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Page 1: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

ŠKOLA: Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizaceČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434NÁZEV PROJEKTU: Šablony – Gymnázium TanvaldČÍSLO ŠABLONY: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT AUTOR: Zora PavlištováTEMATICKÁ OBLAST: Anglický jazykNÁZEV DUMu: Doplňování textu 2POŘADOVÉ ČÍSLO DUMu: 19KÓD DUMu: ZP_AJ4.R_19DATUM TVORBY: 31.8.2013ANOTACE (ROČNÍK): DUM procvičuje porozumění textu, odhadování děje a používání vhodné slovní zásoby nebo gramatických tvarů doplňováním chybějících slov do daného textu..

METODICKÝ POKYN: Studenti se nejdříve seznámí s 25 chybějícími výrazy uvedenými v abecedním pořadí. Na následujících snímcích se snaží text doplňovat větu po větě. Snímky jsou časovány po 15 vteřinách a po tomto časovém úseku se na dalším snímku objeví text s doplněným správným slovem do dané věty. Cvičení lze provádět ústně – studenti čtou (jednotlivě) text po úsecích, ve kterých vždy doplní jedno slovo, následně pak mohou doplnit celý text najednou (snímek 4) jako procvičení/test písemnou formou. Na posledním snímku je celý text doplněný, původně chybějící slova jsou zvýrazněna.

Page 2: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

These 25 words are missing in the following text (what do you think it will be about?). Read them carefully and make sure you understand their meanings. That will help you to complete the text with them.

• at• by• can• cereal• eat• fat• fit• from• full• good• healthily• hunger• instead

• keeps• lose• most• nothing• rich• slim• source• tired• trying• vitamin• weight• when

Page 3: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

Read one sentence after another and always fill in the gap.

The following slide will show you the right word to have been filled.

Page 4: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get ________. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to ________ weight. What we eat should keep us ________ and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone ________ feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to ________ small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( ________, dizziness and confusion). Eating ________ all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are ________ to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves ________ doing this. Breakfast is the ________ important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more ________. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water ________. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 5: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to ________ weight. What we eat should keep us ________ and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone ________ feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to ________ small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( ________, dizziness and confusion). Eating ________ all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are ________ to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves ________ doing this. Breakfast is the ________ important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more ________. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water ________. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 6: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us ________ and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone ________ feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to ________ small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( ________, dizziness and confusion). Eating ________ all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are ________ to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves ________ doing this. Breakfast is the ________ important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more ________. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water ________. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 7: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone ________ feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to ________ small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( ________, dizziness and confusion). Eating ________ all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are ________ to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves ________ doing this. Breakfast is the ________ important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more ________. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water ________. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 8: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to ________ small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( ________, dizziness and confusion). Eating ________ all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are ________ to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves ________ doing this. Breakfast is the ________ important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more ________. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water ________. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 9: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( ________, dizziness and confusion). Eating ________ all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are ________ to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves ________ doing this. Breakfast is the ________ important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more ________. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water ________. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 10: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating ________ all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are ________ to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves ________ doing this. Breakfast is the ________ important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more ________. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water ________. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 11: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are ________ to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves ________ doing this. Breakfast is the ________ important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more ________. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water ________. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 12: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves ________ doing this. Breakfast is the ________ important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more ________. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water ________. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 13: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the ________ important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more ________. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water ________. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 14: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-________ breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more ________. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water ________. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 15: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or ________. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more ________. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water ________. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 16: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or cereal. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more ________. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water ________. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 17: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or cereal. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more tired. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water ________. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 18: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or cereal. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more tired. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water instead. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer ________ headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 19: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or cereal. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more tired. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water instead. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer from headaches. You should drink ________ least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 20: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or cereal. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more tired. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water instead. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer from headaches. You should drink at least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. ________ C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 21: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or cereal. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more tired. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water instead. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer from headaches. You should drink at least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. Vitamin C is extremely important. It ________ us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 22: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or cereal. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more tired. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water instead. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer from headaches. You should drink at least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. Vitamin C is extremely important. It keeps us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important ________ of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 23: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or cereal. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more tired. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water instead. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer from headaches. You should drink at least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. Vitamin C is extremely important. It keeps us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important source of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all ________ in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 24: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or cereal. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more tired. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water instead. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer from headaches. You should drink at least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. Vitamin C is extremely important. It keeps us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important source of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all rich in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat ________ and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 25: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or cereal. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more tired. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water instead. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer from headaches. You should drink at least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. Vitamin C is extremely important. It keeps us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important source of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all rich in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat healthily and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel ________ of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 26: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or cereal. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more tired. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water instead. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer from headaches. You should drink at least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. Vitamin C is extremely important. It keeps us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important source of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all rich in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat healthily and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel full of energy. Losing ________ is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 27: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy

When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or cereal. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more tired. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water instead. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer from headaches. You should drink at least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. Vitamin C is extremely important. It keeps us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important source of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all rich in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat healthily and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel full of energy. Losing weight is not important. The secret is that ________ you feel good, you look ________!

Page 28: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or cereal. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more tired. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water instead. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer from headaches. You should drink at least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. Vitamin C is extremely important. It keeps us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important source of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all rich in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat healthily and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel full of energy. Losing weight is not important. The secret is that when you feel good, you look good!

Page 29: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434

The Ultimate Energy When most of us hear the word ´diet´, we immediately think about trying to get slim. However, a diet should be about more than just trying to lose weight. What we eat should keep us fit and healthy and make us feel energetic. With the right eating plan, anyone can feel great. One of the best ways to keep your energy levels high is to eat small snacks frequently throughout the day. Having several light meals keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level and stops you from experiencing the symptoms of low-blood sugar ( hunger, dizziness and confusion). Eating nothing all day and then having a large evening meal will not only make you feel exhausted but also make you gain weight. People who are trying to lose weight often miss breakfast. They are not making life easy for themselves by doing this. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and without it your body will not work properly. Eating a small, low-fat breakfast will give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh fruit, juice, toast and honey, or cereal. Although many of us drink coffee to ´keep ourselves awake´, caffeine (which is in coffee, tea and fizzy drinks) actually makes us even more tired. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop, and have a glass of water instead. Without plenty of water, you will feel exhausted and may suffer from headaches. You should drink at least five glasses of water every day – your body needs it. Vitamin C is extremely important. It keeps us healthy and helps our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important source of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables, so you should eat a variety of these every day. Citrus fruit, strawberries and tomatoes are all rich in vitamin C, and delicious, too! It doesn´t take much effort to eat healthily and you will soon feel the benefits. The right diet will make you feel full of energy. Losing weight is not important. The secret is that when you feel good, you look good!

Page 30: ŠKOLA:              Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:                   CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434


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