM configured With a CENGrade L, CEN Grade I, CEN Grade III, CEN Grade IV or UL LeVel l security enclosure.

l 1004 mm I(39.5 in.)



316 mm(12.44 in.)


A 865 mm 874 mm(34.1 in.) (34.4 in.)

5006-6656-C000 15

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

16 B006-6656-C000

ACCESS FOR ALLThe ATM has been designed to meet the height and reach requirements of both the able-bodied and the disabled. For wheelchair users, the ATM offers optimised parallel approach, providing easy access, security and private space if installed according to the specifications detailed in this document.

Height and Depth to Main Facia ItemsThe following tables give the height and depth to the main facia items located on the facia. All the height dimensions are calculated from the base of the ATM.


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

16 B006-6656-C000

ACCESS FOR ALLThe ATM has been designed to meet the height and reach requirements of both the able-bodied and the disabled. For wheelchair users, the ATM offers optimised parallel approach, providing easy access, security and private space if installed according to the specifications detailed in this document.

Height and Depth to Main Facia ItemsThe following tables give the height and depth to the main facia items located on the facia. All the height dimensions are calculated from the base of the ATM.


NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

ACCESS FOR ALLThe ATM has been designed to meet the height and reach requirements of both the able-bodied and the disabled. For Wheelchair users, the ATM offers optimised parallelapproach, providing easy access, security and private space if installed according to thespecifications detailed in this document.

Height and Depth to Main Facia ItemsThe following tables giVe the height and depth to the main facia items located on the facia.All the height dimensions are calculated from the base of the ATM.

16 5006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 17

Front Access

Facia ItemHeight

(UL 291 only)Height

(CEN L, I, III & IV)Depth from

front of shelf

A381 mm (15.0 in.)Touchscreen Display

1292 mm(50.9 in.)

1302 mm(51.3 in.)

203 mm(8.0 in.)

307 mm (12.1 in.)Touchscreen Display

1268 mm(49.9 in.)

1278 mm(50.3 in.)

194 mm(7.6 in.)

B381 mm (15.0 in.)Display - 1st FDK

1211 mm(47.7 in.)

1221 mm(48.1 in.)

179 mm(7.0 in.)

307 mm (12.1 in.)Display - 1st FDK

1200 mm(47.2 in.)

1210 mm(47.6 in.)

162 mm(6.4 in.)

C381 mm (15.0 in.)Display - 2nd FDK

1173 mm(46.2 in.)

1183 mm(46.6 in.)

149 mm(5.9 in.)

307 mm (12.1 in.)Display - 2nd FDK

1168 mm(46.0 in.)

1178 mm(46.4 in.)

147 mm(5.8 in.)

D Receipt976 mm(38.4 in.)

986 mm(38.8 in.)

104 mm(4.1 in.)

E No. 5 Key926 mm(36.5 in.)

936 mm(36.9 in.)

75 mm(3.0 in.)

F Cash Exit787 mm(31.0 in.)

797 mm(31.4 in.)

21 mm(0.8 in.)

G Audio Jack Plug887 mm(34.9 in.)

897 mm(35.3 in.)

0 mm(0.00 in.)

H Card Reader983 mm(38.7 in.)

993 mm(39.1 in.)

104 mm(4.1 in.)

I 2nd Card Reader988 mm(38.9 in.)

998 mm(39.3 in.)

118 mm(4.7 in.)

J Barcode Reader1196 mm(47.1 in.)

1206 mm(47.5 in.)

20 mm(0.8 in.)

K Camera1476 mm(58.1 in.)

1486 mm(58.5 in.)

21 mm(0.8 in.)



NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 17

Front Access

Facia ItemHeight

(UL 291 only)Height

(CEN L, I, III & IV)Depth from

front of shelf

A381 mm (15.0 in.)Touchscreen Display

1292 mm(50.9 in.)

1302 mm(51.3 in.)

203 mm(8.0 in.)

307 mm (12.1 in.)Touchscreen Display

1268 mm(49.9 in.)

1278 mm(50.3 in.)

194 mm(7.6 in.)

B381 mm (15.0 in.)Display - 1st FDK

1211 mm(47.7 in.)

1221 mm(48.1 in.)

179 mm(7.0 in.)

307 mm (12.1 in.)Display - 1st FDK

1200 mm(47.2 in.)

1210 mm(47.6 in.)

162 mm(6.4 in.)

C381 mm (15.0 in.)Display - 2nd FDK

1173 mm(46.2 in.)

1183 mm(46.6 in.)

149 mm(5.9 in.)

307 mm (12.1 in.)Display - 2nd FDK

1168 mm(46.0 in.)

1178 mm(46.4 in.)

147 mm(5.8 in.)

D Receipt976 mm(38.4 in.)

986 mm(38.8 in.)

104 mm(4.1 in.)

E No. 5 Key926 mm(36.5 in.)

936 mm(36.9 in.)

75 mm(3.0 in.)

F Cash Exit787 mm(31.0 in.)

797 mm(31.4 in.)

21 mm(0.8 in.)

G Audio Jack Plug887 mm(34.9 in.)

897 mm(35.3 in.)

0 mm(0.00 in.)

H Card Reader983 mm(38.7 in.)

993 mm(39.1 in.)

104 mm(4.1 in.)

I 2nd Card Reader988 mm(38.9 in.)

998 mm(39.3 in.)

118 mm(4.7 in.)

J Barcode Reader1196 mm(47.1 in.)

1206 mm(47.5 in.)

20 mm(0.8 in.)

K Camera1476 mm(58.1 in.)

1486 mm(58.5 in.)

21 mm(0.8 in.)



Front Access

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Facia Item Height Height Depth from(UL 291 only) (CEN L, I, III & IV) front of Shelf

381 mm (15.0 in.) 1292 mm 1302 mm 203 mmA TouchScreen Display (50.9 in.) (51.3 in.) (8.0 in.)

|:| 307 mm (12.1 in.) 1268 mm 1278 mm 194 mmTouchScreen Display (49.9 in.) (50.3 in.) (7.6 in.)

381 mm (15.0 in.) 1211 mm 1221 mm 179 mmB Display - lst FDK (47.7 in.) (48.1 in.) (7.0 in.)

äìš 307 mm (12.1 in.) 1200 mm 1210 mm 162 mmDisplay - lst FDK (47.2 in.) (47.6 in.) (6.4 in.)

381 mm (15.0 in.) 1173 mm 1183 mm 149 mmC Display - a FDK (46.2 in.) (46.6 in.) (5.9 in.)

ĹĚ 307 mm (12.1 in.) 1168 mm 1178 mm 147 mmDisplay - a FDK (46.0 in.) (46.4 in.) (5.8 in.)

D Recei t 976 mm 986 mm 104 mm(i p (38.4 in.) (38.8 in.) (4.1 in.)

926 mm 936 mm 75 mmE JKL . . . .5 NO 5 Key (36.5 In.) (36.9 In.) (3.0 In.)

. 787 mm 797 mm 21 mmF ' h E . . .Cas e (31.01n.) (31.41n.) (0.8 In.)

. 887 mm 897 mm 0 mmG m Addre raer Prag (34.9 in.) (35.3 in.) (0.00 in.)

983 mm 993 mm 104 mmrr % Card Reader (38.7 in.) (39.1 in.) (4.1 in.)

988 mm 998 mm 118 mmr % and Card Reader (38.9 in.) (39.3 in.) (4.7 in.)

1196 mm 1206 mm 20 mmJ """I'III" Bareede Reader (47.1 in.) (47.5 in.) (0.8 in.)

1476 mm 1486 mm 21 mmK ÍČQ Carrrera (58.1 in.) (58.5 in.) (0.8 in.)

5006-6656-C000 17

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

18 B006-6656-C000

Rear Access

Facia ItemHeight

(UL 291 only)Height

(CEN L, I, III & IV)Depth from

front of shelf

A381 mm (15.0 in.)Touchscreen Display

1260 mm(49.6 in.)

1269 mm(50.0 in.)

203 mm(8.0 in.)

307 mm (12.1 in.)Touchscreen Display

1236 mm(48.7 in.)

1245 mm(49.0 in.)

194 mm(7.6 in.)

B381 mm (15.0 in.)Display - 1st FDK

1179 mm(46.4 in.)

1188 mm(46.8 in.)

179 mm(7.0 in.)

307 mm (12.1 in.)Display - 1st FDK

1168 mm(46.0 in.)

1177 mm(46.3 in.)

162 mm(6.4 in.)

C381 mm (15.0 in.)Display - 2nd FDK

1141 mm(44.9 in.)

1150 mm(45.3 in.)

149 mm(5.9 in.)

307 mm (12.1 in.)Display - 2nd FDK

1136 mm(44.7 in.)

1145 mm(45.1 in.)

147 mm(5.8 in.)

D Receipt944 mm(37.2 in.)

953 mm(37.5 in.)

104 mm(4.1 in.)

E No. 5 Key894 mm(35.2 in.)

903 mm(35.6 in.)

75 mm(3.0 in.)

F Cash Exit755 mm(29.7 in.)

764 mm(30.1 in.)

21 mm(0.8 in.)

G Audio Jack Plug855 mm(33.7 in.)

864 mm(34.0 in.)

0 mm(0.00 in.)

H Card Reader951 mm(37.4 in.)

960 mm(37.8 in.)

104 mm(4.1 in.)

I 2nd Card Reader956 mm(37.6 in.)

965 mm(38.0 in.)

118 mm(4.7 in.)

J Barcode Reader1164 mm(45.8 in.)

1173 mm(46.2 in.)

20 mm(0.8 in.)

K Camera1444 mm(56.9 in.)

1453 mm(57.2 in.)

21 mm(0.8 in.)



NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

18 B006-6656-C000

Rear Access

Facia ItemHeight

(UL 291 only)Height

(CEN L, I, III & IV)Depth from

front of shelf

A381 mm (15.0 in.)Touchscreen Display

1260 mm(49.6 in.)

1269 mm(50.0 in.)

203 mm(8.0 in.)

307 mm (12.1 in.)Touchscreen Display

1236 mm(48.7 in.)

1245 mm(49.0 in.)

194 mm(7.6 in.)

B381 mm (15.0 in.)Display - 1st FDK

1179 mm(46.4 in.)

1188 mm(46.8 in.)

179 mm(7.0 in.)

307 mm (12.1 in.)Display - 1st FDK

1168 mm(46.0 in.)

1177 mm(46.3 in.)

162 mm(6.4 in.)

C381 mm (15.0 in.)Display - 2nd FDK

1141 mm(44.9 in.)

1150 mm(45.3 in.)

149 mm(5.9 in.)

307 mm (12.1 in.)Display - 2nd FDK

1136 mm(44.7 in.)

1145 mm(45.1 in.)

147 mm(5.8 in.)

D Receipt944 mm(37.2 in.)

953 mm(37.5 in.)

104 mm(4.1 in.)

E No. 5 Key894 mm(35.2 in.)

903 mm(35.6 in.)

75 mm(3.0 in.)

F Cash Exit755 mm(29.7 in.)

764 mm(30.1 in.)

21 mm(0.8 in.)

G Audio Jack Plug855 mm(33.7 in.)

864 mm(34.0 in.)

0 mm(0.00 in.)

H Card Reader951 mm(37.4 in.)

960 mm(37.8 in.)

104 mm(4.1 in.)

I 2nd Card Reader956 mm(37.6 in.)

965 mm(38.0 in.)

118 mm(4.7 in.)

J Barcode Reader1164 mm(45.8 in.)

1173 mm(46.2 in.)

20 mm(0.8 in.)

K Camera1444 mm(56.9 in.)

1453 mm(57.2 in.)

21 mm(0.8 in.)



NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation


Rear Access

. Height Height Depth fromFac'a "em (UL 291 ønıy) (cEN L, ı, ııı & ıv) front of Sheıf

381 mm (15.0 in.) 1260 mm 1269 mm 203 mmA TouchScreen Display (49.6 in.) (50.0 in.) (8.0 in.)

|:| 307 mm (12.1 in.) 1236 mm 1245 mm 194 mmTouchScreen Display (48.7 in.) (49.0 in.) (7.6 in.)

381 mm (15.0 in.) 1179 mm 1188 mm 179 mmB Display - lst FDK (46.4 in.) (46.8 in.) (7.0 in.)

äìš 307 mm (12.1 in.) 1168 mm 1177 mm 162 mmDisplay - lst FDK (46.0 in.) (46.3 in.) (6.4 in.)

381 mm (15.0 in.) 1141 mm 1150 mm 149 mmC Display - 2nd FDK (44.9 in.) (45.3 in.) (5.9 in.)

ĹĚ 307 mm (12.1 in.) 1136 mm 1145 mm 147 mmDisplay - 2nd FDK (44.7 in.) (45.1 in.) (5.8 in.)

_ 944 mm 953 mm 104 mmD (i ReeerPr (37.2 in.) (37.5 in.) (4.1 in.)

894 mm 903 mm 75 mmE Ne- 5 Key (35.2 in.) (35.6 in.) (3.0 in.)

_ 755 mm 764 mm 21 mmF Cash EX“ (29.7 in.) (30.1 in.) (0.8 in.)

ı 855 mm 864 mm 0 mmG m Addre Jaek Plug (33.7 in.) (34.0 in.) (0.00 in.)

951 mm 960 mm 104 mmH % Card Reader (37.4 in.) (37.8 in.) (4.1 in.)

956 mm 965 mm 118 mmI % 2nd Card Reader (37.61n.) (38.01n.) (4.7 in.)

1164 mm 1173 mm 20 mmJ II|||I||I|||| Baľcode Reader (45.8 in.) (46.2 in.) (0.8 in.)

1444 mm 1453 mm 21 mmK ÍČQ Carrrera (56.9 in.) (57.2 in.) (0.8 in.)


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 19

Topmost Viewable Facia ItemThe following illustration shows the projected angle from the front of the ATM facia to the topmost viewable facia item.

Touchscreen Display


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 19

Topmost Viewable Facia ItemThe following illustration shows the projected angle from the front of the ATM facia to the topmost viewable facia item.

Touchscreen Display


NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Tøpmøst Viewable Facia ItemThe folløwing illustration ShOWS the proj ected angle from the front Of the ATM facia tothe tømSt VieWable facia item.

5006-6656-C000 19

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

20 B006-6656-C000

Facia Item Locations for Voice Guidance

Facia Item Distance from No. 5 Key Clock Face Position

A Receipt Exit 118 mm(4.6 in.)



381 mm (15.0 in.) Display - Top left-hand FDK325 mm(12.8 in.)


307 mm (12.1 in.) Display - Top left-hand FDK315 mm(12.4 in.)


C 2nd Card Reader64 mm

(2.52 in.)12

D Card Reader159 mm(6.3 in.)


E Audio Jack Plug145 mm(5.7 in.)


F Cash Exit139 mm(5.5 in.)







NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

20 B006-6656-C000

Facia Item Locations for Voice Guidance

Facia Item Distance from No. 5 Key Clock Face Position

A Receipt Exit 118 mm(4.6 in.)



381 mm (15.0 in.) Display - Top left-hand FDK325 mm(12.8 in.)


307 mm (12.1 in.) Display - Top left-hand FDK315 mm(12.4 in.)


C 2nd Card Reader64 mm

(2.52 in.)12

D Card Reader159 mm(6.3 in.)


E Audio Jack Plug145 mm(5.7 in.)


F Cash Exit139 mm(5.5 in.)







NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Facia Item Locations for Voice Guidance









































III ||| ||| | ||| ||| IL\

Facia Item Distance from No. 5 Key Clock Face Position

Receipt EXit Ěìsóťìln; 10

381 mm (15.0 in.) Display - Top left-hand FDK (3122581153 11

307 nnn (12.1 in.) Display - Tøp left-hand FDK (3112541155 11

a Card Reader (§11). 51112111) 12

Card Reader ĚŽŽ 13111; 2

Audio Jack Plug 1215713111; 4

Cash Exit Ěšgs 13111; 6


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 21

Task LightingA minimum of 200 lux is required for task lighting.

Wheelchair ClearanceThe following illustration shows the clearance required for wheelchair approach and turning circle.

1550 mm

(61.0 in.)

1550 mm

(61.0 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 21

Task LightingA minimum of 200 lux is required for task lighting.

Wheelchair ClearanceThe following illustration shows the clearance required for wheelchair approach and turning circle.

1550 mm

(61.0 in.)

1550 mm

(61.0 in.)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Task LightingA minimum Of 200 luX iS required for task lighting.

Wheelchair ClearanceThe folløwing illustration ShOWS the clearance required for Wheelchair approach andturning circle.

1550 mm(61.0 in.)

| I 1550 mm I(6.1 O In.)

5006-6656-(3000 21

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

22 B006-6656-C000


Important Notice to Users

If it is likely that the ATM will be upgraded with new modules as they become available, you should use the optimum clearances.

Installing the ATM in the minimum servicing areas may impact servicing and/or upgrading times.

The minimum service areas are required for servicing. If these areas are not available consult your local service representative.

Any surround or enclosure that sits on top of the ATM must be self supporting.

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

22 B006-6656-C000


Important Notice to Users

If it is likely that the ATM will be upgraded with new modules as they become available, you should use the optimum clearances.

Installing the ATM in the minimum servicing areas may impact servicing and/or upgrading times.

The minimum service areas are required for servicing. If these areas are not available consult your local service representative.

Any surround or enclosure that sits on top of the ATM must be self supporting.

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation


Important Notice to UsersIf it is likely that the ATM Will be upgraded With neW modules as they become available,you Should use the optimum clearances.

Installing the ATM in the minimum servicing areas may impact servicing and/orupgrading times.

The minimum service areas are required for servicing. If these areas are not availableconsult your local service representative.

Any surround or enclosure that SitS on top of the ATM must be self supporting.

22 5006-6656-(3000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 23

Optimum ClearancesThe following illustrations show the optimum areas required for installing and servicing the ATM.

Front Access

The illustration below shows the optimum clearance dimensions for a front access ATM.

Note: If you intend to fit a chain or ram guard, allow extra clearance for fitting and removal.

782 mm

(30.8 in.)

1470 mm

(57.9 in.)

2078 mm

(81.9 in.)UL 291 only

2082 mm

(82.0 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

38 mm

(1.5 in.)

500 mm

(19.7 in.)500 mm

(19.7 in.) 778 mm

(30.7 in.)UL 291 only

Without extendedrear panel

With extended rear panel

156 mm

(6.1 in.)

Front ofSecurity Enclosure


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 23

Optimum ClearancesThe following illustrations show the optimum areas required for installing and servicing the ATM.

Front Access

The illustration below shows the optimum clearance dimensions for a front access ATM.

Note: If you intend to fit a chain or ram guard, allow extra clearance for fitting and removal.

782 mm

(30.8 in.)

1470 mm

(57.9 in.)

2078 mm

(81.9 in.)UL 291 only

2082 mm

(82.0 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

38 mm

(1.5 in.)

500 mm

(19.7 in.)500 mm

(19.7 in.) 778 mm

(30.7 in.)UL 291 only

Without extendedrear panel

With extended rear panel

156 mm

(6.1 in.)

Front ofSecurity Enclosure


NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

0ptimum ClearancesThe following illustrations ShoW the Optimum areas required for installing and SerVicingthe ATM.

Front Access

The illustration below ShoWS the Optimum clearance dimensions for a front access ATM.

A 156mmV (6.1 in.)A


38 mm(1.5 in.) 732 "_Im

(30.8 ın.)

500 mm 470 mm 500 mm i4 (19.7 in.) › ' (18.5 in.) ' ' (19.7 in.) ' 773 "Im

(30.7 ın.)UL 291 only

i Front Of-------------------------- Security Enclosure

Baseplate2082 mm(82.0 in.)

2078 mm(81.9 in.)

UL 291 Only

Without extendedrear panel

_v . Wıth extended rear panel

1470 mm(57.9 in.)

Note: If you intend to fit a chain or ram guard, allow eXtra clearance for fitting andremoVal.

5006-6656-C000 23

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

24 B006-6656-C000

Rear Access

The illustration below shows the optimum clearance dimensions for a rear access ATM.

Note: If you intend to fit a chain or ram guard, you may need to allow extra clearance for fitting and removal.

500 mm

(19.7 in.)

800 mm

(31.5 in.)

2800 mm

(110.2 in.)

1470 mm

(57.9 in.)

500 mm

(19.7 in.)500 mm

(19.7 in.)470 mm

(18.5 in.)

Front ofSecurity Enclosure


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

24 B006-6656-C000

Rear Access

The illustration below shows the optimum clearance dimensions for a rear access ATM.

Note: If you intend to fit a chain or ram guard, you may need to allow extra clearance for fitting and removal.

500 mm

(19.7 in.)

800 mm

(31.5 in.)

2800 mm

(110.2 in.)

1470 mm

(57.9 in.)

500 mm

(19.7 in.)500 mm

(19.7 in.)470 mm

(18.5 in.)

Front ofSecurity Enclosure


NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Rear Access

The illustration below ShoWS the Optimum clearance dimensions for a rear access ATM.

1470 mm(57.9 in.)


// /


`I/ł'èK \

2800 mm ` "×× `(110.2 in.) `±×o× ` GI

500 mm 470 mm 500 mm(19.7 in.) (18.5 in.) (19.7 in.)

800 mm(31.5 in.)

Front Of- - - - ------------------------------ Security Enclosure


500 mm(19.7 in.)

Note: If you intend to fit a chain or ram guard, you may need to allow eXtra clearance forfitting and remoVal.

24 B006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 25

Minimum ClearancesThe following illustrations show the minimum areas required for installing and servicing the ATM.

Front Access

The illustration below shows the minimum clearance dimensions for a front access ATM.

Note 1: This area is required for minimum service clearance. If this area is not available please refer to ‘Important Notice to Users’ on page 22 and consult your local service representative.

Note 2: If you intend to fit a chain or ram guard, you may need to allow extra clearance for fitting and removal.

38 mm

(1.5 in.)

382 mm

(15.1 in.)

420 mm

(16.6 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

546 mm

(21.5 in.)

38 mm

(1.5 in.)

262 mm

(10.4 in.)

945 mm

(37.2 in.)

300 mm

(11.8 in.)

1678 mm

(66.1 in.)UL 291 only

200 mm

(7.9 in.)

156 mm

(6.1 in.)

220 mm

(8.7 in.)

733 mm

(28.9 in.)UL 291 only

38 mm

(1.5 in.)

1190 mm

(46.9 in.)

737 mm

(29.0 in.)

1682 mm

(66.2 in.)

Minimum Clearance

See Note 1

With extended rear panel

Front ofSecurity Enclosure


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 25

Minimum ClearancesThe following illustrations show the minimum areas required for installing and servicing the ATM.

Front Access

The illustration below shows the minimum clearance dimensions for a front access ATM.

Note 1: This area is required for minimum service clearance. If this area is not available please refer to ‘Important Notice to Users’ on page 22 and consult your local service representative.

Note 2: If you intend to fit a chain or ram guard, you may need to allow extra clearance for fitting and removal.

38 mm

(1.5 in.)

382 mm

(15.1 in.)

420 mm

(16.6 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

546 mm

(21.5 in.)

38 mm

(1.5 in.)

262 mm

(10.4 in.)

945 mm

(37.2 in.)

300 mm

(11.8 in.)

1678 mm

(66.1 in.)UL 291 only

200 mm

(7.9 in.)

156 mm

(6.1 in.)

220 mm

(8.7 in.)

733 mm

(28.9 in.)UL 291 only

38 mm

(1.5 in.)

1190 mm

(46.9 in.)

737 mm

(29.0 in.)

1682 mm

(66.2 in.)

Minimum Clearance

See Note 1

With extended rear panel

Front ofSecurity Enclosure


NCR SeIfSerV 22 ATM Site Preparation

Minimum ClearancesThe following illustrations show the minimum areas required for installing and servicingthe ATM.

Front Access

The illustration below shows the minimum clearance dimensions for a front access ATM.

Minimum Clearance 4_ 546 "_Im_›(21.5 ın.)

(6.1 in.). With extended rear panel v A

38 mm 38 mm Tà ‹_ .(1.5 in.) _› ‹_ 381m (1.5 ın.)

300 mm (1.5 in.) 737 mm. (29.0 In.)

(11.8 ın.) 420 mm` V 4 (16'6 m) > 733 mm

262 rnm (28.9 in.)(10.4 ın.) 332 mm UL 291 Only4_› (15.1 in.) i

<_›Front Of ç 1682 mm

Security Enclosure -------------- - - (66 2 in )Baseplate T ` W '

| ı\ \\

(4158111211) I I `\ "\\.\\ 1678 mm' ' n : `\ "3/ (66.1 in.)

' . \ "\\ UL 291 ønıy: \, Qx 945 mmI (37.2 in.)IIII

_Ä_ I

200 mm I(7.9 in.) I

_V_ L ________ ı V

4_›220 mm

1190 mm (8'7 in')` (48.9 in.) ˇ

Note 1: This area is required for minimum service clearance. If this area is not availableplease refer to “Important Notice to Users” on page 22 and consult your local servicerepresentative.

Note 2: If you intend to fit a chain or ram guard, you may need to allow eXtra clearancefor fitting and removal.

5006-6656-C000 25

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

26 B006-6656-C000

Rear Access

The illustration below shows the minimum clearance dimensions for a rear access ATM.

Note 1: This area is required for minimum service clearance. If this area is not available please refer to ‘Important Notice to Users’ on page 22 and consult your local service representative.

Note 2: Only one area is required, either on the left or on the right.

Note 3: If you intend to fit a chain guard, you may need to allow extra clearance for fitting and removal.

300 mm

(11.8 in.)300 mm

(11.8 in.)

200 mm

(7.9 in.)

38 mm

(1.5 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

38 mm

(1.5 in.)

500 mm

(19.7 in.)

800 mm

(31.5 in.)

2200 mm

(86.7 in.)

1070 mm

(42.1 in.)

900 mm

(35.5 in.)

130 mm

(5.1 in.)

170 mm

(6.7 in.)

546 mm

(21.5 in.)

1070 mm

(42.1 in.)

Minimum Clearance

See Note 1

With extended rear panel

Front ofSecurity Enclosure


See Note 2See Note 2

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

26 B006-6656-C000

Rear Access

The illustration below shows the minimum clearance dimensions for a rear access ATM.

Note 1: This area is required for minimum service clearance. If this area is not available please refer to ‘Important Notice to Users’ on page 22 and consult your local service representative.

Note 2: Only one area is required, either on the left or on the right.

Note 3: If you intend to fit a chain guard, you may need to allow extra clearance for fitting and removal.

300 mm

(11.8 in.)300 mm

(11.8 in.)

200 mm

(7.9 in.)

38 mm

(1.5 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

38 mm

(1.5 in.)

500 mm

(19.7 in.)

800 mm

(31.5 in.)

2200 mm

(86.7 in.)

1070 mm

(42.1 in.)

900 mm

(35.5 in.)

130 mm

(5.1 in.)

170 mm

(6.7 in.)

546 mm

(21.5 in.)

1070 mm

(42.1 in.)

Minimum Clearance

See Note 1

With extended rear panel

Front ofSecurity Enclosure


See Note 2See Note 2

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Rear Access

The illustration below shows the minimum clearance dimensions for a rear access ATM.

A 1070 mm` (42.1 in.)_'

200 mm(7.9 in.)4_>

A 170 mm A i- ________ '(6.7 ın.)_v :




I 900 mmI (35.5 in.):

x` \ ` \ I\ Q \\ |

, š` × I130mm `~`×"×"×I(5.1 ın.) `ì"§ł

_A_ `° ` X

(86.7 in.) _v

38 mm 470 mm 38 mm(1.5 in.)_' ' (18.5 in.) '_ (1 5 in) 800 mm

(31.5 in.)

300 mm 300 mm m

_ Front Of_ _ _ _ “““““““““““““““““““““ ł------ - - “ Security Enclosure

IJÉI I Baceplate

See Note 2See Note 2 500 mm\ (19.7 in.)

v i

I I546 mm Minimum Clearance(21.5 in.)1070 mm See Note 14 . _›(42.1 ın.)

. With extended rear panel

Note 1: This area is required for minimum Service clearance. If this area is not availableplease refer to “Important Notice to Users” on page 22 and consult your local servicerepresentative.

Note 2: Only one area is required, either on the left or on the right.

Note 3: If you intend to fit a chain guard, you may need to allow eXtra clearance forfitting and removal.

26 B006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 27

Hot Air Outlets - Front Access The illustration below shows the position of the hot air outlets on the rear of the front access ATM.

Note: CEN security enclosures only.

86 mm

(3.4 in.)

94 mm

(3.7 in.)

86 mm

(3.4 in.)

117 mm

(4.6 in.)

89 mm

(3.5 in.)

39 mm

(1.5 in.)

24 mm

(0.9 in.)

91 mm

(3.6 in.)

36 mm

(1.4 in.)

30 mm

(1.2 in.)See Note

161 mm

(6.3 in.)

24 mm

(0.9 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 27

Hot Air Outlets - Front Access The illustration below shows the position of the hot air outlets on the rear of the front access ATM.

Note: CEN security enclosures only.

86 mm

(3.4 in.)

94 mm

(3.7 in.)

86 mm

(3.4 in.)

117 mm

(4.6 in.)

89 mm

(3.5 in.)

39 mm

(1.5 in.)

24 mm

(0.9 in.)

91 mm

(3.6 in.)

36 mm

(1.4 in.)

30 mm

(1.2 in.)See Note

161 mm

(6.3 in.)

24 mm

(0.9 in.)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Hot Air Qutlets - Front AccessThe illustration below ShoWS the position of the hot air outletS On the rear of the frontaccess ATM.

/\ xrm z r vłľľťrr z (v v ľľľ/ťrťrr (fr.ççêêëêvêçëç' .vžžêêëëëššššëřt' 'Fľrťrr f' ľrrľmwr FF|Iççççľľ fm Iľfľľrmrľg“f mv PFł91 mm ıCfďfťťFFŠFı Içççšgëëfíľ'

. (TPM ť ł(3.8 ın.) :žžçêçšššêêêi :ft/'f'ľfľfľľľrrm łIççľľrrrfťrrľľťrťrrfr89 Iflvířêççç 94 mmmm ` ø n. .~ Q K (3.7 In.)

(3.5 In.) v/V

K 39 mmJ (1.5 ın.)

24 mm(0.9 In.)

Note: CEN Security enclosures only.


161 mm(6.3 in.)

24 mm4/ (0.9 in.)

v\ 30 mm(1.2 in.)

See Note


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

28 B006-6656-C000

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FLOORThe ATM is suitable for mounting on a concrete or other non-combustible surface only.

Floor CoveringAn antistatic floor covering should be used and must be of a type that will not generate dust or fluff. The surface on which the ATM is to be sited should be level and even. In locations where the floor may be uneven, it is recommended that a steel plate is used under the ATM.

Floor LoadingThe ATM must be installed on a floor capable of supporting the maximum weight. Only the maximum weight should be considered as additional options may be added after installation.

Front Access ATMs

Rear Access ATMs


Maximum weight 485 kg(1069.4 lb.)

507 kg(1117.9 lb.)

670 kg(1477.4 lb.)

Floor loading 1394 kg/m²(285.6 lb./ft²)

1450 kg/m²(296.9 lb./ft²)

1916 kg/m²(392.4 lb./ft²)


Maximum weight 485 kg(1069.4 lb.)

507 kg(1117.9 lb.)

670 kg(1477.4 lb.)

Floor loading 1290 kg/m²(264.2 lb./ft²)

1348 kg/m²(276.2 lb./ft²)

1782 kg/m²(364.9 lb./ft²)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

28 B006-6656-C000

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FLOORThe ATM is suitable for mounting on a concrete or other non-combustible surface only.

Floor CoveringAn antistatic floor covering should be used and must be of a type that will not generate dust or fluff. The surface on which the ATM is to be sited should be level and even. In locations where the floor may be uneven, it is recommended that a steel plate is used under the ATM.

Floor LoadingThe ATM must be installed on a floor capable of supporting the maximum weight. Only the maximum weight should be considered as additional options may be added after installation.

Front Access ATMs

Rear Access ATMs


Maximum weight 485 kg(1069.4 lb.)

507 kg(1117.9 lb.)

670 kg(1477.4 lb.)

Floor loading 1394 kg/m²(285.6 lb./ft²)

1450 kg/m²(296.9 lb./ft²)

1916 kg/m²(392.4 lb./ft²)


Maximum weight 485 kg(1069.4 lb.)

507 kg(1117.9 lb.)

670 kg(1477.4 lb.)

Floor loading 1290 kg/m²(264.2 lb./ft²)

1348 kg/m²(276.2 lb./ft²)

1782 kg/m²(364.9 lb./ft²)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FLOORThe ATM is suitable for mounting on a concrete or Other non-combustible Surface Only.

Floor CoveringAn antistatic floor coVering Should be used and must be of a type that Will not generatedust or fluff. The Surface on Which the ATM is to be Sited Should be leVel and even. Inlocations Where the floor may be uneVen, it is recommended that a Steel plate is used underthe ATM.

Floor LoadingThe ATM must be installed on a floor capable of Supporting the maximum Weight. Onlythe maximum Weight Should be considered as additional options may be added afterinstallation.

Front Access ATMs


Maximum Weight 485 kg 507 kg 670 kg(1069.416) (1117.916) (1477.416)

Floor loading 1394 kg/m2 1450 kg/m2 1916 kg/m2(285.6 16./f12) (296.9 16/112) (392.4 116./fl2)

Rear Access ATMs


Maximum Weight 485 kg 507 kg 670 kg(1069.416) (1117.916) (1477.416)

Floor loading 1290 kg/m2 1348 kg/m2 1782 kg/m2(264.2 16./f12) (276.2 16/112) (364.9 116./fl2)

28 5006-6656-(3000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 29

BOLT HOLE LOCATIONSThe following illustrations show a plan view of the base of the ATM. The plan should be used for pre-drilling bolt holes ‘A’ and illustrates the design of the steel plate, if used.

Front Access

UL Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a front access ATM configured with a UL 291 Level 1 security enclosure.

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

410 mm

(16.1 in.)

35.5 mm

(1.4 in.)

43 mm

(1.7 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)4 places

740 mm

(29.1 in.)

Cable Entry Hole

234 mm

(9.2 in.)

446.5 mm

(17.6 in.)

82.5 mm

(3.2 in.)265 mm

(10.4 in.)

33 mm

(1.3 in.)



NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 29

BOLT HOLE LOCATIONSThe following illustrations show a plan view of the base of the ATM. The plan should be used for pre-drilling bolt holes ‘A’ and illustrates the design of the steel plate, if used.

Front Access

UL Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a front access ATM configured with a UL 291 Level 1 security enclosure.

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

410 mm

(16.1 in.)

35.5 mm

(1.4 in.)

43 mm

(1.7 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)4 places

740 mm

(29.1 in.)

Cable Entry Hole

234 mm

(9.2 in.)

446.5 mm

(17.6 in.)

82.5 mm

(3.2 in.)265 mm

(10.4 in.)

33 mm

(1.3 in.)



NCR SeIfSerV 22 ATM Site Preparation

BQLT HOLE LOCATIONSThe following illustrations show a plan View of the base of the ATM. The plan Should beused for pre-drilling bolt holes “A” and illustrates the design of the steel plate, if used.

Front Access

UL Security Enclosure Bolt Hole LocationsThe illustration below shows the dimensions for a front access ATM configured With a UL291 Level l security enclosure.

A 470 mm `` (18.5 in.) ˇ82.5 mm(3.2 in.)

A L A 265 mm

` ˇ ` (10.4 in.) '


f\A f)AA \/ \

43 mmCable Entry Hole (1.7 in.)

\\q__ +

410 mm |_|_Ť' A(16.1 In.) T33 mm

355 mm' + (1.3 in.)(1.4 in.)

740 mm(29.1 in.)


X O r 446.5 mm(17.6 in.)

ø 28 mm234 mm (1.1 in.)(9.2 in.) 4 places

v vC)

5006-6656-C000 29

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

30 B006-6656-C000

CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a front access ATM configured with a CEN I or CEN L security enclosure.

Note: The hole, marked with a ‘B’, enables a security alarm sensor to be fitted.




60 mm

(2.4 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)43 mm

(1.7 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

23 mm

(0.9 in.)


82.5 mm

(3.2 in.)

65 mm

(2.6 in.)

33 mm

(1.3 in.)

197.6 mm

(7.8 in.)

410 mm

(16.1 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

425.5 mm

(16.8 in.)

Cable Entry Hole

744 mm

(29.3 in.)

265 mm

(10.4 in.)

132.5 mm

(5.2 in.)

68 mm

(2.7 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

30 B006-6656-C000

CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a front access ATM configured with a CEN I or CEN L security enclosure.

Note: The hole, marked with a ‘B’, enables a security alarm sensor to be fitted.




60 mm

(2.4 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)43 mm

(1.7 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

23 mm

(0.9 in.)


82.5 mm

(3.2 in.)

65 mm

(2.6 in.)

33 mm

(1.3 in.)

197.6 mm

(7.8 in.)

410 mm

(16.1 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

425.5 mm

(16.8 in.)

Cable Entry Hole

744 mm

(29.3 in.)

265 mm

(10.4 in.)

132.5 mm

(5.2 in.)

68 mm

(2.7 in.)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

CEN | and CEN L Security Enclosure Bolt Hole LocationsThe illustration below ShOWs the dimensions for a frent access ATM configured With aCEN I Or CEN L Security enclcsure.

A 470 mm ı` (18.5 in.) ˇ

82.5 rnm4(3.2 ın.)>4 265 mm

(10.4 in.)


íì í?A §fl A § A744 mm 33 mm(29.3 in.) (1.3 in.)

Cable Entry H0|e\ L

410 mm 65 "_'m

425.5 mmA (16.8 in.)

v í QA ä

68 mm'_ (2.7 in.)

197.6 mm(7.8 in.) š é

v i vO

A ø 45 mm B ø 60 mm(1.8 in.) (2.4 in.)

l \‹ A A \‹43 mm 2181mm

/ (1.7 in.) ( ` '““) V 723 mmT v(0.9 in.)

ø 28 mm ø 28 mm(1.1 in.) (1.1 in.)

Note: The hole, marked With a “B”, enables a security alarm senscr tO be fitted.

30 5006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 31

CEN III and CEN IV Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a front access ATM configured with a CEN III or CEN IV Spanish security enclosure.

Note: The hole, marked with a ‘B’, enables a security alarm sensor to be fitted on a CEN III security enclosure.

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

25 mm

(0.9 in.)

60 mm

(2.4 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

20 mm

(0.8 in.)




82.5 mm

(3.2 in.)

132.5 mm

(5.2 in.)

65 mm

(2.6 in.)

33 mm

(1.3 in.)

197.6 mm

(7.8 in.)

410 mm

(16.1 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

425.5 mm

(16.8 in.)

Cable Entry Hole

744 mm

(29.3 in.)

265 mm

(10.4 in.)


NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 31

CEN III and CEN IV Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a front access ATM configured with a CEN III or CEN IV Spanish security enclosure.

Note: The hole, marked with a ‘B’, enables a security alarm sensor to be fitted on a CEN III security enclosure.

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

25 mm

(0.9 in.)

60 mm

(2.4 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

20 mm

(0.8 in.)




82.5 mm

(3.2 in.)

132.5 mm

(5.2 in.)

65 mm

(2.6 in.)

33 mm

(1.3 in.)

197.6 mm

(7.8 in.)

410 mm

(16.1 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

425.5 mm

(16.8 in.)

Cable Entry Hole

744 mm

(29.3 in.)

265 mm

(10.4 in.)


NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

CEN ||| and CEN IV Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations

The illustration below ShoWs the dimensions for a front access ATM configured With aCEN III or CEN IV Spanish Security enclosure.

A 470 mm ı` (18.5 in.) ˇ

82.5 rnm<(3.2 ın.)>4 265 mm

(10.4 in.)


íì í?A ëø A w A744 rrım 33 mm

(29'3 m') Cable Entry Hole (1'3 m')\ L

65 mm410 mm .(161 in) (2.6 In.) > ‹_

425.5 mmB .A A (16.8 ın.)v W KA mgA §fl Ťy<_›

197-6 mm 132.5 mm(7.8 in.) (5.2 in.)

V i A E VO

A ø 45 mm B ø 60 mm(1.8 in.) (2.4 in.)

»_ \ A 1 \_ 45 mm

7 (1.8 in.)20 mm v 25 mmì(0.8 in.) /4 (0.9 in.)

ø 28 mm ø 28 mm(1.1 in.) (1.1 in.)

Note: The hole, marked With a “B”, enables a security alarm sensor to be fitted on a CENIII security enclosure.

5006-6656-C000 31

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

32 B006-6656-C000

Rear Access

UL Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured with a UL 291 Level 1 security enclosure.

33 mm

(1.3 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

428.5 mm

(16.9 in.)35.5 mm

(1.4 in.)

43 mm

(1.7 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)4 places

800 mm

(31.5 in.)

253.5 mm

(10.0 in.)

60 mm

(2.4 in.)175 mm

(6.9 in.)

Cable Entry Hole

495.5 mm

(19.5 in.)

135 mm

(5.3 in.)135 mm

(5.3 in.)



NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

32 B006-6656-C000

Rear Access

UL Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured with a UL 291 Level 1 security enclosure.

33 mm

(1.3 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

428.5 mm

(16.9 in.)35.5 mm

(1.4 in.)

43 mm

(1.7 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)4 places

800 mm

(31.5 in.)

253.5 mm

(10.0 in.)

60 mm

(2.4 in.)175 mm

(6.9 in.)

Cable Entry Hole

495.5 mm

(19.5 in.)

135 mm

(5.3 in.)135 mm

(5.3 in.)



NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Rear Access

UL Security Enclosure Bolt Hole LocationsThe illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM ccnfigured With a UL291 Level 1 Security enclcsure.

A 470 mm `

` (18.5 in.) V60 mm2.4 in.I 175 n1m A

(6.9 ın.)


A AO \̂/ A

43 mm

(1'7 m') Cable Entry Hole

A 428.5 mm33 mm + 1 ' 35'5 "mm (16.9 in.)

- (1.4 ın.)(1.3 ın.)

800 mm135 mm 135 mm _‹_ (5.3 in.) _›‹_ (5_3 in_) _› (31.5 ın.)

A A\ \ v

495.5 mm V A(19.5 in.)

ø 28 mm(1.1 in.)4 places 253.5 nım

(10.0 ın.)



32 B006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 33

CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured with a CEN I or CEN L security enclosure.

Note: The hole, marked with a ‘B’, enables a security alarm sensor to be fitted.

60 mm

(2.4 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)43 mm

(1.7 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

23 mm

(0.9 in.)



82.5 mm

(3.2 in.)

65 mm

(2.6 in.)

33 mm

(1.3 in.)

230 mm

(9.1 in.)

410 mm

(16.1 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

500.5 mm

(19.7 in.)

Cable Entry Hole 800 mm

(31.5 in.)

265 mm

(10.4 in.)

132.5 mm

(5.2 in.)




NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 33

CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured with a CEN I or CEN L security enclosure.

Note: The hole, marked with a ‘B’, enables a security alarm sensor to be fitted.

60 mm

(2.4 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)43 mm

(1.7 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

23 mm

(0.9 in.)



82.5 mm

(3.2 in.)

65 mm

(2.6 in.)

33 mm

(1.3 in.)

230 mm

(9.1 in.)

410 mm

(16.1 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

500.5 mm

(19.7 in.)

Cable Entry Hole 800 mm

(31.5 in.)

265 mm

(10.4 in.)

132.5 mm

(5.2 in.)




NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

CEN I and CEN L Security Enclosure Bolt Hole LocationsThe illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured With aCEN I Or CEN L Security enclcsure.

A 470 mm n` (18.5 in.) ˇ

82.5 mm(3.2 in.)

265 mm > 4 >(10.4 in.)



É? fo* l33 mm j K/(1.3 in.)

/ Cable Entry Hole 800 mmL / (31.5 in.)

|A |

HI65 mm 410 mm

500.5 mm(19.7 in.) A B A

® m íìy §fl T

132.5 mm 230 mmř (5.2 in.) à (9.1 in.)

v à é vO

A ø 45 mm B ø 60 mm(1.8 in.) (2.4 in.)

l \‹ A A \‹43 mm 2181mm

ø _ (1.7 in.) ( ` '““) V 723 mmI V(0.9 in.)

ø 28 mm ø 28 mm(1.1 in.) (1.1 in.)

Note: The hole, marked With a “B”, enables a security alarm senscr to be fitted.

5006-6656-C000 33

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

34 B006-6656-C000

CEN III and CEN IV Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured with a CEN III or CEN IV security enclosure.

Note: The hole, marked with a ‘B’, enables a security alarm sensor to be fitted on a CEN III security enclosure.

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

25 mm

(0.9 in.)

60 mm

(2.4 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

20 mm

(0.8 in.)




82.5 mm

(3.2 in.)

65 mm

(2.6 in.)

33 mm

(1.3 in.)

230 mm

(9.1 in.)

410 mm

(16.1 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

500.5 mm

(19.7 in.)

800 mm

(31.5 in.)

265 mm

(10.4 in.)

132.5 mm

(5.2 in.)


Cable Entry Hole

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

34 B006-6656-C000

CEN III and CEN IV Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured with a CEN III or CEN IV security enclosure.

Note: The hole, marked with a ‘B’, enables a security alarm sensor to be fitted on a CEN III security enclosure.

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

25 mm

(0.9 in.)

60 mm

(2.4 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

45 mm

(1.8 in.)

28 mm

(1.1 in.)

20 mm

(0.8 in.)




82.5 mm

(3.2 in.)

65 mm

(2.6 in.)

33 mm

(1.3 in.)

230 mm

(9.1 in.)

410 mm

(16.1 in.)

470 mm

(18.5 in.)

500.5 mm

(19.7 in.)

800 mm

(31.5 in.)

265 mm

(10.4 in.)

132.5 mm

(5.2 in.)


Cable Entry Hole

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

CEN ||| and CEN IV Security Enclosure Bolt Hole Locations

The illustration below shows the dimensions for a rear access ATM configured With aCEN III or CEN IV Security enclosure.

A 470 mm n` (18.5 in.) ˇ82.5 rnm

265 mm > §32 m;(10.4 in.)


A AŠì íì

33 mm a wű A(1.3 in.)L /Cable Entry Hole 800 mm/ (31.5 in.)

|A ı

‹_›65 mm 410 mm(26 in) (16.1 in.)

500.5 mm(19.7 in.) A B A® /rì fìy \čď I

132.5 mm 230 mmť (5.2 in.) à (9-1 in)

v B Č vO

A ø 45 mm B ø 60 mm(1.8 in.) (2.4 in.)

(_ \ 1 i \_ 45 mmT 7 (1.8 in.)

20 mm v 25 mm(0.8 in.) /4 (0.9 mi

ø 28 mm ø 28 mm(1.1 in.) (1.1 in.)

Note: The hole, marked With a “B”, enables a security alarm sensor to be fitted on a CENIII security enclosure.

34 5006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 35

SECURITY BOLTSTo meet security standards the ATM must be bolted to the floor, through the ‘A’ holes shown in the illustrations in the bolt holes section, using four bolts with anchor washers as specified below. The floor must be capable of withstanding the loading imposed by the anchor points for the bolts. Bolts and anchor washers are to be supplied by the owning organisation.

The minimum specification for bolts to secure the ATM to a concrete floor and meet security standards, is high tensile M16 (5/8 in.) bolts with appropriate anchor washers of6 mm (0.2 in.) minimum thickness. Bolts should be a minimum depth of 150 mm (5.9 in.) and either resin anchor bolts or shield anchor type bolts.

Note 1: Bolting of CEN security enclosures should comply with the requirements of EN 1143-1 (CEN Safe Burglary Standard).

Note 2: For CEN L, CEN I and CEN III safes there is an additional fifth central anchoring hole (hole ‘B’) of a larger counterbored diameter that can be used to fit a local alarm sensor.

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 35

SECURITY BOLTSTo meet security standards the ATM must be bolted to the floor, through the ‘A’ holes shown in the illustrations in the bolt holes section, using four bolts with anchor washers as specified below. The floor must be capable of withstanding the loading imposed by the anchor points for the bolts. Bolts and anchor washers are to be supplied by the owning organisation.

The minimum specification for bolts to secure the ATM to a concrete floor and meet security standards, is high tensile M16 (5/8 in.) bolts with appropriate anchor washers of6 mm (0.2 in.) minimum thickness. Bolts should be a minimum depth of 150 mm (5.9 in.) and either resin anchor bolts or shield anchor type bolts.

Note 1: Bolting of CEN security enclosures should comply with the requirements of EN 1143-1 (CEN Safe Burglary Standard).

Note 2: For CEN L, CEN I and CEN III safes there is an additional fifth central anchoring hole (hole ‘B’) of a larger counterbored diameter that can be used to fit a local alarm sensor.

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

SECURITY BOLTSTo meet Security Standards the ATM must be bolted to the floor, through the “A, holesshoWn in the illustrations in the bolt holes Section, using four bolts With anchor Washers asspecified below. The floor must be capable of Withstanding the loading imposed by theanchor points for the bolts. Bolts and anchor Washers are to be supplied by the oWningorganisation.

The minimum specification for bolts to Secure the ATM to a concrete fioor and meetSecurity Standards, is high tensile M16 (5/8 in.) bolts With appropriate anchor Washers of6 mm (0.2 in.) minimum thickness. Bolts Should be a minimum depth of 150 mm (5.9 in.)and either reSin anchor bolts or shield anchor type bolts.

Note 1: Bolting of CEN security enclosures should comply With the requirements of EN1143-1 (CEN Safe Burglary Standard).

Note 2: For CEN L, CEN I and CEN III safes there iS an additional fifth central anchoringhole (hole “B”) of a larger counterbored diameter that can be used to fit a local alarmsensor.

5006-6656-C000 35

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

36 B006-6656-C000


Chain Guard HolesThe following illustrations show the holes for a front and rear access chain guard.

Note 1: Chain guard holes are only available on CEN Grade III security enclosures.

Note 2: The thickness of the security enclosure wall may vary, but will not be greater than 45 mm (1.77 in.).

Front Access

40 mm

(1.57 in.)



332 mm

(13.07 in.)262 mm

(10.31 in.)


(5.90 in.)

100 mm

(3.94 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

36 B006-6656-C000


Chain Guard HolesThe following illustrations show the holes for a front and rear access chain guard.

Note 1: Chain guard holes are only available on CEN Grade III security enclosures.

Note 2: The thickness of the security enclosure wall may vary, but will not be greater than 45 mm (1.77 in.).

Front Access

40 mm

(1.57 in.)



332 mm

(13.07 in.)262 mm

(10.31 in.)


(5.90 in.)

100 mm

(3.94 in.)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation


Chain Guard HclesThe fcllcwing illuStratiOnS St the hcleS for a front and rear access chain guard.

Note 1: Chain guard hcles are Only available On CEN Grade III Security enclOSureS.

Note 2: The thickness Of the Security enclOSure Wall may Vary, but Will nct be greaterthan 45 mm (1.77 in).

Front Access

ø40mm/vł! (1.57 in.)

100 mm(3.94 in.) A A

z G O

(5'90 m') 332 mm 262 mm l(13.07 in.) (10.31 in.)

36 5006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 37

Ram Guard HolesThe following illustration shows the position of the ram guard holes.

Note 1: Ramguard holes are only available on the front access CEN Grade L security enclosure.

Note 2: The thickens of the security enclosure wall may vary, but will not be greater than 45 mm (1.77 in.).

68.5 mm

(2.69 in.)161.5 mm

(6.36 in.)

18 mm

(0.71 in.)

36 mm

(1.42 in.)

20 mm

(0.79 in.)



260 mm

(10.24 in.)

120 mm

(4.72 in.)120 mm

(4.72 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 37

Ram Guard HolesThe following illustration shows the position of the ram guard holes.

Note 1: Ramguard holes are only available on the front access CEN Grade L security enclosure.

Note 2: The thickens of the security enclosure wall may vary, but will not be greater than 45 mm (1.77 in.).

68.5 mm

(2.69 in.)161.5 mm

(6.36 in.)

18 mm

(0.71 in.)

36 mm

(1.42 in.)

20 mm

(0.79 in.)



260 mm

(10.24 in.)

120 mm

(4.72 in.)120 mm

(4.72 in.)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Ram Guard HolesThe following illustration ShoWS the position of the ram guard holes.

A4_› 20 mm

(0.79 in.)\

120 mm A _L _ 120mm(4.72 in.) ` " ˇ (4.72 in.) ø13mm/ v\ø36 m_m

(0.71 in.) (1-42 In-)(3 v ()_T A A A

260 mm(10.24 in.)

68.5 mm A A 161.5 mm(2.69 in.) ` ` ˇ (6.36 in.)

Note 1: Ramguard holeS are Only available On the front access CEN Grade L Securityenclosure.

Note 2: The thickens of the Security enclosure Wall may Vary, but Will not be greater than45 mm (1.77 in.).

5006-6656-C000 37

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

38 B006-6656-C000


Ambient LightingIf the ATM is fitted with a video camera, it is strongly recommended that there is a minimum of 50 lux lighting at floor level within the area illustrated below.

1500 mm

(59.1 in.)

1000 mm

(39.4 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

38 B006-6656-C000


Ambient LightingIf the ATM is fitted with a video camera, it is strongly recommended that there is a minimum of 50 lux lighting at floor level within the area illustrated below.

1500 mm

(59.1 in.)

1000 mm

(39.4 in.)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation


Ambient LightingIf the ATM is fitted With a Video camera, it iS Strongly recommended that there iS aminimum of 50 luX lighting at floor level Within the area illustrated below.


1000 mm(39.4 in.)

A 1500 mm `l` (59.1 in.) 'l

38 5006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 39

Internal Space Constraint for Fitting a Third-Party Video Camera

If a third-party video camera is to be installed within the ATM, there is a space constraint to consider. The following illustration shows the space constraint dimensions.

A list of cameras that will fit within this space constraint can be found in the NCR 66XX ATMs Feature Descriptions (B006-6451) book.

60 mm

(2.3 in.)

33 mm

(1.3 in.)

36 mm

(1.4 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 39

Internal Space Constraint for Fitting a Third-Party Video Camera

If a third-party video camera is to be installed within the ATM, there is a space constraint to consider. The following illustration shows the space constraint dimensions.

A list of cameras that will fit within this space constraint can be found in the NCR 66XX ATMs Feature Descriptions (B006-6451) book.

60 mm

(2.3 in.)

33 mm

(1.3 in.)

36 mm

(1.4 in.)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Internal Space Constraint for Fitting a Third-Party VideoCamera

If a third-party Video camera is to be installed Within the ATM, there is a Space constraintto consider. The following illustration shoWs the Space constraint dimensions.

A list of cameras that Will fit Within this space constraint can be found in the NCR 66HATMS Feature Descriptions (B006-6451) book.


33mm A Íłfłl1.3'.l o l in!! II /f \ (1.4in.) V /


5006-6656-C000 39

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

40 B006-6656-C000

DECALSThis section provides specifications for the decals which you may wish to fit to the front of your ATM.

Advert Recess

Card OrientationWindow

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

40 B006-6656-C000

DECALSThis section provides specifications for the decals which you may wish to fit to the front of your ATM.

Advert Recess

Card OrientationWindow

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

DECALSThis Sectiøn provides Specifications for the decals Which you may Wish to fit tO the frønt 0fyøur ATM.

Advert ReceSS

Card OrientationWindow

40 5006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 41

Card Orientation WindowIf the window next to the Card Reader entry/exit slot is to be customised to indicate card orientation, the card/decal to be inserted into the window should be of the following dimensions.

The card/decal should be a maximum of 0.75 mm (0.029 in.) thick.

Note . An industry standard credit card can be placed behind the card orientation window.

54 mm

(2.13 in.)

85.6 mm

(3.37 in.)

R (0.20 in.)5 mm

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 41

Card Orientation WindowIf the window next to the Card Reader entry/exit slot is to be customised to indicate card orientation, the card/decal to be inserted into the window should be of the following dimensions.

The card/decal should be a maximum of 0.75 mm (0.029 in.) thick.

Note . An industry standard credit card can be placed behind the card orientation window.

54 mm

(2.13 in.)

85.6 mm

(3.37 in.)

R (0.20 in.)5 mm

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Card Orientation WindowIf the Window neXt to the Card Reader entry/exit Slot is to be customised to indieate cardorientation, the card/decal to be inserted into the Window Should be of the followingdimensions.

I 54 mm I(2.13 in.)

A f N

85.6 mm(3.37 in.)

V k j

R 5 mm (0.20 in.)

The card/deeal Should be a maximum of 0.75 mm (0.029 in.) thick.

Note . An industry Standard credit card can be placed behind the card orientation window.

B006-6656-C000 41

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

42 B006-6656-C000

Advert RecessThe following illustrations show dimensions for an advert decal that can be placed on the front of the product depending on whether the ATM is fitted with a camera.

Recessed Area for Decal - with Camera Lens

Recessed Area for Decal - without Camera Lens

39.5 mm (1.56 in.)

R (0.35 in.)9 mm

436 mm

(17.17 in.)

50 mm

(1.97 in.)

10.7 mm

(0.42 in.)

R (0.35 in.)9 mm

436 mm

(17.17 in.)

50 mm

(1.97 in.)

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

42 B006-6656-C000

Advert RecessThe following illustrations show dimensions for an advert decal that can be placed on the front of the product depending on whether the ATM is fitted with a camera.

Recessed Area for Decal - with Camera Lens

Recessed Area for Decal - without Camera Lens

39.5 mm (1.56 in.)

R (0.35 in.)9 mm

436 mm

(17.17 in.)

50 mm

(1.97 in.)

10.7 mm

(0.42 in.)

R (0.35 in.)9 mm

436 mm

(17.17 in.)

50 mm

(1.97 in.)

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

Advert RecessThe following illustrations ShOW dimensions for an advert decal that can be placed On thefront Of the product depending On Whether the ATM iS fitted With a camera.

Recessed Area for Decal - with Camera Lens

10.7 mm(0.42 in.)

436 mm(17.17 in.)



SOŤnm C) +(1.97 in.)

Ý /ă J

R 9 mm (0.35 in.) /ø39.5 mm (1.56 in.)

Recessed Area for Decal - without Camera Lens

4 436 mm >(17.17 in.)

f N50 mm

(1.97 in.)

ř ř j

R 9 mm (0.35 in.)

42 5006-6656-(3000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 43

Entry/Exit Slot DecalThere are no recesses on the facia for entry/exit decals. However, if you wish to fit your own, the following are guidelines to the decal sizes, design and placement.

Decal Size and Design

The decals should be a maximum of 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) thick and it is recommended that they be made from textured polycarbonate with 3M 467 High Performance MP adhesive.

Note. A combination of your application and screen graphics can be used as an alternative to indicate the cash/media slot.

Decal Placement

The recommended placement of the decals is above or below the entry/exit slots, determined by the space available near the slot.

70 mm

(2.76 in.)

12 mm

(0.47 in.)


Cash Dispense

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

B006-6656-C000 43

Entry/Exit Slot DecalThere are no recesses on the facia for entry/exit decals. However, if you wish to fit your own, the following are guidelines to the decal sizes, design and placement.

Decal Size and Design

The decals should be a maximum of 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) thick and it is recommended that they be made from textured polycarbonate with 3M 467 High Performance MP adhesive.

Note. A combination of your application and screen graphics can be used as an alternative to indicate the cash/media slot.

Decal Placement

The recommended placement of the decals is above or below the entry/exit slots, determined by the space available near the slot.

70 mm

(2.76 in.)

12 mm

(0.47 in.)


Cash Dispense

NCR SeIfSerV 22 ATM Site Preparation

Entry/Exit Slot DecalThere are nO recesses On the facia for entry/exit decals. HOWever, if you Wish to fit yourOwn, the following are guidelines to the decal siZes, design and placement.

Decal Size and DesignThe decals should be a maximum Of 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) thick and it is recommended thatthey be made from teXtured polycarbonate With 3M 467 High Performance MP adhesive.

Note. A combination Ofyour application and screen graphics can be used as an alternativetO indicate the cash/media slot.

70 mm(2.76 in.)


A ñ I

((iìıinflrvľ.) == Receıpt

Cash DiSpenSe

Decal Placement

The recommended placement Of the decals is above Or below the entry/exit slots,determined by the space available near the slot.




Cash Dispense

5006-6656-C000 43

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

44 B006-6656-C000

NCR SelfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

44 B006-6656-C000

NCR SeIfServ 22 ATM Site Preparation

44 5006-6656-(3000

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