Ekologický imperialismus po třinácti měsících

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Ekologický imperialismus po třinácti měsících

(Aneb o přírodních a společenských vědách ještě jednou)

Ekologický imperialismus po třinácti měsících


Lidské ekosystémy

Jaké organismy?

Co jsou organismy?

Co jsou organismy?


...a něco uhlovodíků okolo

Co jsou města?

Co je ekonomika?

Co je ekonomika?


...a něco hmoty okolo

Proč nemají společenské vědy rády biologii?

Proč nemají společenské vědy rády biologii?

Ale spíš...

Ale spíš...

Spencerovský balast

● Evolucionismus ve společenských vědách byl lamarckistický, ne darwinistický. Vedl k udržení představy o "žebříku vývoje"

● Systémy směřují k rovnovážnému stavu

● Představa primitivních kultur jako "živoucích fosílií"

Vymítání Spencera

Vymítání Spencera

● EVERYTHING in the universe may be described in terms of energy.... Culture is an organization of phenomena-material objects, bodily acts, ideas, and sentiments-which consists of or is dependent upon the use of symbols. Man, being the only animal capable of symbol-behavior, is the only creature to possess culture. Culture is a kind of behavior. And behavior, whether of man, mule, plant, comet or molecule, may be treated as a manifestation of energy.

● This leaves us, then, three factors to be considered in any cultural situation: (1) the amount of energy per capita per unit of time harnessed and put to work within the culture, (2) the technological means with which this energy is expended, and (3) the human need-serving product that accrues from the ex-penditure of energy

● We have, in the above generalizations the law of cultural evolution: culture develops when the amount of energy harnessed by man per capita per year is increased; or as the efficiency of the technological means of putting this energy to work is increased; or, as both factors are simultaneously increased.

Lidské ekosystémy

Lidské ekosystémy

I like to think (and

the sooner the better!)

of a cybernetic meadow

where mammals and computers

live together in mutually

programming harmony

like pure water

touching clear sky.

I like to think

(right now, please!)

of a cybernetic forest

filled with pines and electronics

where deer stroll peacefully

past computers

as if they were flowers

with spinning blossoms.

I like to think

(it has to be!)

of a cybernetic ecology

where we are free of our labors

and joined back to nature,

returned to our mammal

brothers and sisters,

and all watched over

by machines of loving grace.

R. Brautigan: All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

Cyborg ecology?

Cyborg ecology?

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