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I J If &Vt.INUNU C 41 i.niHv OBr- Srt 1 JTZS D Vfc ULLGTIN … · 2015. 6. 1. · Prince of...

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Ur, .MiMBaBMMMWMlffltlflfflKTMIIIM ''lilPy '' n. w SPOLULU - I Mill J .1 'S W4mfr$c9t0lJSt':S4:J 1 MmKlt':-M-eJ''- ' Civ Il..nT J 1eH.ft tt '. & ttytjj n 1 11 4 V rfl'U,Wkf i.niHv ' . OBr- - r Srt K Vf W T Y - ." 3 ' Vfc The rBest Eight Vage C 41 TO f - H HA LI fLX 1 JTZS i V 1 If you Don't Read the BullcLn &Vt.INUNU D ULLGTIN Evening Paper Published you Don't Get ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands. It Reaches ALL the Teople. Subscription 75c. a month. frmmc AAAAAAAMAAAAMl cfrMxot.cfr0a Vol. II. No. 413. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 189G. Piuoe 5 Cents. THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every day except Sunday nt 210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I. SUitSCKIPTIOK KATKS. Per Month, nnywhoro In the Ha- waiian iBlanda 3 7f Per Year. "'' Por Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 10 00 Por Year, postpaid, oihor Foreign Countrios 13 00 Pnynblo Invnrltililv I" Ailvnnco. Tolophone 25G. P. O. Box 89. B. L FINNEY, Manager. . CELE13EATION BY SONS of St. Geohoe and British Sub jeots nud friends gouerally, in honor of tho fact that Queon Vic- toria has be-- n bo privileged, that, sho liaB reigned over tho British Empire longer than any of Her predecessors. BALL -- and -- SOCIAL Independence Hall, King Street, FRIDAY EVENING, September 25, 1890. Grand March promptly at 8 p. m. Tickets to admit Gentleman and Ladies, Sl.00; to bo had at tho News Stores aud tho Golden Ilulo 'Bazaar. S7 All cars will run on quar- ter hour eorvico after 7 p. m. and Busses will romain to tho last. Efficient Committees havo charge of all arrangements in- -. chuliug refieshmouts. BY OEDEE OF COMMITTEE. 404-- td 1 Vr - CO Z "S3 co s 8 i h 1 1 Q a ea l s " "J P i O a i T1 H a O - J 1 CO g 1 3 Teitwiomj 0J1. 1'. O. llox 301. City Feed Store Old Armory, lluretauia &ts. L. H. Dee & Co. KEEP NOTHING BUT FIRST CLASS GOODS ONLY. llcst J.herntore Vulli-- j liny, Inru ami Mimll lopeil; A t Bonanza Surpi t- 0.it-- , nilxtil Mlicnt nud enuked cum fur Ilin uml Obltkoiiif. Ltirgu ulilpmuiit 1 flour pet rt S "Mlowcra." (Jasuidh, N'ovi-lt- A, ami Tlico brninW nHnijs on liaml Not month largo Bhlpment ul OrtL'on I'ota-m- ca to Iju Kept iilnu un liiind. ( hop I'ud for Cows nnd Woiklug Stock Is lituul'eil ly us only. Family trade bollclUd. Goods de- livered free. Notice. During Mr. Bourdmnti's uhsence, Mr. Ewiur will Lave ohnrgo of uiy booUs and attend to all collcciiuuH. lie can bo found either nt Mr. Bonrdman's oflico nt tB'"'11 Co.'s or at my offico. .'illS-- tf DR. HEKBERT. Notice. Notice is hereby gjven that I, tbo under-sigue- has this duy Riven a full power of attorney to Mr. Au Cou Chee, of Kapmi, Island of Kauai, who will act for toe dniini; iuy abt,euLO fiom tho Is'anrtb. IXUednt Hnimlti, Kmui,AuK .'list, 1890. 30o.iw TAM 8EE SliE WO. iiAiij'Sw ; ii jii-iajkBA- . . Enable to Work! NO APPETITE ! COULD NOT SLEEP! Ayef's Sarsapatilla COMPLETELY CURED HIM. ilr. T. .. CIiiiih, of Walkrrtlllp, Ailo-lutd- c, South Australlii, wrltosi - rf9rw ?5oi 'Six years uro, I had an attack of Indigestion and Liver Complaint that lasted for weeks ; I was unable to do any hard work, had no appe- tite, food distressed me, and I suf- fered much from headache. My skin, was sallow and sleep did not refresh inc. I tried several reme- dies and consulted a doctor, with- out obtaining any relief; dually, one of my customers recommended Ayer's Sarsapnrilla. It helped mo from the first, in fact, arter taking six bottles I was completely cured, and could eat anything and sleep likoachild." ? 8 CoM Medals at the World's Shltt AYER'S PILLS, Mild but Effective. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Solo Agents for tho Republic of Hawaii. LEWERS k COOKE A GREAT INVENTION The Traveling Lawn Sprinkler Moves itself about your Lawn. Travels in a straight line or a circle Stops autom- atically. Set for any length of hoso. V" No such Bpii'ikler has oer been placed on the uiarliot before. Come and See it! LEWERS & COOKE, Fort Street, ... - Telephono 20. LOTS AT WA1KIKI WOll SAJLE. There lire (5 Lots at Wuiki-lc- i, lying on tho "Wnikiki side of Knha 13ond for sale, about 11G feet makai of Wnikiki Road. Those lots will be sold for cash or on installment plan. JST For further particulars apply to WILLIAM C. ACHI, Real Estate Broker, Bethel St., near King. Aug. 18, 189G. 384-l- m French G!aret ! ANTONE FERNANDEZ Kort Struot, lias rccoived a large consignment of French v Claret '.' Wine 23" Ex. "Mioweta." Host Wino in tho Market. SUS-li- u ABOUT QUEEN VICTORIA, oNi:orTiii:n:KATiNr svriti:ios Tin: would ham r.vi:it kmim n. Ilrr Fnrly Life mid ICdiicnllmi-K- ce KlnrrlHirn Iodic 1'rlnoe 'nnii't iiiitl Her 'lilUlrvii. JJTho history of tho reign of (jueen Victoria would bo a histo- ry of modern England, loo long to Do written here, and not to be written at thib timo in any but tho following shurt aketith of her life will bo of interest in view of the coming local celebiation: Victoria Alexnmlritiii (Queen o Great Britain and Ireland, and EmpresB-o- f Iudn), only child of the lata Duko of Kent and of tho Princess Louisa-Victori- a of Saxo-Cobur- (rolict of the Hereditary Prince of Leiningen, nnd sister of Leopold Prince of Saxo-Cobur- aftorwardH King of the Belgians), was born at Kensington Place, May 24, 1819; her parents, who had been for some time residing abroad, having hastened to Eng- land in order that their child might "bo bom a Briton." The Duke 'of Kent died January 23, 1820, and tho general education of the young Princess was directed, under her mother's care, by tho Duchess of Northumber- land, wife of the third duke. Until within a few weeks of her olovation to tho thiono her lifo was spent in comparative retire- ment, varied by tours thiough different parts of tho UuitedKing-dom- . Queen Victoria succeeded her uncle, "William IV, Juno 20, 1837, ns Victoria I, and her coronation was celebrated in West- minster Abbey, Juno 28, 1878. Her Majesty was married Februa- ry 10, 1840,to his lato Itoynl High- ness Priuco Albert of Saxe-Cobur- g Gotha, by whom hor Majesty had issue: 1, H. E. H. Victoria Adelaid Mary Louisa, Princess Eoyal, born November 21, 1840, married Jauuary 25, 1858, to H. E. H. tho Crown Prince Fredorick William of Prussia (he died Juno 15, 1888;; 2, H. 11. H. Albert Ed ward, Prince of Wales, born November J), 1841, married March 10. 18(53, tho Princess Alexandra o Denmark; 3, H. E. H. Priucoi s Alice JHuudo Mary, born April 15, 1843, married July 1, 1862, to Priuco Louis of Hesse-Darmst- adt H.E.H. died December 14, 1878; 1, H. E. H. Prince Alfred Ernest Albort, horn August G, 1814, created Duke of Edinburgh May 24, 18GG, married January 23, 1874, tho Grand Duchess Mario Alexaudrovua, sister of tho pros-o- nt Emperor of Enssia; 5, H.R.II. Priucess Helena Augusta Vic toria, born May 2G, 1840, married July 5, 18GG, to Priuco Christian of Schleswig Holstoin; G, H. 11. H. Priucess Louise Caroline Al- berta, born March 14, 1848, mar- ried to tho Marquis of Lome, March 21, 1871; 7, H.E.H. Priuco Arthur William Patrick Albert, Duke of Connaught, born May 1, 1850, married March 17, 1870,' tho irincoss, Louibo Margaret Alexan- dra Victoria Agnes, third daughter of Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia; 8, II. It. II. Prince Ijoo-pol- d Goorgo Duncan Albeit, Duko of Albany, bum April 7, 1853, married April 2, 1882, tho Prin- cess Helen Ficdorica Augusta, daughter of tho Priuco of Wnl-dec- and Pyrtuont (H. 11. II. died March 28, 1881), and 9, II. E. 11. Princess Beatrico Mary Victoria Feodore, born April 14, 1857. mnr-ru- d July 23, 1885, to Priuco Usury Maurico of Battenborg. Bovoro Gardon IIoso has estab- lished a lasting reputation for superiority. Tho 3 ply granito brand will last longor than heavier 4 ply hoso mado of inferior materials. Tho Pacific Hardware Co., L'd. M. A. Peixoto, proprietor of tho Uuion barber shop, next to the Art Gallory, guarantees to givo a shavo that will ninko your hair ourl with joy. iLLsLxi&&u. iiJi.rJ.fc..ls .iJjaadl-w- . - 'U- 1'oi.ici: court .nArri:iis. ifpwpv'wpppr i i nf .lo.luli Kun I'lcrtd" Utility ol Allow lii-- f Hnitiltllng In 111m limine. In Judge do la Vergno's court this morning Joeiah Kun, who is said to bo ono of tho pillars of tho Katnoiliili church, pleaded guilty to a charge of allowing his resi- dence to bo used as a place where gambling iscariit-- d mi. Aeeotd-in- g to tho complaint in the cuso tho particular gumo carried on at Kim's placo was poker, a game which has obtained Boinu noto- riety in the United States. Kim's HnnhMico was suspended at request of tli. pioaeeutuui. AliiUrees Hose Kane aud Kunm-k- a both forfeited 8'0 bail rnthor than face the majesty of tho law. Lo ChongS'vaB given thirty days on tho reef, whoro ho can meditate on tho uncertainties of human lifo and the vicissitudes attending those who peddle chefa tickets. D. Ferreirn was brought up on an old charge of threatening unother and discharged. Tho caso of William Hickey, chuiged with malicious injury, was set for trial on tho 2Gth. DEATH V 'IIAKI.li: WlI.MAItlS It Occurred 'Mill ?Ii-iiIiii- ; Alter a Moiitli'n Illui'Hi. At 2 o'clock this morning Charles "Williams, eldest son of E. A. Williams, tho woll kuown undertaker, breathed his last,after an illness of about a month, dur- ing which he liaB beon suffering with tonailitis and bronchitis, tho resulttif a cold, which brought ou a complication of other com- plaints. Tho deceased was not quite oighteen years of age. The romninn havo been plnctd on ice to await tho funeral which will take placo on Thursday and of which duo notice will bo given. I'alMt In 111 Mnino. Olimato of every .variety uxorta a different influence on tho de- sires of mankind for a stimulant. In colder zones bovornges of groat alcoholic strength aro used to a vory much larger degreo than in the tropicB. Boer is best suited to our climato and nouo found in tho market is hotter than that bearing tho brand of "Paiist, Milwaukee." It ib browed from the best of malt and hops and is a groat thirst quencher anu mvi-gorat- and stimulates tho nerves and raii'-oles- . At tho Eoyal, Cos- mopolitan and Pacific BuloonB it may bo found, cold and pure. In- terchangeable checks uro issued which may bo used nt any of tho throe resorts. t'u in i l'lro. The 14th annual Camp Firo of Geo. W. Do Long Post, No. 45, DopartmontCalifornia andNovada, will bo hold nt the residonco and grounds of Comrado Past-Command- John N. Wright, Littlo Biitain, this Tuesday evening, Septombcr 22, nt 7:30. A cordial invitation is extended to all mem- bers of this or any other Post, to gethor with thoir families, also to all veterans of tho Union's Army aud Navy aud thoir families, who may bo residing or visiting in our midst. Trouble begins nt 8 o'clock p. m , taps at 11 o'clock p. m. Pint OnuKit Committee. Honolulu, Sept. 18, 1890. Ju'cd Not Worry. Stranger -- Ib thoro a law in this town against selling liquor on Sunday ? Old Resident Yes; but don't lot that worry you, my frioud; there's no law against buying it. Eoxbury Gazotto. Sterling, tho painter, is pre- pared to quote prices on roof painting. Ho uses a com position of coal tar and cement. Cheapest and best roof preparation in Ho- nolulu. Theio is a handsomo piece of property, 70x100 feot, on tho cor-u- or Prospoct nnd Haokfold streets. It Jb all fenced ready for building and wator pipes aro laid on. En- quire of II. M. Dow. i4 iMkite &L, ittfrnMlltdiUlML IN THE HIGHER COURTS riio(-i:t:eiN"- s ' hate: i." tiii: siii'iti:m: iji:i Son ul I ho Mn I ll I'mllci'o I'rllllolin lor l.i'tlfrn il AUlilliiMriitloii to J. .11. t'miiiirii. M. C. Pachcco petitions for loiters of administration on tho estate of his lato father, J. U. Pa- chcco, to bo issued to J. M. Ca-mar- a. Tho ostnto is valued at S950, and tho heirs are tho wito, living in Brazil, a daughter in tho same country, two bous iu St. Mi- chael and tho petitioner nt Hono- lulu. Tho deceased ie tho man who wiiB killed by a pound officer in Pauo.i valloy lately. Up to this nftornoou tho work of the Supremo Court term open- ed yesterday morning has been us follows: Eepublic of Hawaii vb. W. Ku-hi- a ot al. Argued and submitted. Magoon & Ediugs for prosecu- tion; Humphreys for defendants. Eepublic of Hawaii vs. L. K. Waipa ot al. Argued and sub- mitted. Attorney General for prosecution; Eosa for defendants. Kahoiwai ot al. vs. Limaon et al. Argued nnd oubmittcd. for plaintiffs; Magoon & Ediugs for defendants. E. Spreckols vsuW. M. Giffnrd. Taxation of costs. Argued nnd submitted. Hartwoll for plaintiff; Kiunoy it Ballon tor defondaut. Eepublic of Hawaii vs. Hoshinn. Argued nnd submitted. Attornev Gonprnl for prosecution; Eobort-so- n for defendant. D. Dayton, administrator, vb. C. L. Hopkins et. al. Mngoou& Ed- iugs for plaintilf; Humphreys for dofonduutB. D. K. Kuhea vs. J. Koahi. Now being aiguwl. MngociucL Ediugs for plaintiff; Eosa for defend- ant. Benjamin da Silvoira. Desor-tin- g contract service. Wakefield for Laupahoohoe Sugar Co.; Litt- le, for defendant. Habeas corpus iu same matter. Littlo for peti i tioner; Wakefield for respondent. Both continued till next torm. O. T. Gulick, administrator, ., . vs. ,.f M. Francisco. Tit Ol emir. Creighton it Conea for plnintifl'; Castlo for defondaut. Struck off cnlondnr, Sulviilimi Army Trn. Impoiitant: There aio very few things more hurtful than common tea. An ominont English doctor onco said: "If tho public gave up drinking common tea, the occupa- tion of ono half of our profession would bo gono." Good tea, how- ever, is refreshing and stimulat- ing, nud iu introducing this nrti-cl- o to tho public,the officers of tho Sulvntiou Army have taken great pains to secure a tea, which cau with tho greatest confidence bo as boing of the vory lushest standard of excellence, and havo decided to soil it nt n prico within tho reach of every- body, nnd although it will leave us a vory small margin of profit indeed, wo aro satisfied, knowing that whnt wo sell is sure to givo satisfaction. Sold in ilb packets. Memorial Mixture,English Break- fast, Young Hyson, Jnpnn, Oolong, Gunpowder, 30c; Auxiliary, 35. Telephono 755. H. Cannon, Pa-luiu- n Cirocory, opposito Bnilway Depot, boIo agent for tho Hawaiian Islands. Knlo I'lultl Had Hor Wlali. Just before sho loft Chicago on her Hawaiian trip Kate Field was asked why sho did not givo up globo trotting and sottlo down to peaceful middle ago. Hor an-8w- or was: "Becauso 1 havo n horror of inactivity. If I had n million dollars I could not sottlo down. I wnnt to dio iu harness. ' King Bros, latest consignment of picture frames has tnkon the towu by storm. The designs aro olegnnt, o nnd of tho hnndsome&t. Hiri:us vr mmiiu'ki i.svii.i.i:, I.nrcc ItciiiK'ilmin Iii I lii) UnrHUu I'orri- - ol tlif Compniiy. As a result of tho recent visit of O. A. Spieckols to his Maui plan- tation, thoro has been a large ro- - ductiou in tho force of employes nbout the mill and oflico of tho Spreckelsvillo plantation. Among those who havo resigned from the company's service in cousequ'-iic- e nio W. II. Meyers and T. J. Lary, iiril and second bookkeepers, the former of whom hn already gone to tho Const; Dave Meyers, steward; Georgo Enndolph oCthp plantation police; M. K. Koolau, machinist; Jog Miller, E. Benson aud J. H. Nicholson, assistant engineers; W. A. Bailey, sugar boilor, and A. Back, blacksmith. J. O. Neill, tho assistant engineer, also resigned to take charge of thel'hcuuix Iron WorkB in this city. In addition to tho above list a number ot tho minor employed about the plantation have been dropped. Thoir combined tmlnrles will mnko a largo reduction in monthly pay roll. HH AN PLASTIC imiOAf. A Young? JIhii NunlliMi mi Van. Willi- - it out IliinUluic the ,s:u-ll- . Among thoso who attended tho festivities at Schuetzon Park yes- terday was Frank 0. Cadoza, a young Portuguese, who works in n brickyard nt tho corner of Sec ond and Clay streots, in Oakland. Onrioxn becamo very drunk and whilo in that condition boaBted" that ho could bw allow nn egg without breaking tho shell. An egg was procured uudCadoza, after wrapping it in n piece ot tissue paper tnken from n popcorn brick, placed it in his mouth and gulped it down. Tho ogg disap- peared and those who saw tho. foat thought it had broken and gone dowu Cadoza's throat .in a fragmoutaiy condition. lusido of less than half nu hour tho mnu who had swallowed the egg foil in a fitni d began frothing at tuo moutn. cjomeono poured ginger and water down him and hold his no.so. Cadoza gave sovoral creat. strangling gulps and out came tho ...... f.. uj.. :..... l "oU unbroken. ALU 1U VI veu ,111111 annppf1nrl in frnttimr inn.ili .1tmi.i1.-- . or bcroro t10 (i 0u(iPC! Wnni.n's Itlxlil In I.I 11 urn I Ion. Somo titno ago tho Supremo Court of Ohio decided that MiB8 Nellie G. Eoblnson, a lawyer of Cincinnati, could not bo appointed a notary public. Sho has now applied to the Supremo Court of tho United Slates for a decision on tho quostiou, and tho case will be considered by Justice Harlan. IMMinpiied. D. Howard Hitchcock has re- turned from his vacation on Ha- - I waii aud has reopened his classes in Drawing aud Painting. Private pupils given instruction in special lines. Class Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays. Studio, 115 Hotel street. WllllK'il lo Know. From Wnikiki to Wuianao, that J. C. Quinu of tho United Carri-ag- o Co., has tho finest Livory turn-out- s in town, Phaetons, Bug- gies and SurreyB with lino goutlo horses. Call nt tho hack-stand- , or ring up 290. Kroegor Pianos, swootest in tono, Jns. W. Borgstrom, solo ngont, ensh or installments, Warerooma at G. West's, Masonic Templo. Of- fico at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun- ing nnd repairing. Bffif" Tele- phone 347. Tho Criterion Snloon is a plensnnt plnco to go to and its greatest attraction is tho pure, cold Soattlo boor on draught thoro. It makes one's mustache curly aud puts now lifo into tho failing consumptive. 4 .Mi .r'iAjfeUALhigiii ' jfi 4 ll A ; !.. ihVmwl
Page 1: I J If &Vt.INUNU C 41 i.niHv OBr- Srt 1 JTZS D Vfc ULLGTIN … · 2015. 6. 1. · Prince of Leiningen, nnd sister of Leopold Prince of Saxo-Cobur-aftorwardH King of the Belgians),


.MiMBaBMMMWMlffltlflfflKTMIIIM''lilPy ''n.



I Mill J .1 'S W4mfr$c9t0lJSt':S4:J 1MmKlt':-M-eJ''- ' CivIl..nT J 1eH.ft tt '. & ttytjj n 1 11 4

Vrfl'U,Wkfi.niHv'. OBr- - r Srt K Vf W T Y- ." 3 ' Vfc The rBest Eight Vage

C 41 TO f - H HA LI fLX 1 JTZS i V 1

Ifyou Don't Read the BullcLn &Vt.INUNU DULLGTIN Evening Paper Published

you Don't Get ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands.

It Reaches ALL the Teople. Subscription 75c. a month.

frmmc AAAAAAAMAAAAMl cfrMxot.cfr0a

Vol. II. No. 413. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 189G. Piuoe 5 Cents.


Published every day except Sunday nt210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I.


Per Month, nnywhoro In the Ha-waiian iBlanda 3 7f

Per Year. "''Por Year, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Mexico 10 00Por Year, postpaid, oihor Foreign

Countrios 13 00

Pnynblo Invnrltililv I" Ailvnnco.Tolophone 25G. P. O. Box 89.

B. L FINNEY, Manager.

. CELE13EATION BY SONSof St. Geohoe and British Subjeots nud friends gouerally, inhonor of tho fact that Queon Vic-

toria has be-- n bo privileged, that,sho liaB reigned over tho BritishEmpire longer than any of Herpredecessors.

BALL -- and -- SOCIALIndependence Hall, King


FRIDAY EVENING,September 25, 1890.

Grand March promptlyat 8 p. m.

Tickets to admit Gentleman andLadies, Sl.00; to bo had at thoNews Stores aud tho Golden Ilulo

'Bazaar.S7 All cars will run on quar-

ter hour eorvico after 7 p. m. andBusses will romain to tho last.

Efficient Committees havocharge of all arrangements in- -.

chuliug refieshmouts.BY OEDEE OF COMMITTEE.

404-- td


Vr - COZ "S3


s 8 ih 1 1Q a ea

l s " "JP i O aiT1 H a

O - J 1CO g 1


Teitwiomj 0J1. 1'. O. llox 301.

City Feed StoreOld Armory, lluretauia &ts.


llcst J.herntore Vulli-- j liny, Inru amiMimll lopeil; A t Bonanza Surpi t- 0.it-- ,

nilxtil Mlicnt nud enuked cum fur Ilin umlObltkoiiif. Ltirgu ulilpmuiit 1 flour pet rt S"Mlowcra." (Jasuidh, N'ovi-lt- A, ami

Tlico brninW nHnijs on liamlNot month largo Bhlpment ul OrtL'on I'ota-m- ca

to Iju Kept iilnu un liiind. ( hop I'udfor Cows nnd Woiklug Stock Is lituul'eil lyus only. Family trade bollclUd. Goods de-

livered free.


During Mr. Bourdmnti's uhsence, Mr.Ewiur will Lave ohnrgo of uiy booUs andattend to all collcciiuuH. lie can bo foundeither nt Mr. Bonrdman's oflico nt tB'"'11Co.'s or at my offico.

.'illS-- tf DR. HEKBERT.


Notice is hereby gjven that I, tbo under-sigue-

has this duy Riven a full power ofattorney to Mr. Au Cou Chee, of Kapmi,Island of Kauai, who will act for toedniini; iuy abt,euLO fiom tho Is'anrtb.

IXUednt Hnimlti, Kmui,AuK .'list, 1890.

30o.iw TAM 8EE SliE WO.

iiAiij'Sw ; iijii-iajkBA-

. .

Enable to Work!NO APPETITE !


Ayef's SarsapatillaCOMPLETELY CURED HIM.

ilr. T. .. CIiiiih, of Walkrrtlllp, Ailo-lutd- c,

South Australlii, wrltosi

- rf9rw ?5oi

'Six years uro, I had an attack ofIndigestion and Liver Complaintthat lasted for weeks ; I was unableto do any hard work, had no appe-tite, food distressed me, and I suf-fered much from headache. Myskin, was sallow and sleep did notrefresh inc. I tried several reme-dies and consulted a doctor, with-out obtaining any relief; dually,one of my customers recommendedAyer's Sarsapnrilla. It helped mofrom the first, in fact, arter takingsix bottles I was completely cured,and could eat anything and sleeplikoachild."


8CoM Medals at the World's Shltt

AYER'S PILLS, Mild but Effective.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Solo Agents for tho Republic of Hawaii.



The TravelingLawn Sprinkler

Moves itself about your Lawn. Travelsin a straight line or a circle Stops autom-atically. Set for any length of hoso.

V" No such Bpii'ikler has oer beenplaced on the uiarliot before.

Come and See it!


Fort Street, ... - Telephono 20.


WOll SAJLE.There lire (5 Lots at Wuiki-lc- i,

lying on tho "Wnikiki sideof Knha 13ond for sale, about11G feet makai of WnikikiRoad.

Those lots will be sold forcash or on installment plan.

JST For further particularsapply to

WILLIAM C. ACHI,Real Estate Broker, Bethel

St., near King.Aug. 18, 189G. 384-l- m

French G!aret !


Kort Struot,

lias rccoived a large consignment of

French v Claret '.' Wine

23" Ex. "Mioweta." Host Wino in thoMarket. SUS-li- u


oNi:orTiii:n:KATiNr svriti:iosTin: would ham r.vi:it kmim n.

Ilrr Fnrly Life mid ICdiicnllmi-K- ce

KlnrrlHirn Iodic 1'rlnoe 'nnii'tiiiitl Her 'lilUlrvii.

JJTho history of tho reign of(jueen Victoria would bo a histo-ry of modern England, loo longto Do written here, and not to bewritten at thib timo in anybut tho following shurt aketith ofher life will bo of interest in viewof the coming local celebiation:

Victoria Alexnmlritiii (Queen o

Great Britain and Ireland, andEmpresB-o-f Iudn), only child ofthe lata Duko of Kent and of thoPrincess Louisa-Victori- a of Saxo-Cobur-

(rolict of the HereditaryPrince of Leiningen, nnd sister ofLeopold Prince of Saxo-Cobur-

aftorwardH King of the Belgians),was born at Kensington Place,May 24, 1819; her parents, whohad been for some time residingabroad, having hastened to Eng-land in order that their childmight "bo bom a Briton." TheDuke 'of Kent died January 23,1820, and tho general educationof the young Princess wasdirected, under her mother's care,by tho Duchess of Northumber-land, wife of the third duke.Until within a few weeks of herolovation to tho thiono her lifowas spent in comparative retire-ment, varied by tours thioughdifferent parts of tho UuitedKing-dom- .

Queen Victoria succeededher uncle, "William IV, Juno 20,1837, ns Victoria I, and hercoronation was celebrated in West-minster Abbey, Juno 28, 1878.Her Majesty was married Februa-ry 10, 1840,to his lato Itoynl High-ness Priuco Albert of Saxe-Cobur- g

Gotha, by whom hor Majesty hadissue: 1, H. E. H. VictoriaAdelaid Mary Louisa, PrincessEoyal, born November 21, 1840,married Jauuary 25, 1858, to H.E. H. tho Crown Prince FredorickWilliam of Prussia (he died Juno15, 1888;; 2, H. 11. H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, bornNovember J), 1841, married March10. 18(53, tho Princess Alexandrao Denmark; 3, H. E. H. Priucoi sAlice JHuudo Mary, born April 15,1843, married July 1, 1862, toPriuco Louis of Hesse-Darmst- adt

H.E.H. died December 14, 1878;1, H. E. H. Prince Alfred ErnestAlbort, horn August G, 1814,created Duke of Edinburgh May24, 18GG, married January 23,1874, tho Grand Duchess MarioAlexaudrovua, sister of tho pros-o- nt

Emperor of Enssia; 5, H.R.II.Priucess Helena Augusta Victoria, born May 2G, 1840, marriedJuly 5, 18GG, to Priuco Christianof Schleswig Holstoin; G, H. 11.H. Priucess Louise Caroline Al-

berta, born March 14, 1848, mar-ried to tho Marquis of Lome,March 21, 1871; 7, H.E.H. PriucoArthur William Patrick Albert,Duke of Connaught, born May 1,1850, married March 17, 1870,' thoirincoss, Louibo Margaret Alexan-dra Victoria Agnes, third daughterof Prince Frederick Charles ofPrussia; 8, II. It. II. Prince Ijoo-pol-


Goorgo Duncan Albeit, Dukoof Albany, bum April 7, 1853,married April 2, 1882, tho Prin-cess Helen Ficdorica Augusta,daughter of tho Priuco of Wnl-dec-

and Pyrtuont (H. 11. II. diedMarch 28, 1881), and 9, II. E. 11.Princess Beatrico Mary VictoriaFeodore, born April 14, 1857. mnr-ru- d

July 23, 1885, to PriucoUsury Maurico of Battenborg.

Bovoro Gardon IIoso has estab-lished a lasting reputation forsuperiority. Tho 3 ply granitobrand will last longor than heavier4 ply hoso mado of inferiormaterials. Tho Pacific HardwareCo., L'd.

M. A. Peixoto, proprietor of thoUuion barber shop, next to theArt Gallory, guarantees to givo ashavo that will ninko your hairourl with joy.

iLLsLxi&&u. iiJi.rJ.fc..ls .iJjaadl-w- . - 'U-

1'oi.ici: court .nArri:iis.

ifpwpv'wpppr i



.lo.luli Kun I'lcrtd" Utility ol Allowlii-- f Hnitiltllng In 111m limine.

In Judge do la Vergno's courtthis morning Joeiah Kun, who is

said to bo ono of tho pillars of thoKatnoiliili church, pleaded guiltyto a charge of allowing his resi-

dence to bo used as a place wheregambling iscariit-- d mi. Aeeotd-in- g

to tho complaint in the cusotho particular gumo carried on atKim's placo was poker, a gamewhich has obtained Boinu noto-

riety in the United States. Kim'sHnnhMico was suspended at requestof tli. pioaeeutuui.

AliiUrees Hose Kane aud Kunm-k- a

both forfeited 8'0 bail rnthorthan face the majesty of tho law.

Lo ChongS'vaB given thirty dayson tho reef, whoro ho can meditateon tho uncertainties of humanlifo and the vicissitudes attendingthose who peddle chefa tickets.

D. Ferreirn was brought up onan old charge of threateningunother and discharged.

Tho caso of William Hickey,chuiged with malicious injury,was set for trial on tho 2Gth.


It Occurred 'Mill ?Ii-iiIiii- ; Alter aMoiitli'n Illui'Hi.

At 2 o'clock this morningCharles "Williams, eldest son ofE. A. Williams, tho woll kuownundertaker, breathed his last,afteran illness of about a month, dur-

ing which he liaB beon sufferingwith tonailitis and bronchitis, thoresulttif a cold, which brought oua complication of other com-plaints. Tho deceased was notquite oighteen years of age. Theromninn havo been plnctd on iceto await tho funeral which willtake placo on Thursday and ofwhich duo notice will bo given.

I'alMt In 111 Mnino.

Olimato of every .variety uxortaa different influence on tho de-

sires of mankind for a stimulant.In colder zones bovornges of groatalcoholic strength aro used to avory much larger degreo than inthe tropicB. Boer is best suitedto our climato and nouo found intho market is hotter than thatbearing tho brand of "Paiist,Milwaukee." It ib browed fromthe best of malt and hops and isa groat thirst quencher anu mvi-gorat-

and stimulates tho nervesand raii'-oles- . At tho Eoyal, Cos-

mopolitan and Pacific BuloonB itmay bo found, cold and pure. In-terchangeable checks uro issuedwhich may bo used nt any of thothroe resorts.

t'u in i l'lro.

The 14th annual Camp Firo ofGeo. W. Do Long Post, No. 45,DopartmontCalifornia andNovada,will bo hold nt the residonco andgrounds of Comrado Past-Command-

John N. Wright, LittloBiitain, this Tuesday evening,Septombcr 22, nt 7:30. A cordialinvitation is extended to all mem-

bers of this or any other Post, togethor with thoir families, also toall veterans of tho Union's Armyaud Navy aud thoir families, whomay bo residing or visiting in ourmidst. Trouble begins nt 8 o'clockp. m , taps at 11 o'clock p. m.

Pint OnuKit Committee.Honolulu, Sept. 18, 1890.

Ju'cd Not Worry.

Stranger --Ib thoro a law in thistown against selling liquor onSunday ?

Old Resident Yes; but don'tlot that worry you, my frioud;there's no law against buying it.

Eoxbury Gazotto.

Sterling, tho painter, is pre-

pared to quote prices on roofpainting. Ho uses a com position ofcoal tar and cement. Cheapestand best roof preparation in Ho-


Theio is a handsomo piece ofproperty, 70x100 feot, on tho cor-u- or

Prospoct nnd Haokfold streets.It Jb all fenced ready for buildingand wator pipes aro laid on. En-

quire of II. M. Dow.

i4 iMkite &L, ittfrnMlltdiUlML


riio(-i:t:eiN"- s ' hate: i." tiii:siii'iti:m: iji:i

Son ul I ho Mn I ll I'mllci'o I'rllllolinlor l.i'tlfrn il AUlilliiMriitloii

to J. .11. t'miiiirii.

M. C. Pachcco petitions forloiters of administration on thoestate of his lato father, J. U. Pa-

chcco, to bo issued to J. M. Ca-mar- a.

Tho ostnto is valued atS950, and tho heirs are tho wito,living in Brazil, a daughter in thosame country, two bous iu St. Mi-

chael and tho petitioner nt Hono-

lulu. Tho deceased ie tho man whowiiB killed by a pound officer inPauo.i valloy lately.

Up to this nftornoou tho workof the Supremo Court term open-ed yesterday morning has been usfollows:

Eepublic of Hawaii vb. W. Ku-hi- a

ot al. Argued and submitted.Magoon & Ediugs for prosecu-tion; Humphreys for defendants.

Eepublic of Hawaii vs. L. K.Waipa ot al. Argued and sub-mitted. Attorney General forprosecution; Eosa for defendants.

Kahoiwai ot al. vs. Limaon etal. Argued nnd oubmittcd.

for plaintiffs; Magoon &Ediugs for defendants.

E. Spreckols vsuW. M. Giffnrd.Taxation of costs. Argued nndsubmitted. Hartwoll for plaintiff;Kiunoy it Ballon tor defondaut.

Eepublic of Hawaii vs. Hoshinn.Argued nnd submitted. AttornevGonprnl for prosecution; Eobort-so- n

for defendant.D. Dayton, administrator, vb. C.

L. Hopkins et. al. Mngoou& Ed-iugs for plaintilf; Humphreys fordofonduutB.

D. K. Kuhea vs. J. Koahi. Nowbeing aiguwl. MngociucL Ediugsfor plaintiff; Eosa for defend-ant.

Benjamin da Silvoira. Desor-tin- gcontract service. Wakefield

for Laupahoohoe Sugar Co.; Litt-

le, for defendant. Habeas corpusiu same matter. Littlo for peti i

tioner; Wakefield for respondent.Both continued till next torm.

O. T. Gulick, administrator,., . vs.,.fM. Francisco. Tit Ol emir.

Creighton it Conea for plnintifl';Castlo for defondaut. Struck offcnlondnr,

Sulviilimi Army Trn.

Impoiitant: There aio very fewthings more hurtful than commontea. An ominont English doctoronco said: "If tho public gave updrinking common tea, the occupa-tion of ono half of our professionwould bo gono." Good tea, how-

ever, is refreshing and stimulat-ing, nud iu introducing this nrti-cl- o

to tho public,the officers of thoSulvntiou Army have taken greatpains to secure a tea, which cauwith tho greatest confidence bo

as boing of the vorylushest standard of excellence,and havo decided to soil it nt nprico within tho reach of every-body, nnd although it will leaveus a vory small margin of profitindeed, wo aro satisfied, knowingthat whnt wo sell is sure to givosatisfaction. Sold in ilb packets.Memorial Mixture,English Break-fast, Young Hyson, Jnpnn, Oolong,Gunpowder, 30c; Auxiliary, 35.Telephono 755. H. Cannon, Pa-luiu- n

Cirocory, opposito BnilwayDepot, boIo agent for tho HawaiianIslands.

Knlo I'lultl Had Hor Wlali.

Just before sho loft Chicago onher Hawaiian trip Kate Field wasasked why sho did not givo upglobo trotting and sottlo down topeaceful middle ago. Hor an-8w- or

was: "Becauso 1 havo nhorror of inactivity. If I had nmillion dollars I could not sottlodown. I wnnt to dio iu harness.


King Bros, latest consignmentof picture frames has tnkon thetowu by storm. The designs aroolegnnt, o nnd of thohnndsome&t.

Hiri:us vr mmiiu'ki i.svii.i.i:,

I.nrcc ItciiiK'ilmin Iii I lii) UnrHUuI'orri- - ol tlif Compniiy.

As a result of tho recent visit ofO. A. Spieckols to his Maui plan-tation, thoro has been a large ro- -ductiou in tho force of employesnbout the mill and oflico of thoSpreckelsvillo plantation.

Among those who havo resignedfrom the company's service incousequ'-iic- e nio W. II. Meyersand T. J. Lary, iiril and secondbookkeepers, the former of whomhn already gone to tho Const;Dave Meyers, steward; GeorgoEnndolph oCthp plantation police;M. K. Koolau, machinist; JogMiller, E. Benson aud J. H.Nicholson, assistant engineers;W. A. Bailey, sugar boilor, and A.Back, blacksmith. J. O. Neill, thoassistant engineer, also resignedto take charge of thel'hcuuix IronWorkB in this city.

In addition to tho above list anumber ot tho minor employedabout the plantation have beendropped. Thoir combined tmlnrleswill mnko a largo reduction in

monthly pay roll.


A Young? JIhii NunlliMi mi Van. Willi- -itout IliinUluic the ,s:u-ll- .

Among thoso who attended thofestivities at Schuetzon Park yes-

terday was Frank 0. Cadoza, ayoung Portuguese, who works inn brickyard nt tho corner of Second and Clay streots, in Oakland.Onrioxn becamo very drunk andwhilo in that condition boaBted"that ho could bw allow nn eggwithout breaking tho shell.

An egg was procured uudCadoza,after wrapping it in n piece ottissue paper tnken from n popcornbrick, placed it in his mouth andgulped it down. Tho ogg disap-peared and those who saw tho.foat thought it had broken andgone dowu Cadoza's throat .in afragmoutaiy condition.

lusido of less than half nu hourtho mnu who had swallowed theegg foil in a fitni d began frothingat tuo moutn. cjomeono pouredginger and water down him andhold his no.so.

Cadoza gave sovoral creat.strangling gulps and out came tho

......f.. uj.. :..... l"oU unbroken. ALU 1U VI veu ,111111annppf1nrl in frnttimr inn.ili .1tmi.i1.-- .or bcroro t10 (i 0u(iPC!

Wnni.n's Itlxlil In I.I 1 1 urn I Ion.

Somo titno ago tho SupremoCourt of Ohio decided that MiB8Nellie G. Eoblnson, a lawyer ofCincinnati, could not bo appointeda notary public. Sho has nowapplied to the Supremo Court oftho United Slates for a decisionon tho quostiou, and tho case willbe considered by Justice Harlan.


D. Howard Hitchcock has re-

turned from his vacation on Ha- -I waii aud has reopened his classesin Drawing aud Painting. Privatepupils given instruction in speciallines. Class Days: Tuesdays andThursdays. Studio, 115 Hotelstreet.

WllllK'il lo Know.From Wnikiki to Wuianao, that

J. C. Quinu of tho United Carri-ag- o

Co., has tho finest Livoryturn-out- s in town, Phaetons, Bug-gies and SurreyB with lino goutlohorses. Call nt tho hack-stand- ,

or ring up 290.

Kroegor Pianos, swootest in tono,Jns. W. Borgstrom, solo ngont, enshor installments, Warerooma atG. West's, Masonic Templo. Of-fico at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-ing nnd repairing. Bffif" Tele-phone 347.

Tho Criterion Snloon is aplensnnt plnco to go to and itsgreatest attraction is tho pure,cold Soattlo boor on draughtthoro. It makes one's mustachecurly aud puts now lifo into thofailing consumptive.

4 .Mi .r'iAjfeUALhigiii




!.. ihVmwl

Page 2: I J If &Vt.INUNU C 41 i.niHv OBr- Srt 1 JTZS D Vfc ULLGTIN … · 2015. 6. 1. · Prince of Leiningen, nnd sister of Leopold Prince of Saxo-Cobur-aftorwardH King of the Belgians),

mMBmmKBmmmm? wmWmiA

m a

?"' AN.t U.ftorjltKArAl.AllY lltl-- . NIU.


By Anne Mamk Phescott.


And Bhfill wo loso our swoetloiupor ami frot nucl fume, andbernto tlio pntiont cditour. Nny,uny, my friond. Simply it iB to bohoped Mint wLru wo sbnll nil gotinto Mint much - to - bo - desiredhnvon, honvon, wo will not bokicked tind unlovublo enough tonny, though it id blowing n littleMint way, Mint wo siueoroly hopethere will be no compositeurthere; but wo do trust, nud ourfnilli is not oE tho watery kind,Mint by Mint sweot by nud by timethoy will havo ncquired tho "tnet,"or tho Hpeuinl ineo, which willhi-l- them to sol up straight or, ntleiist. n little nioio to tho point.Things will go on crooked as woexpect until time i no more; andwrong oj and round o's will standout in full sight, whon not needed,as big ut buliy elephimts, Iroiuc:ipp.i to chnusse in your "lines."lleigh-ho- ! "Hero's a go." Qui (not"cui") bono? Pnzienzn,Signorn,pa-zienzn- .

Now wo aro wishing for agood soft,sonkiug rain-stor- Thiswind this wind! Wo havo trans-planted more than fifty youngorango trees into nn avenue,'Prescott-Diko- " and small lanes(English) and n few olive treesthiee. Wo feel like tho old manwho plant d those apple trees yourecollect. "Wo expect, never,to enttho fruit but we do hope thatothers will; nud that they will notuogleot to say an earnest and de-

vout prayor for tho ropofeo of oursoul before thoy bein tho lus-cious meal ol a morning.

Wo also hopo (it is good tohope) that frosli Mnkitpulu orangesfloin l,St. PuulV piocincts willtind a lontly sale (nail) for IIoiio-luh- i,

nud put a fow pennies intothe bo ihis very poor and sin-cere Chinese Mibbion. lSWi.

A. M. P.

Wo havo lind the gift of a goodjoke and pass it on to you mytii'eiul: One of tho wardensor. "Wt. Paul's" is- - nn old man(Chinese of course) quite decre-pit, and works on his own littleranch. lie is not too old, how-ever, to tnke an interest in mycountry, and question mo veryintelligently nbout its pioducts,ami clmplay not a little inform-ation in the mntter. He growsquite excited and wholly earnestwhen taking up, Mich Sunday, thonickels, hi.: for itaniouits to justthat tho offortory. OnoSundny,af-t.- i

lie hud gleaned the lust hull-bi- t,

In nun died tiiiiuiphnntly to Mmhead pi w. poured them out of thohitle woodi-- n hand box nud count-ed thfin, shouting, when tho ab-

stain calculation v.'as completed:"Seventy five cents I" It was a

el sh call and like the ollicer'a "at-tention !" nearly brought us onout feet. How- - much like a littloboy an old mau lingers and fura-ble- o

and counts his money 1 "Oncoa man and twice a child" Indeedand indeed it is true.

What do'you folk got to oat upthere, anyway? Mnknpnlu's sofar off from Honolulu, tho capital,you know. Well, yes, wo dopretty nearly famish a few timesa week; but thou the good Samari-tan heaves in night with a cargonud wo manage to draw our breathu few dys longer.

Wo just stop out of a morningnt 5 o'clock and take a sweep,brush, across country- - turn ourface seaward and skyward andthat's a full meal for any mnn.

But to come down to your ownlevel of polid beef, bread and beer,and leaVH the Hawaiian heightsand dewy u.cnds to the outside, wolook iiinido thin morning a diver-bih'i'- d

Imll.v-i-t of pine apple,oranues fiom our gulch hnlf anhour picked, fn-s- eggs- - of coursowo could havo had instead abroiled chickou but we didn't,in t cheap, whito eggs like theysell in your village, but brown,fat ones laid yostorday by throehens, Komi coffee, turnip radish,ciisp.jiiHl polled,cream brought hythe I'oitugueso nt G o'clock n. in.,I'wH putioniho tho clock up hereit snves tituo, in n yenr, buttoruiniio yesterday at (5 o'clock p. m.and home-mad- e bread. "Whut dowe not get to eat, you meant tosny. "ViiB that nil you hud forbrpnWnslV" Was tln.t all !

AVo follow our own fuh;otiH andnever take cabbage,orilam chowd-er early; not, oveii, a tlice or halt-ed longuo; a hwallow of winono. liow over, at tho fetes wo take

Law Books.

Do You Read Them ?

Do You "Want One ?


Latest Cataloguesof THE

Publications ofCallighan & Co.,

Little, Bpvown & Co.,

Lawyers CooperativePublishing Co.

Wo niako a specialty ofthese publicutions.amlslmllbo pleased to have tho


Legal fraternity ot thoIslands call on us whenwanting a Law publica-tion, at the lowest possibleprice. Wo aro also


Law Office Supplies:

Document Files. LegalPapers, Typewriter Pa-pers, Ribbons for allmakes of Machines.

In fact, wo can show you thegreatest variety of Labor sav-

ing devices of any House inTown. If you want to savemoney, como our way, wo arethe Money Savers for you.

Wall, Nichols flo,KING STltEET.

ill Arrived


75c. and $1.00AT-

"The Kaah,"I. LEVINGSTOH, - - - Manager.

Waverlcy Block, Hotel Street.

na? Shirts Mails to Order.

MySpecialReductionSale is Over!

I I I Rut I am ftlllim all of my

III I I I I stock of coortt! vm cbetui.I I I I I My for this

i i n eek aro ....Siik Crepes --

- CurtainsAND -- -


IWAKAML' Koulneou Block, Hotel street.

"api HJJrWIIWWIl'lfflWMWiP'W Wi'HHWI Hi" '"II i'ii I nil' rt V i Wj ,.' 7? J7rv

EVENING BULLETIN, SEPTEMBER 22, 1890.iiiiii iwwiiiiiiiiiuh (m


SOL 2C133.ET Stroo-t- .

Q. J. Walleh ... Manmioi.



Kaw Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry



Metapolita Hjeat Go.

Telephone 45.

Central MarketKhuauo Stbeet.

The Very finoatos,

eMgeJated .-

-, Meaf

Sweet andWholesome.

Como niul see our


Westbrcok & Gares,Proprietors.

Telephone - - - - 104.

City MarketESTADUSIIKI) 1883.

Jnssph Tinker, - - Prop.Beef, 6$?S Kutton

Pork, SOL Veal,Of tho Finoat Vurietien.

Makers or tho Celebrated Pork Sausage.

Nuunnu street, opp. CUnplnln lnno.

Telephone 289.


For tlio Emiino Tnblo in tboway o all kinds .First Class


Aro on salo by tho


51 Fort St Tol. 422.


Contractor and Builder.

Ofllrca niul Stores iltti'U up undr.btlinalci. k1uii ou


XSr Ollleu and Imp: No. Olil IVirt Mreot,iiiljolnlii,' V. V. WrlUt'a Carriage dliup.

STANDSBD LINESof Groceries tire moro palntabln ns wellas lieultliler tLun the other kind.

UOELLER & CO.. (Warlnx Block, llcietnula Otieet).

Ilundlu notlitne; but the best. I.lbby Ac

McNeill's Cnnnid Ment. Kliisr-JIn- nu

Tuulo Fruits, (Jhlrunlelll's Clmculatn,Milkmaid Mrund Mill., 1'araou I' lire Lardniul



Cash. -:- - Grocers


Fort StraBt fie Chaplain Lana,

H. W CO.,Wholesal9 and Retail Groceries.

98 Fort atreot, TlouolnlaTclophonor 2a P.O. Box 470

Henry Gehring& Company,


3?lvim.binpf o nd Gas-fittin- g

Sanitary Work a Specialty

fiSF" JobbitiR promptly nttondod toTolopliouo 7!I5. 285-t- f

John Mi8?Importers nnd Dealers In

Steel and Iron Ranges,


139-t- f King Slreot.


WHAT,?My $10.00 Hath Tubs, lined with best

quulity, No. 10 zinc, G in. 1'ipe, Chain andl'lug, with wood ilin all complete. Othoidealers aro dumfouuded, mid njsort to ullmanuor of Tricks nml Excuse-s- .

He not deceived, theso Hath Tubs havibeen sold for $14 until I reduced tho price.

I am prop.ired to do ull work in my lineand guarautto satisfaction. Estimates furuishod.

If yon want a good Job cheap for Cash,ring np Tolophone 814, and I am yon)mam

JAS. NOTT Jn,TiiiMiiitb & rinmbw

15 yH LMMasai3aSS53S

For Family Use I

Just ox "0. C. ruuk," a cargo of

Vellington, Depaituits BaiJ, Coal

Which Is offered In quantities to suit.

2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FREE.





Also Whito and Black Sandnt the very lowest marketrat.ti8. Telphone No. 414.

Hawaiian FertilizingCOMPANY

Ib pioparod to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for 1800.

In Quantities to Suit.Orders solicited for a future do--

tivorj.F COOKE, Manager.

Buiidisiglots!At WAIKIK1 ou car Hno and on TA--

LAMA JIOA1) near FertilizingI'lnnt.

Theso Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Donirnlile Acre Tracts uc.ir tho oity andother Properties for uulo.

KltUOE, WAKING & CO.,Deitlors in Lots nml Lands,

TEiEruoNE 007. P. O. Box 821. i



Curry- - Powder as made' by us is prepared' after tho OriginalRecipe from the Purest Ingredients.


ftdiin. s

Como nud' havo

m i Mi '3 sis

Bicycles to Bimi.

Barnes WhiteflyerTlio lsniling Avlieolof tho world.' I run nont for tlioabove bicyclo nud ulso for tho

CiaV 0 tS iMa. a a a s. a

A. XJerfcct "NVhool. "My lJrices Suit, tlieTiraes and I am Selling

So ns to fit your pockot book." mmm


n nt tho




Solo A gout,

ED. A. WILLIAMS,"(Successor to C. E. Williams, li. H. Williams & Co.

and Bros,

Pioneer Furniture Warerooms,Established 1850

Pianos for Sale, Hire and

Undertaker and



Moved. Chairs Kent



Tombstones and Monuments.Residence anil Nifiht Tel. 815. 611 KING" STBEET, Tol. 179,

H. HACKFELD & CO.Importers and Dealers in


Plantation Supplies.


Just Heceived and For SaleAt the. New Stand, King Street,

(Adjoining the Arlington.)

Whole Wheat Flour,Golden Gnto Flour,Choico Hams,Bacon,Fresh Almonds and Walnuts,Cal. Block Buttor,Smoked Beef,Now Potatoes,Onions, etc., otc.

Cfias. Hustace,Kinu SrnKKj



. ; '',in ,tt a .:- - .iiu .K

Page 3: I J If &Vt.INUNU C 41 i.niHv OBr- Srt 1 JTZS D Vfc ULLGTIN … · 2015. 6. 1. · Prince of Leiningen, nnd sister of Leopold Prince of Saxo-Cobur-aftorwardH King of the Belgians),









EVENING BULLETIN, SEPTEMBER 22, 189G.UMXUK&niXERjnKT HI IT I UXftPWf fVfl Wt' R'Uh IOHN mgwwwtim'r.a ywtwwMwviwiiKmjmwOTff)wn wn.jiii..ii.m

n higher, flight wings nnd Ger-man pnucako. You know thoelegant Greeks deemed cnbbngo ndisn fit (or tho gods nnd go wo untit, any time, after brcnkfnst, boil-ee- l,

fried,, pickled, ponsedand rnw.Noithor wotdd those sniuo classicsenter upon tho conversation otho meal until nftor tho heaviercourse was passed. How distress-ing to bo expoctod to think andspeak tho truth when tho iniuorman is shouting "Hungry 1"

And, besides tho danger of lying,it is apt, you know, to causo windin tho stomach. ThoBonior ward-o- n

Clnneso gave to us a bottloof honey ton years old choice asold wine. Did you ovor try put-ting fresh butter iuto a hot spider,and then OhinoBO biscuit, toiibteii,turned and salted? Very good bytho side of a glass of porter. Andnow for pity's sake give the entinga turn! Wo enjoy a good dinnerbut wo don't caro to spend ourlife at tho table. Hut, if wo choosoto put a scraping of buttor, whenwo lmvo it, on our muton that isa mattor of taste and 1ms nothingto do with tho stale of tho coun-try in general lius it ? Wo tirouoithor planter nor bunker, sim-

ply a poor tonchor 1

Wo have had a very val-uab- lo

present and wh inviteall our friends to corao tosee and try it. Piano ? No! Abeauty of a swinging closet. Weopen aud shut it three times a dayand praiso it from hook to hinges.Into it goes all our dainties andwo laugh in tho faco of tho world

insect. Hooray! The littleChinese child holds out its fewflowers to you with delight andlovo writton on oveiy lino of itsface. Certainly there is nothingsordid, solfish or crafty in thatdear gift. But it goes far downand there's an underlying currentthat affects our everyday common-place life.

7'o be concluded.'

Noi:i' i.


"Moribus Anliquis Stat Ronm.Dublin, Saturday, 189G." TheFirst Edition of this paper, thoWaider, is published on Thurs-day morning. Tho Second Edi-tion ou Saturday morning. Priceone ponny.

Seventy-tw- o columns for twocouts. Fancy ! Ponder thouthat subject, O yo gentlemen oftho press, in tho islands of thesea. Seventy-tw- o lengths of goodmaterial for ono ponny.

From a child we have kuown,of course, that Dublin was ouo oftho older and more enlightenedcities of tho plnuot Eaith; andthat "Trin'ty" was quite a fewpaces ahead of old Oxford, orCambridgo, tho Sorbnuno or ovenour own dear littlo YoungsterHarard, and Sister Connie Yale.

Seventy-tw- o columns. Priceono penny. Thero's a plinty ofpeat and purtates, and niver asnako to bo found; Saint Pathrickwas up in tho morning, aud hocurs.ed thim off of the groundand ho curs ed them oil' of thoground. 18. A. M. P.

N. B. Yes, my dear Sibyl, asyou say, mere is more m myhead than "- - and"My raind to mo a kingdom in."

TheUniveisalStoves and Rangesaro going off liko hot cakes at thoPacific Hardware Co.

Mechanics' Htno, corner Hoteland Nuunnu streets, lodgiug byday, week or month. Terms: 2fiaud 50 cents por night. $1, andSI. 25 nor wpfk. '

City Carriage Co.. J. S. And.rado, mannger. It you want ahaok with good horse and dire-ful drivor ring up telephone 118,corner of Fort nnd .Merchant?trots flaek nt ill 'lours.

If you want to framo anythingin tho very best maimer; if youwant your framo to harmonizewith your picture; if you want thobest and most tasteful framo intho market, go to King Bros.

Whou you aro down on yourluck aud feel as if tho world wascold, haul and dioary, just stopiuto the Criterion saloon and put arose-colore- d tint on everything byimbibing a glass of Soattlobeer.

Singors load tho world. Over13,000,000 mado and sold. High-est awardB at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellence of

t construction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, groat speed, ad-

justability, durability, ease oflearning and convomonco of ar-rangement. B. Bergorsen, agent,King and Bethel streets.



1 ftiFi'-- s MMr miPerry Davh

Pain Killcrnssssaswa,

3s the Universal Panaceafor all kinds of Aches andPains. Do not acceptany but tho Genuine. Ifj oui dealer docs not haveit, call on or address tho

Hollister -:- - Drug


Sole Agents (or tho Islands.

To Citizensof Hawaii rtCSaiKSTs.

I tako pleasuroin announc-ing to you that I have remov-ed to my now quarters at NO.513 FORT STREET and amprepared to execute all orderspertaining to my business.Jowolry .Repairing, WatchRepairing, Fine Engraving,etc., otc. I have a handsomestock of Watches and Jowol-ry to show you including alargo variety of valuable Isl-and Curios. Your patrouagois respectfully solicited.

30t-t- f

To Ej Patrons:

It givos mo muoh pleasureto announce that ME. M. It.COUNTER, ono of the mostsKillud wittchmnkors ever inthose Islands, is now managingmy repairing departmont. Nowatch is so complex in itsmechanism but wo can give per-fect satisfaction in correctingtho evils to which watches arehoir. Watches are delicatethings to handle. Wo guaranteethat they will recoivo no injuryat our hands and will leavoour ntoro in perfect rojair.





is a fino nrt. Cottly jowolry whendnmngecl mods careful attention,

nnd caro. To get this, sondyour work to

A. I. R. Yieira,AT HIHMV.V A: lIJIIi:Y'H.

Unique Designs in Jewelry.Tfli mem: 705. SM-l- t

JE-- I. Q. JBIAJRT.SEea Sana WattHaaa (amiaJ

O na Puna MakanaKa Hiwahiwa oi loa aku oka Nani Makamae.

E Hiki ke Hoomaemaepu in na Wuti poino a mo kahaki o ko A--

Alnnui Papu, kokoko alnnui Mot.


(Nuunnu Street, nonr Hotel)

I Have of whichl am Selling

3T Inter-Islan- d orders In quontlty filled at figure lmpoeslblo to meet.EVKKY VARIETY OF HAT OF LATEST STYLE AND PATTERN.

net iU E 0 l?AW V.nt l



. . STRAW HATS . .



ii K 3 si R Tk

MTJHA.TA. & CO., "" n..Are about to rcceivo n bin stock ot . . .

NEW - OOOJDS.... The vory (IncHt of Rue linos.Jf.ook &ji1 Ftv I'm I hi Vecsvut 'Mttn'ti W HI Uv Hold

Tomakorooni. Uoiiib In and invcotlgnto. IT WII.IjI'AY YUU.PulumiiB,riunlboo wnro,


MURATA & CO, Hotol mid N"uuanu streets.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.Estimates given for hotiBe wir-

ing and Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring a spooialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d Manager.

Eclw. Sngham,

Artistic Painter,Brass Signs and

Gliding on Glass Specialties

BS5T AU kinds of Contracts forPainting taken.

Union Slroot, next to Sterling,the painter's.

Commissioner of DeedsFOU Till'.

tate of California.Having beui appomttil and commissioned

a Comralhslouerot l)ut-l- s for the State of Cal-ifornia, I am prcpartd

To administer and certify oaths.To take aud certify depositions nnd affida-

vits.To tako and certify the acknowledgment or

proof ol powers of attorney, mortuacs,transfer?, uraUs, deeds or other Instrumentsor record.

A. V. GEAR,Telephone 250. 310 Kin 8trect.


noxt to Lucas' Mill

Ships' Blacksmithing,Carriage Building

anil RepairingDrays, Carts and

Wagon Building




Fitted up with nil tho ModernAppliances for

Manufacturing and Repairing Vcliicles

of Every Description.

Blacksmithing and Horse Shooing.


Telep33.o:n.e BT


Carriage Manufactory128 & 180 FORT STREET.

Carriage E&uiXdesrAND nitrAiiiKn.

Blacksmithing in AU Its Branches.

W. W. WUlililT, I'roprietor.(Succossor to G, 'Went,)

fxi Jr'""

C '$nmm


Silks,Lucquor ware,Copper,


TiJB Yokohama ppscie BankMMITEI).

Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Up t npitnl Yen t.500,000ItescnoFund Yon 4,130,000


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobo, London, Lyon, Now York,

Sun l'Miicmco, KbanRbiii,Bombay, Ilong Kong.

TranxnrH a General DuuUiujj nndBuhjuchs.

Agency Yokohama Spo;io Bank

New BeDnbllc Boildlng, Honola'D, II. I.

S. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors an J Prolloni, SaM a ajiciialty,

Allen Stheet. Telephone 703.

GOODSArrived per S. S. "Australia."



American Goods,

English Goods,

Gcrmin Goods,

Ctiinosc Goods,

Japanese Goods.

pJeyQcods! jtawQocdsIEtT Come eaily and et jour choice.

KWONGlJKG LOY,407--0 Kin,; St , near Castle t Cooke.


L. AIILO,No. 468, Nnnanu street

Has just received a now lino ofDBY GOODS, LADIES AND GENTS


Agent for tho following rice plantation)):Waiplo, Wniawii, Wuiumlu, Walalna.Knncohonnd Kapalama.

gJSF" My rico from Kaucohe is markedL A and is guaranteed Al.P.O. Box 114. . . Telephone lfi.

PALACE RESTAURANTFormerly tho Bay Homo Saloon

Corner Bethel and Ilotol Streets, Honolulu.

SVEOIAL EATINQ nODSE:l'livnto lfooms for LikUch nnd Gentlemen.

Open from 0 u. m. to 1 in morning.1'rico of TioketB, 4.00. Sinfile Ileal, 25o.

JSTew RoytanrantjBothol street nbovo l'oht Ofllco.

NICE AND CLEAN.Chiokou on Tnebdnys, Thnindays nnd

SnturdnyH. Ico Crtnm on SnndayH. FmoSalads with dinner ouch day.

Moala, 25c. 22 Tickctn, ?t CO.

AS'J'OR MOUSE,(All CHOCK, I'ropr.)

Meals 25 Cents. gINN.D. .

Privnto Boom for LndieB.

OonNEii Hotel and Umon Sts.

TOM CHUNG KEE,No. 47 Nuunnu street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order, I use tho bestmaterial. Goods warranted ton car well. 14- 3-

FOOK ON & CO.,Nuunnn Btroot.

Juat opened now snprly of First-clas- s Shoesjust received.

Ladies' & Gents' Shoos Made to Ordor

from American and French Leathers.


Ira.410 lloiol streot, near Nuunnu.

ImportersOf All Kinds of Provisions,


Chinese Tea andG-ing-e- r,


AH kinds of Canned Fruit, Cigars,nnd n lnr(o nssirtrtiout of goods toonumerous to mention at tho cry


Hotel Street, oppo. Pantheon.

NEW CIGARS! NEW CIGARS!!Finest in tho city.


BLlGrJE-- I Limji; !All at...



Sam "Wo ChanNtuann street, near Kukul

NOW OI?JEIV !Uananas and Vegotabictf nlwajg on hand.

ChickoLH and Ducks n'lvoor dressed, Frobh Cggs doliercd

to all parts of the city.

ISLAND FRUIT 0? ALL KINDS.Wo prow our own bananasnnd egetiUcs


214 Nuunnu street.Importers nnd Denlcrs in

General -:- - Mreliiiulisc.Tino Jlnnila Cignrs, ChineBO nnd

.MattingH, Vases of allkinds. Oauiphorwood Trunks, ItnltauChnirs. A fine Assortinent of Dnss Silks.Choicest brands of Chiueso nnd JnpnuegoTens of latnst importation.

JUf New Goods by oery steamer.Mntuul Tel. 200 1. O. Box 1C--8


FHIDSJH: :- -: .FRUITSBy oory California steamer.

Importers ot all Kinds of Orocerles, Fruits,CautiLd Good", Cliir nnd Tolmecoii,

nt l.owcfl Trltcs.1'rcsli VcKctublcs h iijg on Hand.

HOP HING & COMPANY,Wuolcsnlo Dealers In

Chluiso Silk, Tea, aud Matting,Lhmors and Manila Cigars, English and

American Groceries.403 Hotel street. - - - Telephone 147.


Importers and Dialers In

General Merchandise,145tf Corner King nnd Mnnnnkea Sta.


Tint-- mitli,Dcalors hi Tinware, etc., l'lphu; Laid

and repaired.

157" Orders solicited; charges very mo-derate.ho. !!()!) Niiunnil St. ,4 dooranbovoKing St,

373-- 1 m

FOR . . .Best Imported Chinese Ten,


Fino ChineBO TeaR freshly imported. Vorylow (irieeit no in

WING TAI LUNG14- 1- U31 Nuuauu street


JPluxnbersand dealers In

OKOCKEUY, GLASSWAItE, ETC., ETC.Water l'lpc laid and repaired,and plumbluK nentli executed.

142- - No 41, Nuuauu street.


iPlumber & TinsmithDoilcr In Tin and Agate Ware,

All kinds of Plumbing done In a Satisfactory.Manuer al Lowest nates.

P. O. Box 374, 213 4C3 Ilotcl St


All kinds of tinware, crookory,oto, ntlonoHt prieoH. . . .

141 Nuunnu nnd Hotel street!

W. W. AlianaMakes Clothing to ORDEIt of thevery host materials and in tho verylatest style. . , . i

A. Perfect FitGuaranteed



Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty


To Whom ilJL

ffla Concern.

This is to certify thnt O. Akimabns rando several suits of clotlwsfor mo nnd tho workman ship hruboon of tho best. I tako plensurain recommending liini nnd hitwork.


TEM KEE,MERCHANT TAILORSuits to order. Tit Gnurnutced. Kiuh Dack8uit, $5np; Fino Tweed Pnnts, $J.60upiFino Suit, $18 up. Clothes cleaned nnd re.paired. 200 KING STltEET.

1 O. Box 14 1 1

Chock Chec & Co., Merchant Tallort,Clothes Clenncd nnd Itejinired.

No. 322 Kntinmi Street.215-l- y p. o. Box 233.

D Y EIN G-- !

If you want your Clothon Dyed nnd maie-t-look now, call around nt

CHOCK LOOK'SMerchant :- -: Tailor.

4S Nuunnn street, I O Box 133.


Ko. 32 J, Nutianu stnet.-- ." AERCHANT TAILOR, vrine Suitings maiU to ordm at lowest ptlces,

H5 Clothes cknncd and ropilnd.

"W. Ahiu & Co.,320 Nunaun Street.

MERCHANT -:- - TAILORS.Tino Suiting from Boat American nnd

.UiuJihU (Jioth.

Olotho Cleaned and Ilcpaired.


FasWoiialilG Dress Maker,

1.11 I OUT STltEET.

Drosses mado to order. Sowing gua-rantied. If tho htitchcB break I will repair without oitrn clmrj;e. 307-?-


: AND : DEAL-ER : IN ... .

Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Etc.Contractor and Butldor.

No. 89, Nnnanu street.Has on hand Coffins, Camphor Trunks,

Mnttlnp;, Vnrdrolos, Desks, MntrosB08,eto.j3y" Call in nnd inspect goods.


Contractorsi Buildersrurnitnro Dcnlers nnd Tnintors.


Fort Street, opposite Club Stables.

Orient Planing Mil!,."VTNG PAT & CO.,


Furnlturo of all kinds mado and repairedBuilding houses and making rice mills a spe-cialty. P. O. Box m, corner King and Bethelstreets. US

Subscribe for the Evening Bul-letin, 75 oonts por mouth.







Page 4: I J If &Vt.INUNU C 41 i.niHv OBr- Srt 1 JTZS D Vfc ULLGTIN … · 2015. 6. 1. · Prince of Leiningen, nnd sister of Leopold Prince of Saxo-Cobur-aftorwardH King of the Belgians),







v .

pf.pwppir wfnfUPWfiTr:

EVENING BULLETIN, SEPTEMBER 22, 1806.wt-- mi juwifcrft vtwAiviimHWfci irTgnn?jr'tnji"iwLxM.K frwwm AtiMviimnvMifl





On tint-inlay-, October 17tli next, nt 12

o'clock noon, nt front ontrnnco of Judiciaryltmlilin-- , will bo Bold lit public auction,Hie leuBO of the ('overnmont Fishponds of

Ivalhiknpu mid Lelepniin, In Moannlun,Onlui, o ntninlng 712 nores.

To rm : Fifteen years.

Upset Kent tit right llundrod Dollarsper nimuin, payable Quartet! in Advance,

Notes of survey and plan of the nbnvofishponds may be soon nt the l'ubllc LaudsPllto, Judiciry lluildinp,. Honolulu.

J.F.UUOWN,A pent of Public 1 audi,

l'uli ic Lnudi Offlce, Honolulu, Sept. 21.

18'M. 412-l- t

Tenders For Drugs andMedical Supplies.

Ofi in- or tiii H Ann or Hkalti.Ilo.l.l'l.f, Sept. 10. ISM. J

d tnuib-v- Mill bi roc-ivo- d nt thin

olllce uutil Septcuilier

.3, 185)0, at .1 p in., for furuinliing

drugs nud ined'cul nupplies to nil districtOnvtrnmcnt physicians, bosuitals and

dispenpnrlcs under control of the Board

of Heal'b, for the term of ono year from

October 1st, 1890.

A list of the drugs and medical sup-

plies required can bo procured on appli-

cation at this office. Tlio nt tides to bo

furn'shed must bo of the very best

qinlity only, and bo up to the

lfcpiiremeiiN of tbo Pharmacopoeia of

tho United "Mates of America, unless

otlierwUo onloied.The Hoard does not bind itself to ac-

cept tho lowit.1 or any bid.WILLIAM O SMITH,

1'iHi.ideiit of tho Bond of lltnlth.4l0-3- t

S Zverr) Builetir;,

DA'JirLi. LOGAN. Editor

TUESDAY, SEPT. 22, 18.


If corporations iu some casesaro having thoir taxation doubled,it is uuder legislation Hint wasenacted only after full discussion.Therefore it is to bo presumedthat tho baBi's of taxation is asfair as could havo been devised,

when it is consideredthat tho corporations practicallydominated tlie Legislature. Under.sulI: .'iruuiustimcos tho doublingof the taxes of any corporation,providing that the law is equitablynl ministered, would mean thatsuch corporation had hitherto onlypaid half of what it should havopaid, had there been a fairsystem of taxation in voguo. Itis mauy years since attempts bo-gfi- n

to bo mn.de to havo corpora-tions taxed in something like duoproportion to their property, butcorporate iniluonoo was alwaystoo powerful to allow the uocos-S'ir- y

legislation to bo effected un-

til now. Some of tho largest own-

ers of coi porute capital admitted,Avhi'U the latest legislation waspending, that taxation had boruowith inequitable lightness uponcorporations. Unforo tho recentuneiidment to tho tax laws,however, there w.ih an outcry froma largo number of taxpayersftgaiusl tho arbitrary raising of as-

sessment variations. Bofoio thoAppeal Board it was proved inmany cases that tho assessorswere guided by no standard somuch as by their own whims. Ifthe amendid law will promoteequity aii'l i. in the levyingof taxes, it w'H bo sustained bytho country at largo regardless ofthe resentment of corporations.


Minister Damon has avowed !

uothing more strongly before leg- -

islativo bodies than his belief thattho public has a right to bo in-

formed regarding administrativeao's. Yol lately it would appearthat there hus been more mysteryhedging tho doings iu subdivi-sions of the Finance Department

thnn iiiiywlioro olso iu thoGovernment. Mou who havo boonnctivo supporters of tho ropublicanregime trora tho first havo boonuincbiirgeil from tho custoniB ser--vico for iustance, and, Althoughthoy havo challenged a stntomontof the cauBe of dismissal, neitherthoy nor tho public can get thoslightest satisfaction. Bonds bo-yo- nd

the ability of other oflicorsto furnish are arbitrarily exacted,until somo of thorn aro got ridof by that moaus, ami then thoembargo ia raised after a fewdays. If tho Legislature wasin session, Miniotor Damonwould bo required either to give less grain and seed cleanersreasons for these proceedings or


and separators have achieved aBtnto why such reasons could notbo produced. This air of mystery WOl'Id-wi- de reputation. TheyBurmunding tho operation of tho j are manufachired by the John-publ- ic

HPrvico cannot but havo a '

tendency to cause a wonkouiug of son & Field Company whoseconfidence in tho administration of ;wents of practjcal exany Depiirtinout wheio it prevail.), i J

Worse than that, it will bo liablo' perience in the building of

to promote dishonesty in ollioial, '

liasn deann T machinerylioldtug positions of trust. Wlion "they do not know tho day nor thohour when they may bo incontinently thrust out, without atiycause assigned for their dismissal,their fortitudo against temptation '

to make hay whilo tho sun shineswill uoed strong moral lnaciug.

XTSiiThose to makepolitical capital out of a roferoncoto the Supreme Court in tho Chi- -

cago denouncing it as j

anaichism, might bo rcfiTred totho language hold by Charles '

Sumner at the Massachusetts con-- jvention whore tho Republican par- -

iy was ursi curisienea. uu iniuiu i

no bones about saying that the Ju-

diciary was only worthy of respect

righteousness and justice, and j

he arraigned the Judiciary of '

even niottt in ages, aim uoi outy ;

in England but America, for itsblood-stained- , oppressive and ser-

vile record. Tho occasion of thoreferonco was tho upholding ofslavery as constitutional by thoSupremo Court against tho advanced opinions of somo of tho ablestlawyers and reasonors of that cri-

tical period.

Go slow on praibo for Honolu-lu property owners, neighbor, asto thoir enterprise in makingsidewalk!. There was more rot- -

ton wood than stone, moro mud, ',.,,,,,tlinii woo J. Hi.. in . u uwm.,..v ..j,.,..,. u

walks until the legiblation of 1802compelled a change of scono.Grades thoro were uouo to Bpoakof, excepting in the records of thoGovernment Survey.

Let the reopening of tho OperaHouso bo as popular as it iB in-

tended to have the establishmentpermanently conducted. It isnot aristocratic dollars for aticket, but tho democratic pricehalf, threo-quarto- r or ono dollaraccording to section that has ai- - j

ways prevailed, which is going tomake tho doors swing open fro- -


It i8 now7iier Vhoar thatthe expenditure of the appropria-tion for a wharf at Hilo ia depen-dent upon tho action of tho peo-ple of that town. Tho moneywas appropriated in the Loan Actwithout any local option condi-- !tions, and when tho bonds arosold the wharf should bo built.

.'liogatta Day is an ornament ifnot tho crown of Itenroseutativo I

Robortson's universally admittedhigh usefulness as a legislator.

A tliiiulrrtl lliuiiKiiiKl it Ymii.

In eighty years tho Dukes ofBedford havo spent 88,000,000 inimproving one estato in Cam-bridgeshire, from which tlieydraw 8(5 an aero rent. Tho laudyields thirty six bushels ot wheatto tho aero.

. J. Derby, D.D.S., Denialodico Colltfio No. 100. AlnkouHtroet, telephone o. tilo. Oflioohours 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Timely fop.esON





The Racine farm and ware-

house fanning mills or dust--

given them a very clear idea

of the requirements of the

trade for grain and seed. . ,. ...! t.

4 '

embody the essential points of

durability, large capacity and

thorough work.

Tlie RaCINE..,


for cleaning, grading and sepa- -. .

ratinS all kinds of gram IS

superior ill all respects to any

other in use. We have recent-

ly imported some of these

m'1Is-- With screens and trays

especially adapted for lice and

cofTee. They are extremely

simple and are worked with

an ordinary crank. We wish

to call attention to the follow-

ing essential points in their


First Their largely increas

ed capacity over all other Mills

in cleaning all kinds of Grainand Seeds.

Second The improved pani

of hanging the shoe uponstrap-hing- ed hangers thuspreventing constant breakage.

Third The manner in whichthe drum or head is fastenedto the posts by means of castiron half circles and secured to

the posts by screws, (insteadof cleats mortised into postsand held by wooden keys)adding increased strength and

fdurability to the Mill andrendering it less liable tobreak when shipped in "knockdown" shape.

Fourth The great advan-

tage of a Screw to raise orlower the slide of Hopper, With

eas ; reguating the f j.. ,Fifth The gearing is all

placed on the inside of Mill,, f(luul Ul U1C Wtv- -

We are prepared to furnishthese mills at extremely lowprices and invite all rice andcoffee growers to call and seethem.

THJEHawaiian Hardware Co.

LIMITED,Opposite Sprockols' Bank,




that wo aro prepared atall times to do your CopperTlato Engraving and Printingon Caids, Wedding and SocietyStationery; Announcements,oto.

Also, Fino Monogram Em-

bossing, Address Dies andStamping in colors or plain.

Cards from your plato SI fiO

por hundred.

H. F. Wichman,KORT STKEBT.

Don't you need a watch?Ono that you crin dependupon. The kind wo soil.We ore selling WnlthaiuBin a dust proof case for

and fully warrant them inevery respect.

We soli other makes,some as low as $5.00,others as high ns $200.00.

Our stock is so large, wowould take pleasure inhelping you to a watch ntso low a price your pocketwould not feel the lift.

No pie plates sold, ut-

most reliability in overypiece.

1 H. F.Wiclimaii




25 and 50

Feet Lengths

Just Received ex

"Archer." . .

Every piece of our

4 PSy Hose


Also, a supply of

Oastle & Ocoke



it I w' Mm' la a VL Williw m 7I l7

Ml I Ptho best shooiuak.irs in the world and pick what bust suits ourtrade and we don't know of anything too good for tho peopleof this town.

The Shoe Co.,13isr Shoe Stove.


".V "" ..'?..u -- .rv'.o4

& -.sUr' 1& - V sitz--r

' j

5S5h8. -r)

mr wm?Ps . rr-- r"mmjto.-- 4ia winw"-- -

S7SuOOIf you aro thinking of getting a

Bioyoli:, now is tho time to getono whilo they last. This offor ofHamhlehs at S75.00 is not n cut iuprice, so don't wait expecting toseo tho price come any lower. Woaro offering 181)5 wheels at thisprico and there aio but a few loft.This whool is Gtted with tho

Great G. fc .T. Tirewhich has proven so satisfactoryin this laud of the

liia-Av- 'i'liornWo also havo a stock of tho 189G

wheels both Indies and gents whichwo are offering at a lowiigura andon easy terms. Come in and havoa look at our wheels and satisfyyourself that wo aro in tho BicycleBusiness.

A n InvestmentStop and think how many Nick-le- s

and Dimes you might savohad you a wheel. A ride to Wai-kik- i

is not only a pleasuro but asure saving of health audslrongth.You will find new vigor by theusoof musolos nevor beforo broughtinto uso.



. 0. HaS! & Son

Phosnix FoundryAND

Machine Shop.Oatton, Nii.ll A: Co., : : : : : rropriotors.John Niki.l, :::::: : Superintendent.



General Repair Shop!

JOBBING A SPECIALTYQiiuoii Htreet, botweou ALilninami Uiclmiili btrotitn.

Mjif--n- fh - "' l --..U& i.,4m,


(nowledge is


Power.and our knowledge of thoshoe makers and their pro-ducts gives us tho powerto buy tho best that'smadu, with ready cash inhand wo can and do ? to

f10 XT-ov- t SStvoot.

W. dimondsNovelties in household

goods draw customers to theup - to - dato stores; thoirpresence on the shelves is anindication of push and energy(ombined with enterprise, thefoundation to every successfulbusiness house. Wo findpleasure and profit in gettingout of the old rut and bringinga few sunshine novelties intotho store.

Ono of tho woes of thoaverage housekeeper lies intho can used to hold kero-sene for tho lamps. Fre-quently slie finds the floordiscolored by grease spotsand disgust follows. Oneot our new Ulobe oil cans

i will obviate this and forvery little money.

( rown fryers are as wellknown in the States as Crownbakers, nearly everyone whosestove has not a broiler nttach-ine- rt

uses ono because the re-sult is practically tho snuie.They arc exclusivo with us.

In tho warm weather (andthat mean-- i nearly all theyenr round with ns), nothingis so refreshing as an icecream or a sherbet. Tho

tLightning Freezer excels all

; others in tho making of theso, delicacies. Wo soli this in' preference to any other.I After your dessert a cup ofdelicious cofleo is almostnecessary you know whatmuggy coffee is? By the useof a Princess cofl'eo pot thociieo is absolutely clear andfree from grounds. Whentlio berries aro ground in anEnterprise mill such as wesen and cooked in a "Prin-cess" nothing can bo hotter.

You've read about chafingdishes, possibly owned ono;those -- made of Aluminumsuch as wo olTer are tho best,and iu tho end tho cheapest.

Von Holt Building.


Photograph : Gallery,Opposito Lovo'tf Diil-or- on

Muuanu :- - Street,Where lni will onfor immodintely hito tliowork of Taking I'ictuits. Mr. boveiiu 1mslmil yearn of u orienoa nt this blanch nndhas iiIuujh met with micettiH iu it.




Omen: 203 Merchant street, CampbollBlock renr of J. O. Curtor'u office. V, O.Box oliO.


I'11 .

Page 5: I J If &Vt.INUNU C 41 i.niHv OBr- Srt 1 JTZS D Vfc ULLGTIN … · 2015. 6. 1. · Prince of Leiningen, nnd sister of Leopold Prince of Saxo-Cobur-aftorwardH King of the Belgians),


Sco Jordan's offor for tinswook.

Tho American League meetB to-

night.S. S. Alnmcdn tomorrow night

or Thursday morning.Co. 13 will moot this evening to

elect a second lieutenant.Bruco "Waring it Co. havo a

notice about Kowalo lots.

The U. S. S. Adnms may boback from Lahaiua tomorrow.

About 10,000 artificial limbs aroturned out in England ovory year.

Thoro has beon a change ofpartnership in tho Bay Ilorsollestaunuit.

Tho government band will playat the Hawaiian hotol on Thurs-day e ening.

Annual camp fire of Georgo W.Do Long post, O. A. It., tonightat Little Britain.

V. W, Uimond calls attentionto culinary utensils that offer joy

j to the house wife.

y Tho govornmcnt band will playat the Queou's hospital this after- -noou from !3 to 5.

Excelsior Lodge No. 1, 1. O. O.

F., will shortly colobrato its fif-

tieth anniversary.

V ,S7

Notice to creditors of WalterA. AViight, baukiupt, "Waimea,Knuai, is given elsewhere.

Tho now street numbors arocoming into very geuoral use andwill prove a groat convenience.

It is rumored that H. Uaokfoldit Co. aro about to erect anotherlargo building on their promisee.

Tho second steamer of tho Nip-pon Yusou Kaisha lino is now duofrom Japan on hor way to Seattle.

Court Camoes, No. 8110, An-

cient Ordor of Foresters, meetsthis ovoning at tho usual hour audplace.

QiUM-n'- s hospital trustees havea meeting toiuoirnw nioruing at10 o'cloi-- in the Chamber of Com-

merce rooms.

Tho last game of the baseballsoason comes off novt Saturday.

' Tho opposing tennis will bo thoHonolulus and KaniB.

Among tho Turks tho bodies oftho dead aro held in extremo rev-crone- s,

although tho cemeteriesore used as picnic grounds.

Thoro was tho usual largo at-

tendance ut Emma squat e bundcmicort last night, aud tho bandboys were accorded two encoies.

W. W. Noedlmm, who was pro-minently mentioned as tho nextsecond lieutenant of Company B,has withdrawn from the race forbusiness reasons.

Tho next social event will bo thoQueen Victoria celebration underthe auspices of tho Sons of St.Georgo on Friday ovoning at

park.Tho shelving in tho now storo

of B. F. Elilora it Co. on Bethelstreet is about completed. "Work-

men aro now engaged on a num-ber of handsome countors.

Tho Doric's contract laborersj havo boen forwarded to thoir re--

fipectivo plantations as follows:Ewa 01; "Waionao 21; Hakalau 27;Hilo Sugar Co. 2S; Olowalu 11.

Beautiful, artistic, accurate,charming island views ut KingBros. Every prominont point ontho islands is photographed by usand painted by tho host of ourartists.

A ten men match between Co.D and tho Police Department willbe shot Saturday at 2:JiO p. m., ntthe Iviloi butts. Tho match willbo for glory and a return shootwill take place later.

Seattle is fast becoming a greatcity. Ono thing which makes it

' famous is Seattle beor, which youfind at tho Criterion. A goodthing always makes its mark.This is ono of tho best things onearth.

Tho "Now Ideal" Sowing Ma-chin- o

sold by the Pacific Hardware Co. is warranted tor liveyoars. It takos tho satno shuttle,noodlo tako up.bobbin winder andhas tho same feed as tho "NowHomo." Tho Pacific HardwareCo.


Males Jletter Braid and Pttsiry thanAny Other Known Iirand.

Ask Your Grocer For It.

UNION FEED CO., Sole Aijonts.



Officer Tout a is saving up hismonoy to buy a wheel.

Dr Atcherley and alct arostopping at Saus Souci.

Tho mounted polico will havedrill at tho ball grounds tomorrowmorning.

Guh Sprockols and D. Centeraro bookod to leave on the Clau-din- o

tonight.Tho appointment of tho now

Sheriff of Kauai will bo madopublic boforo tho 1st of October.

Ono of tho mounted polico shota horso in Sylvana's pasturo yes-torda- y

which was affected withlockjaw.

The meeting of tho BorotaniaTennis Club, called for this ovon-ing, has beon postponed to Fridayovening, the 25th.

The two Salvation Army lassies,who wero arrested for obstructingFort street with thoir meetings,will bo tried tomonow.

J. F. Brown, agent of PublicLands, gives uotico of tho sale byauction of extensive fish pondsatMoanalua on October 17th.

Gus Rpreckels and ManagerDavid Center of tho Spreckolsvilloplantation are making their head-quarters at Sans Souci duringtheir stay in tho city.

Four Chinese wore placed bo-hin- d

tho bars this morning, onofor cliofa transactions and thoother threo for investigation.A native wus also run in for bell-

ing swipes.Tho polico nro going aftor

wheelmon who neglect to carry alight at night. C. S. Weight wastho first victim last night but hoescaped with a reprimand fromJudge do la Vorgno.

Tho Hawaiian Hardwaro Com-pany havo introduced a novelty intho shapo of the ordinary stabloor barn lamp with glass oil re-

ceptacle instead of tin. They arosold at tho satno price.

The two now liquor soilingcases against Georgo Ilough tail-ing will corao up in tho policocourt tomorrow morning. Messrs.Grcightou and Corrca have beonengaged for tho defense.

D. Howard Hitchcock tho ar-

tist, has returned from his vaca-tion trip to Hawaii, and will tely

re open his drawingond painting classes. Mr. Hitch-cock's health is much improvedand ho proposes to got down tohard work with renewed vigor."At homes" on Friday afternoons,from 1 to 5 o'clock.


To Purchasers of KewaloLots:

All tlioo parties limln:; reciUecl mimbrrsfor loin nic reiuii.U'il lit cull ut our olllce,wlieru lots cun now be ncltcttd ami the lintpayment made.

11KUUK WAKING & CO.Honolulu, Sept. 10, ISM. 412-t- f

IN THE CIUCUIT COUNT OF THEFirst Ciicult, Hawaiian Itlunrls. In thoMutter of tlio Dimkrnptey of Walter A.Wright of Vuimen, Kuuui. Creditors oftho saiil Bankrupt nro hereby notified tocome in and prove thoir debts before theClerk of the Circuit Court of tho First Cir-cuit, nt tho Court Homo in Honolulu, onMONDAY, tbe 28tli Any of Heptombor,HOG, between tbo hour of ton o'clock intho forenoon mid noon of tho suid day, audelect nu AHsifjnee, or ABsifintos, of tho saidiinnkruptft Estate.

Uy the Court.l'.D. KELLETT.Jk.,

tl2-5- t Clerk.

Administrator's Notice.

The underaignsd liuwngbcoa appointedAdiniuibtrator of tlio Dilate of Laliiiinu,Into of Honolulu, Ouhu, deceased, by orderof tbo Ilonornblo A. l'erry, Socnud Judgoof tho Circuit Court, Fiist Circuit, boiebynoliiioa nil persons lnuing claims againstBaid estate to present tho Biimo with

oucliers duly nuthenticntod, if any oiists,oon though the mimo bo secured by niort-gng- o

upon rent estate, to him nt his ollice,No. 210 King street, Honolulu, Ouhu,within six months from tho date hereof, orsuch claims will bo forovor barred, Allpersons iudobted to said estate, aro notifiedto pny such debts to tho undfrsigno'l,

A V. UIlIt,Administrator cum testumeutu uuncxo

of the Kstute of LaliatuuDated Uonoluln, Sept, 0th, lSOi). 403-5- t


fimuaiiuiB hkkiiuv210 King stroet.

Difficult Collections a Specialty


Collector 6 Real Estate Agent,

Xoi to the Woiunu's Exchnnge.

llring iu your bills, thov will bo piomptlyattended to. TdeiiLono 039; L'. O. Box 430.


Highest of all in Leavoning Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.

IvirS! Bsft'&rBSGLVHlY 855Sv

(PrIc nil written ly Honolulu lad,)

fill t8 Worm's Weeland all tlio men and womenmerely cyclers is a truer adapt-ation of an old familiar quota-

tion than would appear at firstglance. We are a trifle behindthe times in Honolulu as far ascycling is concerned.

In Washington, D. C, twothousand men and womenformed in procession a fewweeks ago. If they rode sixabreast, a column leu mileslong would ho tho result; threoabreast would moan a linotwenty miles in length.

"Why delay; bo in the swim.You want to bo an te

girl. Then buy n

Waver!ey Belle,T. W. HOmiON, Agent.


9 rp era

mlAT- -

Fo:K"dLs,:o.!'iSNo. 10, Fort Street.



Beautiful Cabinets,Etageres, Inlaid Desks,Hand Carved Ivory,Tortoise Shell Combs



In Infinite Variety!

Just 'ReceivedA now large consignment of



Baseball SeasonHonolulus

vs- -


Saturday, Sept. 26, 1896Game Oallkd at 3:30 v. m.

- (23c.412-3- t

Dissolution of Copartner-ship.

Tho pnrtnorBhip heretofoio existingl'ang Chuu, Cluing Leo, Olmug Meo

llow and I.oong Nam, uiulor tlio firm unraoof Day Hotso Hcstaumnt, is this cliy

by mutual content. Tho undersigned huvo bought out the business of thol.ito fir ea nnd will coutinuo it nt tho oldntand on Hotel street under the Bamonnmo,collect all outstanding accounts nnd piyall bills due by the Into firm. They willalso issrao now meal tieliets in ciolmngu foitho old ones from date until Satuulnv next,September 2Gth.


Honolulu, Sept. 21, 1890. 112 2v


Crockery is something whichmust const mtly bo replacedand there is no insurance on it.Mnnuf'iictun is find so manyobjections from persons whodo not wish to tiav hirli urinesfor such ware that they havebeen torced to ptoduco deh-cate- lr

decorated crockery ntabout half what they havebeen getting. Wo havo someof "theso goods.

England comes in for thissort uf business revolutions;goods are cheap thero at anytime, but evni there thedemand for a reduction wasfelt to an extent which enablesus to sell first class Toilet Setsat such prices as will openyour eyes.

Wire Door Mats, excellentwearing quality and our goodsequal in any respect to thosesold in Honolulu and in manyinstances better. Ours arebetter.

We aro having a run onCocoanut Fiber Mats whichwe sell nt ono half of whatthey sold at before. Comoand ko f.ir youiself.

Glass Tumblers, tho bestever shown in Honolulu ntdouble tho money, aro soldtoday at prices that werenever dreamed of. WaterJugs either white or colored.Decorated Sets of Pitchers,genuine Persian styles, eachset having, throe differentsize pitchers, aro sold at thosame margin of profit.


Queen Street.

Puunui Tract !

8150 OO

A Lot 50 feet by 100 feetOn the Instalment Plan nnd 10 I'orcent

Discount for ('a ill.gjtT Apply to

JAS. P. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

Or W. O. ACIII, Ileal Ehtalo Droker.September 21, 1S!)(J. H2-t- f

Y.M.C.A, Evening SchoolWILL Ol'I'.N


Sopt. 21st, and will coutinuofor Two Terms of,

13 Weeks Each.Classes will bo nrirnnbeil In Hook-keepi-

Klimintary and Advnncnl bnitliund, Type-writ Inn. Vocal and Instrumental Music, thellaunllnn I.nnpinu, Heading, Wrltlnp, etc.All Olisc are Irco to members; to others nfee of fi will be charged.

j:7 For further Information, read ourpamphlet or ring up 4J7. :i'J7-l- iu

Attention, Company B.

AnMonv Company U, N. G. nHonolulu, Septembor 22, 180C. j"

MKMBKU OK THISBKVKItY beiiliy ouliied toroportnt

Slieil, THIS (Tucsila))!, I MM, at T.CO

o'clock, for the nuriiote of Klectim;a Second Lieutenant. Uniform and tildeArms. i:. A. JACOHSON.

112-l- t Lkutenaiit Commamllm,'.


I hereby fiivo notico that I hnvo rothe Oeiior.il Afionoy of tho Ger

111,'inin Life IiihUianco Co. of Now York fortho Hawaiian Ihlandn, ond nhall not boreHponsihle for any reprtBontatlons in re-

gard to its bubiucM heio mndo by othem.0. D. CHASH.

Honolulu, Sept 15, 1S90. 412-O- t.

N. S. SACHS'520 ITorfc Stroet.

Lace Striped Dress MullsIn dolicnto shndps, Bilk lustre, just tho tiling for ovoningurossos, omy zu cents a yurd,

Pin Dotted Swiss MuslinsIn solid colors, sulphur, pink, black and yollovv.

Pure Linen Lawn for $2.50a pioco, contniuing 1G yards ntul gtiurnnteod to ho purolinon

Our White Goods Departmentis most comploto, Victoria ami Persian liwn, dimitiesiu 8tripo and phiids, nan?ook, intills, swis munlinH,fancy plaid and striped whito goods

At Rock Bottom Prices!



Fino Whito Muslin in openwork. Uoautifitl PatlcruM,A great stock of - ....

. Valenciennes Laces .


B "Wo expect within ton days a great and now stock of

D & GRSSSTSOrdered Specialy by Us !

This is kuown to ho thofinest Corset mado. . .


Kl.Signs of Every

Gilding on

As tho Hunting Season is now open, it behooves every

Sportsman to see that his Dogs aro in proper condition. Wo

carry a full stock of all best Remedies for Diseases of Dogs,


Benbow's JVIixture,

Sergeant's Surea$ Remedies



Brass Signs and

J. T. IXM,illiSt, MiCkCl ailtl Silver Plating.,






Electro-Platin- g


Glas a Bpccialty.



.. wriXLitiL '. ..A. JdLkM HL MmaMiim &Mtiti&



hJlIV t


H n






KM9 .

Page 6: I J If &Vt.INUNU C 41 i.niHv OBr- Srt 1 JTZS D Vfc ULLGTIN … · 2015. 6. 1. · Prince of Leiningen, nnd sister of Leopold Prince of Saxo-Cobur-aftorwardH King of the Belgians),

mmammmmMmmmmmmmmmimwHSTvy 5' 7wffiPr3Ff-- r fPmf j?nryy wnyf!,..., wH.

W' c


'' r.






I V '.

f a1'- ft.

IIor Jim Snmlerii lirpimtetl (if ItU VonJfccr to l!o Tnltcu Alive.

When tho sheriff went over fromGoldun Hill to Lucky Vnlloy nftcr JimSunders, who was vrntited for shootingD.m Williams hi n quarrel over n gamoof cnnln, ho didn't oven tnko n gunalong. Ho found his man in n snloonand risked him to step up and tuko ndrink. Jim complied, but kept a handen his gnu. When they had drunk, theyBat down, und tho sheriff told thrco orfour funny stories. By and by tho puz-zled Jim broko out with:

"Sco here, Joe, did you come over aft-er me?"

"Waul, I thought you might want tojog along back with me," was thoicply.

"Not much. I'll never bo takenalivo."

"Then that settles it. Let's hev an-

other drink."'JL'hoy drank again, and tho official

told a very fnuny story about a tender-foot's experience in Golden Citv Jimlaughed as loudly as the others, butpresently grow K'riniw and said:

"Say, Joe, you c.in't tako mo alive.""Waal, wo won't worry about that,

Jim," was tho leply. "Let's hev anoth-er nip and then a game of cards. "

Tho gamo lasted until tho sheriff hadlost about $20. Then ho ordered drinksmid sang a song. When tho song wasfinished, ho said to Sanders:

"Jim, hovn't I mado things pleasantfur you today?"

"You hov, Joe, and no mistake""Treated you iiko a gentleman

hovn't I?""You certainly hev.""That's my way of doin things.

Now I want you to treat mo like a gen-tleman. Go back to Golden City withmo?"

"But I shot D.m Williams over thar.""Of course you did.""And thny want to hang mo.""Of couiso they do, but that's noth-i- n

to mo. I didn't mako tho laws. Iwas Bent out arter you, and I want totako you back. I could hev sneaked inand got tho drop on you, but I knowed'twould hurt jour pride. Hovn't I bintender with you, Jim?"

"You hov, Joo; but I don't want tobo hung. "

"I s'pose not, but seo how nice I'voused yon. Would uny other sheriff hov(hum it?"

"No, I reckon not""Of course not, and if you nro hung

won't I boss the job and mako it as easyns possible? Just como right along toobleego me, Jim."

"Would it bo a great favor to you?""It would, and it would show mo

that yon "was a gentleman to boot. I'ma gentleman myself, und I kin appre-ciate a gentleman."

"Waal, Joe," said Jim, after a mo-ment's thought, "I did say I wouldn'tgo, and I did think I didn't want to bohung, but to oblcego you and to showtheo critters that I know what goodmanners is I'll go along with you."

And ten days later Mr. Sanders at-

tended a neektio fcociul and was left bo-hi-

when tho others started for home.Dallas News.

In ISIcycJo Parlance.He Demcst girl, tho tiro of my

heart has bet n punctured by tho tacksof your charms. Bo mino and lot usrido tandem through life.

She How sweet nnd strangol Youhavo scorched your way to my affec-tions, and I c'liiuot back pedal againstyour attractions. I surrender tho han-dle bar of my lifo to your hands and amsuro you will steer our united liveswisoly. Philadelphia Itoviow.

lilt Location."I livo in n town, " Baid tho bewhisk-cre- d

man, ho was tilted back in thohotel chair smoking a rank cigar,"whero a father, two sons und an uncle,nil membcm of tho samo family, ranfor oflleo at tho last election."

"Pardon mo," ventured a bystander,"but what part of Ohio aro you from?"

Now York Sunday World.

An to the Journey.Mr. Ferguson (who has been ready to

start to tho theater an hour or more)Laura, if you had to tuko a train forheaven, you would got loft.

Mrs. Ferguson (buttoning her gloves)I don't know whether I would or not,

tut if I did catch it I know I wouldhavo to travel without any escort.Chicago Tribune,

No IIop In Tli ft t Quarter.Charlie Paywell Say, old man, will

you let me hao !$.() until tomorrow?John n io Goodboy Can't, my dear

boy. Haven't got it. Why don't youask Howls .' Ifi might let you havo it.

Churlio P.iyvi ell No, I couldn't ex-

pect to got a ih.Uitr from him; ho owesmo $50. Now York Sunday World.

Nicrly furuiahod rooms nt thoPopular House, lfil Fort Htroct,from S1.00 per week up.

A. J. Dorfay, D.D.S.,oftce Cotton No. 100,Btiet. ti'li'liliniiO ' O. ()15.

houiH !l k m in 4 r m.


King Uro.s. latest conHignmentof picture frnniPB has tnkon thetown by Btorm. The designs areelognnt, up to date and of thohaudpomost.

Tho (Jiitei'Miii Haloou is a'pleneimt plnc-- to go to and itsgreulohl ntt rt'i 'mi in tin pure,cold Smittle Iicit on draughttlinro. t m.iKort one's mustaclior.nrly nrd im'- - now lifo into thofailing coui.uniptivo.

FirstLast and oil tho tlmo Hood's Snrsnparlllahas been advertised ns a blood purifier.Tho great cures by Hood's Sarsaparlllahave been accomplished through purlfltdblood. Scrofula, salt rhcuin, eczema,rheumatism, neuralgia, yield to Hood'sBarsaparllla, becauso it eradicates tho

fcHoLSJEVestlgo of thoso impurities which hnvobeen developing, perhaps for years, Intho blood. Hood's Sarsaparllln curesnervousness by feeding tho nerves uponpure, rich blood. It absolutely and per-manently cures when all other medicinesfall, becauso Hood's Sarsaparllla

AEwaysStrikes nt tho root of tho disease, whichis In tho blood. Thousands testify thatthey havo been absolutely cured ot blooddiseases by Hood's Sarsaparllla, althoughthey had becomo discouraged by tho fail- -

UIV VI WHIV4 HH.UIVI11VO V 1VW U1J IWW.Ko other medicine 1ms such a record ofcures as Hood's Sarsaparllla, becauso

Hood'sSarsaparilla .

I th bent In fact the Ono True Blood PnrKler,

are tho only Tills to takoMOOd S PlllS nittillooiTs Sarsaparllla

Ho"bron Drug Co., Agents.

t3T My Hack does not tip In this man-ner, no mutter how weighty the loud,


Hack No. 14flfflr TELEPHONE 170 3

Stnads Hothi-- nnd K.nu "vets.

J. J Solmvan,Prcdileuti

J. IlUCKl.BY,Soo'v.

MiaaSialilesCfl.X'i.Honolulu, H. I.

Sullivan & Buckley, Man'g'rt.


in tho City, with Competent and Care-ful Drivorp.

Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.


iiuvr'ii Hotel Stubles, U2.

Pantheon Stables, M,Fashion Stables, 148.

rTeper'sIxpress".BAGGAGE delivered and chook

ed to ii uy Simmer. Furnitureiiml Pinnos carefully moved ntTtrnp imhlf Rates.

SatisfactionFort and Queen St3.

DuyT-- l 912, Re-ule- Tel. G43

AMERICANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Meiclinnt nml Mellaril Sts.


tV Cnn luges, SipreiB :iml Ilachs nt alllioum. TKI.Kl'HONE 4UU.

-:- -

fliW"' nlHjHQPIHPslHHllillHMHIIIIIHIHIIHTvPWHffiSnRMQvTCi W"' ipr ).ipswf- - "va. '. TrinFrrffl r Tr "MW'Trnnrriini u ii ii .m biwii iiii mi

t v , f')",, T ifr? ,


Just Received

.... A new Impottfttlou of

Fine Woolens




J. P. R0DR1GUES,Fort Street, opposite llnckfeld's.







A Now Lot of Nice Goods JustEecoived. Cleaning and Ro-nairi-

215-t- f

AppearancesMore often than not deter-mine a man's standing. Ifyou will como to us for yourclothes we will see to it thatyou leave with a goodappearance and it won't qpstyou much. Latest fashionsnow in. Dress up and makean impression.

Medoiros & Decker,The Hotel Street Tailors.

Wnvrr'ev Hlnck, - - Honolulu.

CENTRALKona Sanatorium.Situated ou a Benutiful Ilil'side Oiorlook'

ingtlioOce.il, nnd 1300 feetnhtvo Sen Level .

Only 24 hoiin.' fcnil from IJouohiluClimute inild, c'or dry ntmospheie, freefrom fogs ami miliaria, eHpeclnl provisionfor quiet nnd rent ns well ns for nmubc- -ment nnd outdoor lifo

Kp AhdrofsDlt. H. A. LINDLKY, Prop.,

Mntf Konn, llnwnil

Seaside ResortWrightfs" Villa,

A Short Dmtunro fiom tho Dridgo,WnihiUi.

Tourists nnd otlnw will find it to theirHtlvftntiiKu to vsHt Ho nlioe rrsoit, nsjtho will uitctwith nccoruniortntionthat comfort rtquhtH

MUS. TI108. W1UGHT,.'125-t- f rropiietrcss.

CLUB STABLES,Btreet-- Tel. -- 7Vozt - - - -

BOARDING, -:- - SALE -:- - AND -:- - LIVERY.



A specialty.





Tim beht.of uttiHloii tfiven to niiiinnla left with n. Caietul diivcrn, rcspootfu.ntteuclniitH, iiroinptiu-KH- , llbclis, Surritd, liiukcs. BiiKiicH.rhaetoim, Wnyonettts.

Cl.Al'8 Sl'JtECKELS. WM. 0. IllWW.



San FrancUco AgenttTntt Nevada Dank orBam Fiianuisco.


San FnANOisoo The Nevada Bank of SanFrancisco.

London The Union liank of London. Ltd.New YonKAmcrlcan Exclinno National

Dank,Ciiicaoo Mcrcliantf National Dank.I'Aliis Comtitolr National d'Kecompt de

Tars.Dermn Drceilncr Dank;IlONOKONO AND YOKOHAMA Hongkong &

Bhanglial Uanklni; Corporation.New Zealand and Austiuua Dank of New

Xcalanil,ViOToiiiA and Vancouvek Dank of .Mon-


Transact a General Banking and Exchange Business

Term nml Oidiiiary Depulsts llccclied.Loans niaile on ApproM'd Security. Com-tnurcl-

nnd Travelers Credits IbhuhI. Dillsof Lxclinngu bought nml cold.(Collections Vhomitlt Accounted Foil

r. O. JONES.


B. A. jomes

The Hawaiian


Investment Co.HAVE FOH SALE

A Few Shares of

Paia Supnr Stock,Hawaiian Sugar Co. Stock.


Hawaiian Government ami 1stMortratrc Sugar Planta-

tion Bonds.E3 For particulars apply to

Tho Hawaiian Safe Depocit &Investment Company,

08 Fort Btreet ... flonnlnln

Established 185S


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-able in all the principal citiesof the world.

TBjjEOa . DVlSS.'GOiLisiarEiaD- -


Commission .. Agents !

Dry Goods,

Hardware and

Groceries." One of the divincst benefits that has over ccn.e to tho

human race." Thomas Carlyle.

--Mi --r

Pipes, Tobacco,CigarsSmokers' Articles.

Wo from the

of the World.

fine Cigars a Specialty

HOLLISTER & CO.,Corner Fort and Morclinnt Sts. Wliolcsulo nnd Retail.

Bulletin, 75c. Per Month



import Princi-

pal Factories


A Mof's Story.

Rev. Mr. Williams

Could Not Keep

House "Without

Paine's Celery


His Wife Rec-

ommends It to Cure


rev. vv. l. williams.

409 Mason Avkkuk, 1

Canon City, Col., Jan. 13, 1894. J

"Wells, Rioiiaudson & Co.,

Deai: Sins: "Wo use Panic's Celery Compound in our family and could

not keep house without it. Mrs. Williams thinks there is liotllillg' equalsFame's Celery Compound to cure nervous iieadacliesand the like. Success to you in every way.


Pastor of Presbyterian Church



--Tfflir&c.OILISTER DRUG Co.,

Wholesale Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

iv ,

Hi Hii Mhi


Page 7: I J If &Vt.INUNU C 41 i.niHv OBr- Srt 1 JTZS D Vfc ULLGTIN … · 2015. 6. 1. · Prince of Leiningen, nnd sister of Leopold Prince of Saxo-Cobur-aftorwardH King of the Belgians),


Ar V -- ? ' $5?w-- ? jHp! cwff??5pr' '"'Wl&la,. m- - "? ryp- - '.grvpr'

EVENING BULLETIN, SEPTEMBERMrwsflf.ciwiftitMMyiMmiiw nwiii


The Fad Now I For Loom, Wnvlnc I,ockAll Around the Henri.

Tho ono point In a woman's toiletwhich adds much or detracts immeasur-ably, an tho caso may bo, from her

ia tho way her hair is dressedand arranged. It mnst hnvo n tidy, wollkept look, oven though it is all fluffyand waYod to stand out from tho head.Hnirdrcssing' in its perfection is a ratherhifih art, which fow women understand,but tidiness is an accomplishment whichovcry ono can possess if sho will. Thowoman whoso hair waves naturally hassomething which sho rarely appreciatesat its full valuo, but sho saves a vastamount of bother with crimps. Tho wo-man with straight, unruly locks mustrcdonblo her efforts in tho fashionablocauso of kcoping her hair well washedto mako it dry and fluffy and wavo itwell out from her head all around.

Thero is no universal stylo of linlr-dresshi- K

for all women allko except per-haps in this ono uiodo of dressing thohair loosely, and tho latest fad in this is


to givo tho looso clfoot nil around thohead, especially at tho impo of tho neck,and bring tho ends up in n soft knotaround n bunch of buiull curls just be-

low tho crown of tho head. Bunches ofcurls falling low ou the neck and riug-let- s

on tho temples aro an old stylo ofhairdrcssing revived by foiiio womenfor quaint effect with thoir flowered silkgowns. Tho howknot of hair on thecrown of tho head, arranged to standwell out on oitlu-- side, is very effectiveon kmuo women, and a laigo Spanishcomb is tho usual accompaniment forthis peculiar style.

For uvoning dress tho hair is dono uphigh on tho head, with shell side comb"on cither sido, and aiglets and bows ofribbon and tullo are worn fcet well backou tho head, according to the fashionwriter of tho New York Sun aud au-

thority for tho styles described.

An English Kocllj'.A dainty novelty latoly imported and

illustrated in thoNew York Trib(s uiio is it combination affair fortho breakfast ta-

ble. It consists ofa silver toast rackwhich can bo ml- -

KOVBLTY IX TAULE- - justed to t!lO ma- -

WAitn. matutinal cup ofcoffeo or chocolato to hold its adjuncts,a couplo of slices of toast. Or it may boused at 4 o'clock tea, thus obviating thonecessity of a plato.

Chiosn 1U1U V. ith .I.il.Kl.Somebody pays that cheese, like oys-

ters, needs tho support of tho monthswith tho letter r. Nevertheless therearo thoso who servo cheeso balls hot withsalad. Tlicso aro mado by mixing a enpof grated cheeso with half a cup ofgrated bread crumbs, a well beaten eggand a few drops of Worcestershire sauce,lioll tho pasto into small balls, place inn wiro basket and fry in hot grouse.

Currant Wine.. Pick, stem, mash and strain tho our-- s

Tunts, which should bo very ripe. To aquart of juico add three-quarte- of apound of whito sugar and ouo-hn- lf pintof water. Stir all together long audwell, put into a clean cask, leaving outtho bung aud coveiing tho hole with nbit of mo&quito net. Lot it fermentabout four weoks. Hack off wheu it isquito still and bottle.

Watering rot.Tho avcrago waterihg pot is mado of

till or zino, but fancy watering pots aromado of china in whito and other colorsand decorated. Tho quart sizos in thodecorated china pots nro used in a con-servatory for watering plants; tbeso nronlso frequently employed to hold cutflowers in placo of tho usual vase.

1'eoil lilt) NcrvoH

Upon pure, rich blood ami you need not fearnervous prostrations. Nerves are weakwhen thev are Inipinpeilv ami Insulllclentlynourished. Vuro blood la their proper food,and puro blood comes by taking Hood's

which is thus the greatest and K'stnerve tonic. It also builds up tho wholo sys-tem.

Hood's 1'ili.s arc-- the lavorltc family cath-artic, easy to lake, easy to oper.ite.

Sterling, tho painter, is pre-

pared to quoto prices ou roofpainting. Ilo ufos n com position ofconl tur and cement. Cheapestand best roof prejmratiou in Ho-

nolulu.'Theie is n Imndsomo piece ofproperty, 70x100 foot, on tho cor-

ner Prospput nutl llnokfold streets.It is nil fenced ready for buildingand water pipe aro laid on. En-

quire of H. M. Dow.



Wcro tho wins for thoCleveland at thoPark on tho 12th.

More than any other


$"!! and $100 aro tho prices.Tho Cluvelands spin to wiu.

Tho v Mod v Agency

Ivtasonlo Tomplo.

Dr. W. L. MooreZEPla.3reic5.eun.

llllo, Hawaii.

Special attention gh en to diseases of theeye and ear.


Wnlanuenno Ave. ucar Court House. i03-t- i

Dr. Sloggett(Physician -:- - and :- - Surgeon

Rosldcuco next to II. Y. Schmidt,Es ., RereUuia street

Specialty. Diseases cf E7e, Ear, Nose and Throat371-3u- i



Emma Street, near Beretania.E2?" Hours: 3 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m.

I. MORI, M. D.,

Offico: Corner Fort and Kukui Bts.

Residence, Arlington Hotel.Uours: 7 to 8:30 u m; 4 to 8:30 p m,-- Saturduy and Siind i.v, 1 to 5 p m. Tnl. f30.

Dr. C. B. High.,DHllSTTIST.

Graduate Philadelphia Dental College,1892.

jYInsortio Tom pie.A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

DE1STTIST.IIot6l Street, Arlington Cottago.



Honolulu, ir. 1.

iST Oflico : lit Merchant street.



G. R. Harrison,Practical Piano Maker and Tuner.

Can Furnish tho BestFactory Raforcncc.

Office, Fort Btreet, opposite Catholio School.Telephone 231, 442 and 100.

$55" Orders promptly attended to.


Mercantile Agency210 King stroot.

DifTicultCollcctions a Specialty


Collector & Real Estate Agent,

J'tt to th Woirnu'H Exchange.

living in your billH, thov will ho promptlyattended to. Telephone 059; f . O. l)ox 430.

Castle & Cooke(Limited)

IMX'O R.M?12:R.M,




. G. Srwin & Co.(iiIMITED).

Wm. O. Irwiu, - Prcshleut nnd MalingerOlnus Spreekels, - - - Vice-Preside-

W. M. Giffnrd, - Seorotary nnd TreasurerThoo. O. Porter, . - Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AQKNT3 OF THK




Queen street, Honolulu, II.I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Cotnp-iny- , Onoma Sut-a-rCompany, Ilonomu Suar Company, WailulcuSuKar Companj, Wail.tc Sujrar Company. MakteSugar Coinpany, Malcifca.u Knnch Company,

Itancl). -- - Planters' Line San KrtuiclKolackLls, clns I'rtiMt H Co. Line of IkntonPaikiiHj.-AKeii- ti lloiton lloat.t of Uriclcrritcr3.AbciiIs Phllailclphia lioaril ofl'tidcruntcrs.

LIST OP OFFICMtStP O Jones, President; Qeorgo II Uobortson,Mmmger; K V Ilisliop, Trensnrer nnd

Col. V F Allen, Auditor; CM Cooke,II Wutcrhoiise, A V Cnrlcr, Directorrt.


Shaving ParlorsFort St. Opp. Pfintbeon Stables.

l'cnneo fi Feu.wMicz - ritors.

A Uelicnto Touch I

Keen Enzors !

Artistic Hnir Cutting !

Comfortable Clmirs !

fj Wo employ uono but tho most ex-perienced Tonsorlnl Artists. Tho mostLuxurioubly appointed Shop in tho Ishiimls.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

ThD Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeesAT ALL UQUIta.


Cigars and TobaccoAI.WATS ON HAND.

Eagle -:- - HouseNiiiiiuiii Anemic.

CURL KLEMME, Praprlatar,

New maungemeut. Commodious rooms.Table dourd tho llnest, including manyPalatublo German Dishes.

Board and Room, per wA $6.50 to $7.50

Table Board, per week $5.00

n ?J

A FAMILY IIOTI3L.1 - 3?xop.

Per Dny $ 2.00Per TTcok 12.00

Gpocial lontlily XJatoo I

Tho Best of Attondnuce, tho Best Situn-tio- n

uud tho Viiipst Sicnla in this Oity

F1. HORNHotel Htreot, near Fort.

BREAD, PJES and CAKESOf all kinds,

flgr The Fiuest Imported nnd Ilpmemade Confectionery.

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors


From 0 A. m. to U i. m von can cet a Cupof Iteul Koiu CotUe ot the "Klltu" lee Cream

I 1'ailoiB.

mm w ww'?mfmW; wW! ipiiHpiBW


22, 1896. 7 (4j


mmmmmhxi MM



No. C, Drnmm Street, - Ban Francisco,FOIt SALE IN BULK.

Ameiiican Uotmnox Whiskies in fiond perbarrel containing about 40 gallons eachnt various prices according to nge nndquality.

Califounia Gkape 11rxdt in i7ond poiburrel of ubout 40 to CO gallons.

OAHE aoons.Also the ceUhraled Cate )ikiea:

"i.xtra rony" Bourbon Wnisky, 12 bottlosj3 gallons per case.

"Bcnrpnws" llourbon Whisky, 12 Iraltles, 22-- 5 gallons per case.

"Old I ioneer" Bourbon Whisky, 12 bottles,2 2-- 5 gallons pericaso.

"Tennessee Whito Byo" Whisky, 12 botllos'2 2'fi gallons per caso.


Bond orders by .mnil. Satisfaction gun.rantood,

Bratinschweiger & Co.,141-l- No. C, Drnmm street.

Empire SaloonA general stock of Liquors, Ales and



OUR PORT AND SHERRY,Are of tho linent and como to uedirect from Europe


Imported st might from Louis-vilfo- ,



COMMERCIAL SALOONCur. Niiiiiuiii uud llcrotmiln Sta.

T. Ki:vn., ITIiiiinscr.

COOL FRESH BEER!Oh Draught nntl tho Standard Brands ol

Uottle Ueer.


r 4 it i.i. CLAitrrr a spiciai.tv.II V 1H 1 7 I MfJl . riTTrt J IT.n

llii II , mwm x 'hailuuiiuiimuo uiKI.NO AND .NOOAND HTUEETS.

Tl)o colohrated Entkiu'uiskBi:kk ou Draught and inBottles. .

David Dayton,4U Nlorolmnt Stroot.

Lands For Sale situatedat TCancohe, Oahic.

Jot near Limalilo HomeLois at Fcarl City.Furnished, JioomsTo Let.

David Dayton.42 Merchant street.

R. C. A. PETERSONCustom xTcucs Broker,

3STotarv -- :- public,General Business Agent.

Collections carefully attondod to.


W. H. RICKARD,General Business AgentWill nttortcl to Coiivoynncing in

nil its Brunches, Collectingnnd nil Business Mnttors

of trust.

All BiiBinoss entrusted to himwill recoivo Prompt nnd CnrofulAttention. Oflico:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii,

A New Abstract Office.

As n result o 15 year's experi-ence in tho Ahstrnct Business, Inm propnred to innko Ahstrncts ofTitle in n most thorough, nccurntonnd comploto nmnnor, nnd onshort notice.

I W. Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Oflico, 318

Fort Street. 215-t-f

- -



High Grad


Telephone 240. Ill Fort

J. S.




: AT THE:--,

u 5(Corner of Fort and

.Iiiur. rnnnivp.l H.T. lib. Alhnrr '- ' "

02- -



rur urK ora, w,.H.H.


WILLIAMS, (Manager)Undertaker nnd Emhnlnitir


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.Now Goods Received by Every l'nckot from tho Eastern States aud Eurojio

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMEEJAll Ordors (aithtnllv attondod to and Goods Delivered to any

i'rtrt ot tho City FREE,OnDB Solicited, Satisfaction Guaiuntkio


Telephone 53. j&i tSST P. O. 222.

Oahu Lumber Building Co.,King Street, near Oahu Railway & Land Co.'s Dexit.

Lumber Kerckaats, Contractors and Builders.IMPORTERS DEALERB IN

Doors, Sash, Blinds, Paints, Oil,Builders' Hardware, Etc.,

Landlord's Sale.

Public notice la hereby kIvcii tlint theKajilolanl has iiUtralned and levied

Hiion the following jfootls and eha'tels, theuroiiTlj of C. UawMiu, for runt due by thesaid 0. llawKlim U the paid Kaplolanl, andIn arrcnr to the amount of four hundred aud6cvcutv-ll- e dollars V'I75.(K)), for rent of cer-

tain picmlecs situate on Kln street, Ilono.lulu, Oahu. to wit:

Household goods, consisting of refrigera-tors, gasoline oil and wood stoves, bookcases, bedsteads, pine, Iron, walnutand koa bedsteads tables, writing desks,olllce desks, rocklnt; chairs, Japanese cabi-

net, water couleis, koa sideboard, washstands, carpets, wiro sprlncs. wash bowls,cushions, straw mattresses, lamps, siirlin;waitresses, straw, wool aud feather pillows,hnir mattresses, portlers, hat racks, elialrs,mirrors, bureaus. Also, carpenters' toolsconsisting of snuarcs, wrenches, hammer,nipper, chisels, saws, augers, ades. Also,blacksmiths, coopers anil farriers' tools.Also, lot of Jewelry consist Inp; or clocks,watches, scurf plus, chains, carrlujrs, cullbuttons, coins, silver creeps. Also, alot of musical Instruments, consistingof banjos, drums, violins, bows, etc; aleo lotof elolbhiK, shoes, blankets, etc; also a lot ofmiscellaneous articles consUtim; of poipounders, wire dress frnmes,cnrrl;ie springs,Ice saws, hhovels, books, piano qui.dra'it, parlor rillc. revolveis, canes, saddles,charts, bows unil arrows, tin tubs, photo-graphs, shot pouches und powder llasks,brackets, curios, curtain pojes.buby carrlnue,coral, hulr, dumbbells, I mil in clubs, bllii",blidcaues, glassware, sewine; macldne, thewhole constituting thu entire stock of sec-

ond bund goods lately In the store of the saidRawkiusat I ho comer of King and Alakeustreets. And nntlcols further given that saidj,oud ..ud th.it iels will lie told at publicntiilloiint the auction room of Jus P Mor-gan, ou Queen street, Honolulu, II I, ouTHURSDAY. October Ut, lb'J.l, ut 10 o'clocka in, to satisfy the rent duu ond In arrcar usafoiisaid on tho above

KAPIOI.ANI,lly lier attorneys, J Alfred Mugoon .t V 8

IMIngs. 4US-15- t

The Evcniwj Bulletin, 75 centsper month.

P. O. Box 147.

r.A -(J


Ikrctaula BtrcUs.)

nnnftrlninnr. til AlmZ. ..." "- - - "" i ' - r.







1'. O. ItOX 119

Take an Outing1arasaaarfESS


Trains will Ichyo nt 9:15 a. m.nntl 1:45 P. M., nrriving in Hono-lulu ut 3:11 nnd 5:55 P. M.

ROUND TRIP TICKETS:let Class 2d Class

Pearl City $ 75 $ 50EwaPhinttition... 1 00 75Wiiinnoo 1 50 1 25

Roman Catholic

Sunday Schools for Girls.... AT THE ....

Convent of the Sacred Hearts.All Catholic Parents aro kindly requested

to Mild their Children every Bnnduy forReligions Instruction nt tho followinghours:

1 Por Foreign Cliildrcu only at 9 o'clockA. M,

2 Por Portnguiho and Kutivon at 11:30o'clock A M. 408 Iw


Tulephono --'00, No. 210 Klug St.

f. . u. i- - iaj' ,iiiiii U . tfil-.

hwmkvt t&x&Li-- .tii2 cSu?- - , - ,iwJt.

t&tfsAtyMiLvi&A rx'A&Jb&i "lX JU-- hfii - h








. w.1

Page 8: I J If &Vt.INUNU C 41 i.niHv OBr- Srt 1 JTZS D Vfc ULLGTIN … · 2015. 6. 1. · Prince of Leiningen, nnd sister of Leopold Prince of Saxo-Cobur-aftorwardH King of the Belgians),

if '



1 ANOTIIF.il SIIII" AIIHIVKII TO L,,VIIi , ion new oni.



The Troup from l'orlliuid llulnicAlong tho Waterfront Sonic

Other Slnrlup Note.

The rteamers Kntial nml Walaknlc botlisoil ulthcoal fur tho Uardui Isle today.

Tho W 0 Irwin loaiUd quantity of ii;nrnt Kliiail wlinrf Idday. She lin (tlirliarrdIiit Inward cargo.

Tomorrow, liluli tide law 4:33 nnii Malitide small 4.18 pm; low tide laro lu:.. i mjlow tldu small 10.5.1 a in.

Ttie bark Mut'MiK lying In tlio MronmV

Sliu ulll dlclmru'i' lutnlwr lifter the barkCejlon nt Allen A KIIimii' u Iiui f

At present, l'aelire MhII wharf I the nmtunpli'urat't spot In town. Iliu tctuiililpAr.tec I dloclinru'lni: coal from four lialclic,find the coal dust tiki h about In all direc-tions. 8

The British Iron ship Troop, KilU master,nrrlu-- In port lute jesli-nln- nttcrnoon, 13

ilny8 frum l'lirthiinl, Uncoil. The Troop Isofl.V.'ll tons liurden, nml aft it ilNcliargluj;t'lOOtoiM of b.illat, the ulllload uar forNon York. Sbchas n muni itch aboard, theturn ImviiiL' bleu ultli her since she liftHongkong, some time ago.

ban r'luiifi-io- . Sint " I Iii'Iik IiiimIi nndCharles Klein, tun ot the hardiist sailorsthat thu l.m pcniii-ul- a ever pro-duced, arc preparing to attempt the daringfeat ol sailing around Cape Horn, from SanFrancbi'O to New York, In the smallestcroft that ever attempted to make thepassage. The cssl in which thotilpis tolie made Un sloop, -- he hue a length of :3fet't overall, . water line ol '.'S feet, beam,

"9 feet 0 Indies draught 3 dot and a dt plli otfile lev t from the tablu roof. Hie 1ms foroand aft eompartmciit, besides the cabin, andher rail Is six Indies high Mie carries nmalnaall and two Jibs, 'the trip for whichlensen nml Kh'lu arc repnilng Is about Minimiles. They will ketp the regular sailingcourse to make time, audi' ill stopnt t'o

on this side and the Falkland Islandson the oilier. They will not take thu Straitsof Magellan, but will actually round theHorn nml tnle chances with llin d.umcrsofthe trip. They cpict to start not laterthan October 1.1, and n much earlier aspossible.


MomiaV, Septal,llr ship 'Iroop, Frit, fiom 1'ortland,

TUKstiAY, Sept. S3.

Slior W (i Hull, Slmer'ou, fiom Maul andHsu all,


Tuesday, Sept. 15.

Schr K:i Mol, lor Hawaii

Stmr Kitunl, Iliuhn, for Mnkuwcll.

Stinr Walalculu, l'ctcrson. lor Knpau.

Stmr Mlkahnla, iluluiul, for Kauai ports.Stmr (JIuudlne, Cameron, for Maul and



Ptmr Iwalanl, Smytlic, for Lahalnaand Kukulhuele.



(Coasters not Included In this list.)

Ilr ship Troop, Fritz. I'nrtlnnd.Haw stmr Aztec, Itiouu, Naualmo.Haw selir Norma, Itosehlll, Fieiich Frigate

Shoals,ltrit bk Lndas. Ulxon. Llvcrnn-il- .

Am brig V ( Irwin, Willlnms, S F.Am bktn S ti Wilder, S V.Am bk Matilda. M Kinzle, Seattle.Am bk Oylnn, Cullioun, I'ort 'lownend.


Vessels Mheiutrom Duo

Am bktn Klikitat . I'ort (iambic Duo!er bk II K (ihide. .I.ajMin Isl.iud....Si'pt So

tier bk J U Hhide, Mierpool,...N'iicmber HU

Am bk Edward May,.... New York..Ai'g 30..tn bk Seminole XcucaMIe Duo

firshpElw.il Newcastle .. Duo(lor bk spiea Jlrcrneii Aug oIlk Slhulon Newcastle Duo

TlieUuiversalSlovea nml Knugcsnro going off like hot cakes nt thePacific Hardware Co.

Nicely furnished rooms nt thoPopulnr House, lfi-- Fort street,from $1.00 per wool; up.

Mechanics' ILnno, corner Hoteland Nununu streets, lodging byday, wook or month. Terms: 26and r0 cents per night. 1, and$1.25 i or week.

Oity Carriage Co.. J. S. And.rado. mtintiger. It yon want n

htiok with good horse and onro-f- ul

driver rinf; up iVIeplnuio 113,corner of Fort and MerchnntHtrenlH nek ii1 I lioms

If you want to frame anythingin tho very heat manner; if youwant your framo to harmonizewith your picture; if you want thoLest and most tasteful frame intho market, go to King Bros.

AVhon you aro down on yourluck and feol as if the wot Id wascold, haul and dreary, just stopinto the Criterion saloon and put arose-rolore- d tint on everything byimbibing a glass of Seattlebeer.

Singers lead tho world. Over13,000,000 made and sold. High-est awards at the World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, great speed, ad-

justability, durability, easo oflearning and convenience of ar-rangement. B. Bergorsen, agent,King and Bethel wtreets.





You wruit n good Direc-



You want a reliable au-

thentic book that containsall tho Names.


You DON'T want a rehash of the edition of twoyears ago.


You ought to "patronizeHomo Industry.

BECAUSETho only people author- -

Ats.l DJ Is tut uco 1U1 billNEW HAWAIIANDIRECTORY now be-

ing compiled by mo aremen who earn and spendtheir money in Hawaii.


A. V. Gear, A. C. Steele,V. Fernandez, C. H.White, F. Wilburton, H.P. King, J. B. Danielsand myself, are tho onlymen authorized to collectNames and Informationfor tho above work.

B. L EY.

fKS N. B. Seo Danielsand Finne' for advertis-ing space aud Books.


Wo wish to giio notice that C. D. Clmeno longer nttH for tho Germnniu LifeInsurance C mpany ol Now York. WotuUt) plfiiHiiro in announcing Hint Sir,0. 11. Cuitiss, a perfectly reiinblo nndgonlleiiiatily mnn, will romnin in Honolulutor the prfhotit to attend to thu affairs oftho Company,THE GKUMANIA LIFE INSURANCE

COMPANY OF NEW YOHK.By its Attorney,

J. ALI'llED JIAGOON.Dated Honolulu, Soptembcr 17, 1800.

411-l- w

i Lost.

A I'ostnl Snvings Hank Dcjiosit Book(o 13.ri,'i) in favoi of Mis. Lucy Stoveus.Finilur plenso rotiirn to Bulli.ti.n Ofllco.

110-t- f


For Sale.I Sold.3 Sold.a Two Stores on Nuuonu street.4 Lot on Magazine Hill, liiOzSUl feet,

commanding an excellent view of the cityand harbor.

5 Lot on Hackfcld utrcet, 80x100.0 ACholceHenldencoon Lunalllo street,

having nil modern Improvements.7 A Desirable ltesldencc at Mnklkl.

Grounds well laid out. Easy terms.8 Four Houses and Lots on l'unchbowl

street, Ml rented nt a monthly rental of 1 105.This property Is '.MU feet on l'uncubon 1 atrce,with n depth of 222 feet running to the drillgrounds or armory, with a frontage, on sametor 4 or 6 more cottages. The ceutial loca-

tion of the property makes It most available.U House aud Lot ou Klnnu street. Lot

TOxIGn ft. This property will be sold at costand Is an excellent bargain for a liomcseeKer,Tho house Is elegantly finished ond of thebest workmanship und materials. There Is ucorrlngc house ond barn on the premises andthe md la well laid out with fruit and orna-tiicnl-

ttecs.10 A Fine Residence centrally located,

containing i5 ronms. Lot 120x200 ft. Twosmall cottages on the lot bringing In goodrental.

1180 ctcs of Lund In Knlllil valley, (Wat-Kl-

side). V stream of water Hows alongthis laud. A bargain.


13 Sold.14 A Ooirmodlous Koldcnco on Hasslnger

street, titled with nil modem coincidences. Orwill trade lor suburban property.


Id llouo and Lot on llcretnnla street.House contains U rooms, and nil modern con-veniences. Lot 83x145.

17. Kino Residence on Derelanla streit.For further particulars Inquire at my olllee.

18. A House nun Lot ou Young strctt.l'J Ilou-- o and Lot comer Victoria and

Ucrctania streets, opposite Thomas siiuarc.home contains 0 rooms SUe of lot 1002u0.

20 Sold.21 House and Lot on Young street near

the residence nt tho Itev. Mr. Hyde. Lot110x140. House contains eight rooms.

22 Small House and Lot on Kcaumohustreet. Lot ftilxlOO.

28 l'cnrl City Property.2J Desirable Tract of Collco Land on Ha-w-

25 Two Stores on Niiuanu st, opposite Ku-k-

lane, also three lodging houses In therear of said stores containing 2o rooms In all.The above pas 10 per cent, ond Is leased toresponsible pjrtlcs for n term of years.

20 A most Desirable Homo on Thurstonavenue, Large grounds nnd beautiful llow-o- r

(garden; liouxo furnished throughout inlmrd wood with all latest improvements.Excellent vtow of the city nnd ocean, nudouo which cunuot be cut off.

27 Lurgo Lot nnd Commodious Dwel-

ling on Green btreet, commanding un un-

obstructed view of tho city nud lmrbor. Nochoicer residence is to bn had in tho cityoven by tho most fastidious.

28 A New House ot soven rooms withelectric lights throughout, bath, patent WC, servants' quarter and stable. One blockfrom car line at I'unahou.

2'- .- Only 4 of those Lots led near Kameha-mel- ia

school.80 Two Houses and Lots on LHIha street.81 An 18 Aciu Tiact of Laud nt Ktilihl

suitable for dividing up Into building lots.;S2 A House and Lot ou Alakia street.33 A Ueautlful Building Lot nt Kulllil,

100x200, cleared, leuccd and water laid on.31 A Gently sloping Lot on Thurston

avenue, 210x125, having a frontago ou Greenstreet of 105 feet, and commanding n bird's-ej- e

view of the eltv and harbor.35 A Lot on Alexander street, adjoining

residence ol Clnu Sprockets.h(i F.legaut ikacu 1'ioperly at Wulklkl.37-S- old.

CIIOICK LOT left nt Mnklkl.It ndjclns the residence of J A Oilman nndllio resilience sites ol iv 1j Hopper, ii j.aws,and I)r Wood.

3'J-S- old.

41' Sold.ohl.

42 Lot 75150 New houso of 8 rooms,elegant ) finished; servants quarters, caniagehouse, stables, etc, nt the corner of Alapaland Quarry stieits. Good view of the oi ean.

4!t Three houses of 0 rooms each, nil rent-ed to good tenants. Lot It I) feet on Ucrc-tania strict by u depth of2'Jn feet through toKliiau street, aud a frontage ou thu latterstreet of loo feet. Good opportunity forlu-lestme- ut.

41 Lot ou Mnklkl street, 7'xllo Cheap.lot on Peterson Lane,

Ilimse contains II loomr. Lot 75x110.4U Dwelling House of 0 roomf, litted with

nil modern conveniences. Lot USxllO.Sltuattd at I'alama.

47 Vacant Lot on Wnlklkl Iload, 100x110.48 llousu and Lot ou Ntiunuu street.

House contains Unlit furuHiid looms,Very conveulinlly located near the businesscenter of the city.

40 Elegant ltesldencc nt I'unahou. Houseof 7 rooms with all modem coincidences.Lot looxJoo, nicely planted with fiult andornamental trees.

Nortcu: I can Negotluto Loans on any ofthe uboiu property lor purcliiiseis deslrlugsame nt Irom 50 to 75 tier cent of tho value.

r Rent.1 Warehouse on Esplnn.ido.S Store on Fort stuet next to Club

Stables.8 A Furnished Cottage In a good location

for two or three month.t Housu nnd lot, IWWin, mi T,.ni off

School htitet, adjoining Kaulnwela schoolhouso. l'arlor, 3 bo Iroouir, dining-room- ,

kitchen, putitiy, bathhouuo, enniago house,stalt'o n in I outliiiildiug, Jleut 2.") purmouth.

5- - A Ueautlful vmimcr Residence nt theFciilnsula, I'e.irl Cltj, completely fiunlhcd:live rooms and sen i''s iUiit(.r. Will rentclieaji to a deslr.ible i nint The lot 1 overan acre In tiv ,ii d i 'I laid out, and com-mands a beautiful lien of the liaibor,

0 Store lloom, MW, W, jior month,driieway Into It. ISeivtunla street, leur ofClt) Feed Store.

7 1'leeu giound 30 feet front, on Hcreta-u- la

sin next to Clt) Feed Sloro. Willelect good stoic ou ground and liase 5 jcaisat 0 per month.

8 A I'uiuMied Itciddonco on King streetin a dtsliable Inealltl.

0 A l'uitlj FuiiiUhed Itcshkncent Walkl- -

1(1, next to the resldenco of J M McChcsuuy.Will lent by the mouth or will leusj to adcsliable paity. Fine tea bathing.

10 Furnished Cottnuu for couple at Wnl-klkl, servants' quarters, tnblcs, itc. $25 permouth, longli.tfcc.

II I.argu Hull on Kuiina sticct, groundHour. Any society wishing a quiet locationwill do well to see this.

A. V. G-EA-

274-- tf 210 King street.

For Sale or Lease

House and I-io-t!

On tho corner of Victoria and Greenstreets,

V& Apply to;:S2-t- f AHTUUlt UAlUtlSON.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets Jtihj, 1S9G, $100,546.16

Money Loaned on Approved Socnrity.A Snvincs Bank for Monthly Deposits.Houses Built on the Monthly Installment

Flan,Thirteenth Series of Stock now opon.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Secretary.Chamber of Commerce Hoonis.Ofllco Lours, 12:30 1:30 P.M.. 373-t- f

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,Gonornl Mnnnger of

The Equitable Lifo Assurance Society

Of tho United States for the HawaiianIslands.

Orr-r- v: Merchant stroct, Honolulu.



Assets, - - - $10,000,000.H. W. Schmidt & Sons,

Agontn for tho Hawaiiau Islands.

C. B. DWIGHTTakes contracts for nil kinds of BTONF

WORK, monument work, ctinont nndstone hidownlks nnd cnrlnng. I h.ivo onhand tho best llnwaitnn stone, Chinchegrmilto, etc. Fino stouo for mnnnmcntulwork. Estimates given nud lowibt pricctnssurcd. Tilcphoue 833.

Consoliflated So ia Water Co., L'S

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.



PLUMBER,Hotol St.. nonr Fort. Tel. 302


No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Apprnisernent of RealEstate and Furniture.


Merchant and Richnrds Streets.

15?" SUnrpcns TooU nnd Cutting Knives,(irliiiln Surulcnl lubtiumcut. to Older, FllcaSaws, etc., etc. 101-tf


TTaKid.ermistIluwallnn and l'orelpn DlrOs ami Anlmale

mounted In t lie best mnni.cr, unlhi: the latestmctliods only. Hotel tit near Dr .MUireW.


Nuuauu Valley, nbovo tho Mausoleum.

All orders given prompt and faithful ntteution. No oxtru charge for deliveringFlowers to any part of tho city, Lois,Mountain Grcous und Carnations a spe-cialty. 265-t- i




225 Queen Btroot, Honolulu, H. I.


Doulovs in Lumber and Coalnnd Building Materiuls of allkinds.

Queon Stioot, Honolulu,

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMorokant Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian News Company'sBook Storo. my 13.

M. S GRINBAUM & CO.,Limited

Queon Btrect, Honolnlu, mid 215 Ftouthtreet, Snn l'luucisou, Cal.

Illl'OHTKUS or

General Merchandise and . .

. . Commission Merchants.

H. & CO.


Cor. Fort nnd Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Wholesale Imporlois and Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods.

Poit and Qucou SticetH.

Canadian-Australia- n

Steamers ot tho above Lino running in connection with tho

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver, B. O., nnd Bydnoy, N. 8. Wm and calling at Victoria, B. O

Honolulu nnd Suva (Fiji),

A.R.E3 DUE --A-T EC03SrOIjTrXjTrOn or nbout tho dates below stated, viz.:

Prom SjMlnojr nnd 8u-- b, for Victoria nml From Vlctnrln nml Vntienu-n- r, It. C, toVancouver. II. C.I Stun nml Sjclnoy:

Stmr "WA1HUMOO" rJoptcmlior 21 Stmr "WARR1MOO" Octoler 10Stuir"MIOWr.R,' Octobor24 8tmr"MIOWERA" November 10Stmr "WAHHIMOO" November 21 Stmr "WARRIMOO" D.cttnbcrlOStmr ' MIO WJiWA" Dccembor 24 Stmr "MIO WEK A" Jnnunry 1G

Tlirou;;li TlclcctH isstictl from IIoiiululu to Cunrula,United SttitcH and I.ttropc.

FIIEIOHT AND rASSKNaEll aoknts:D. MoNiooi.ii, Montreal, Cnnnda.

Roiieut Kehii, Winnipeg, Cnnndn.M. M. SmnN, Snn Frnucisco, Cal.

Q. MoL. BnowN, Vnncoiiver, B. O.

Oceanic Steamsliip Go.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Frar.cisco:Tho Now and Fino Al Steel Steamship

" Monowai "Of tho Ocennio Htcamchip Company willbo duo at Honolulu from Sydnoy nndAuckland ou or nlxmt

Oct. 15, 1890.And will lenvo for tho nbovo port withMails nnd Passengers on or about thatdate.

For Sydney and fcucklanti:

Tho Now and Fino Al Stco Steamship

"Alameda"Of tho Oceatiio StcnniHhip Company willbo duo nt Honolulu from San Franciscoon or nbout

Sept. 24, 189G.And will linvo prompt despatch withMoilK nud Passennora for tho nbovo ports.

Tho undornifruod nre now preparedto Ljouo

Throutfli Tlcltots to All L'ointsin tho United Stules.

C37"For further particulars rejjardingFreight or PasatiKO apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,General Aconts.

km Steainsft Co.


Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulufrom S. F. for S. F.

Sept. 28, 18D0.. Oct. 3, 1800Oct. 20, 1896.. . Oct. 28, 1800

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Sydnoy for

for Sydnoy. Snu Frnncisco.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Alnmeda, Ecpt 24,'00 I Monowni.Oct Ifi'OB

Manpohi., Oct 22, '00 Almucdii.Nov 12,00

A LIFE SIZECrayonPortrait

Framed Completewith

One J3c7sr Photos of Ihs Sitter

FOIl .

Only 9Bio.OOVZT In tho LATF.ST OFFKK we have

to niiiku.

J.J.WllLlAMSPortrait ancT LandscapeFotograplier.FORT STI KET.Henry Davis,

320 Foit Bticct, near Merchant.

Merchandise Br'qker,Commission Aokn1!;,

Cnstei House Broker and Statistician


General Business Agfent.

T(, tfii. .

Steamship Line

C3T For Freight and Pnssngo nnd allGeneral Information, apply to

THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAgents for thoIInwniianTRlnntlR.


Mail JUIii. Co.

awi thu

Occiaenfal & Oriental Steamship Co.


For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG iStenmere of tho nbovo Companies will

cnll nt Honolulu on their way to thenbovo ports on or nbout tho followincdates:

Stmr City of Peking. ...Sept 28, 1800Stmr Doric Oct. 7, 189(1btmrUelgio Oct.24, 1800

For SAN FKANOISCO:Stenniers of tho nbovo Companies will

cnll nt llouolnln ou their wny fromHongkong nnd Yokohnmn to tho nbovoport ou or nbout tho followinc dntes:Stinr China Sept. 25, 1890tjtinrloru Oct. 12, t8GStmr Coptic Oct. 20, 1800

Rates of Passage are as iollows:TO TOKO- - TO 1IONU-IIAM- A.

KONO.Cabin 8150.00 8175.00Cnbin, rouud trip, 1

tnoutlm 225.00 2C2.50Cnbin, round trip, 12

months 202.50 310.25BteornRo 85.00 100.00

CSTPabseuKers pnymtf full fiiro will bo k inllowd 10 poivcht oil" return fnro if

within twclvo mouths.

CSTFor Freight nnd rnssngo npply to



IVililen Stcamsliip Co's


Copt. J. A. KINO, PortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leuvo Tlonoluln ut 10 a. m., touching ntLahninn, Jlnaluea Bay nnd M ,keun thoMmodjy; Mahukonn, Kawaihaound

tho following day, arriving ntHilo tho satno evening.


TniBdiiy . St))t 20 Thuihdiiy. .Sept. 2--

Kiiday..' net II Tuojsduy. ... t ct. 0Tnesdiiy Oct. 20 Friday Oct. 10"Friday Oct. 31) Tuesday . . . .Oct. 20

Iiuturning, will leave Hilo nt 1 o'clookP. ai., touching nt Lnupuhoehoe, Mnhukona and Kawaihao h'iu.o day; Mnkena,M.itlaea lluy aud Luliuina tho following,day; arriving ut Honolulu tho afternoonsof J uosday and Fridays.

" Wilt call nt I'ohoiki, Puna.tl?Ko Fieight will ho received after

12 noon on day of Hailing.

Stmr. CLAUD NE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Iloualiiln 'i'liehdiij at 5 p. m.itouching at Kahului, Uiaia, Ilumoa andKipahulu, Maui. Kftnrniug tmncs atHonolulu Sunday inoriiiugH.

Will call nt Nnu, Kaupo, on accoud tripof eaoli tuoutli.

gSfNo .'reiglit will bo receivid afterr. M. on day of u.uling.

Thin Company will rnKorvcs the right tomike ohuugeB in tho tiuio of departure andarrivul of it steameiH without notice nudit will not lo responsible for nny coiiht;(jucucch iniHiiiK' tlieiefimn.

Consigiifeii iniiht bo ut tho Lnudlngs toreceive their .'night; Huh Company willnot hold itself lospoimiblo for height afterit hiiH been landed.

Livo Stock only at owner's rink.This Company will not ho nvpousiblo

for Money or Valuables of pawongersunless! placed in tho caio of 1'un.crt..

Fashcngors nio requer.tcd to purchasotickets beforo ombarkiug. Those failing todo so will be subject to an additionalchargo of twenty-liv- e por cent

To Let or Lease.



THE 1ES1DFNCE OF MRS. A, LONG, ione milo from postofflce. Largo houso with .furniture. Four bod rooms, parlor, largedining room, pantry, kijehen. bath rooms,hot and cold water, with patent closots,servant house's, stables, horso pnddock,pardon and trees. A clmrinliiglnciitioii.

Apply to .i ATiiwn sp.annx.tf Merchant st next 1 o&tofflcei
